Chapter 2- Ask

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Nobody values my opinion. I have a chauffeur and a massive pile of homework. A chauffeur that officially starts working tomorrow. And, homework that turns out, Ms. Benett didn't forget. She just waited till the end of class to hand me all of this work. At the very least I don't have a maid in my room. Yet.

It's lunchtime, and I'm stuck with a stack of wasted paper that I have to juggle to my locker. However, the chemistry room is very far from the lockers. More work just keeps piling up. I make my way down the crowded hallway. It's filled with other students who are talking amongst each other. I do a decent job of avoiding everyone and safely make it to my locker.

My locker is fairly barren. It only contains the books I need for each class, some schoolwork, and test papers stuffed on the side. I place the stack on top of the books that I rarely use anyway. Most of the time, I go into the class and hope the teacher doesn't ask for it, and if they do ask me, I hope they don't notice I didn't bring them. Suddenly, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

Once I turn around, I see that it's a classmate. What was her name? Alexa? She has dirty blonde hair and strikingly green eyes, like emeralds. She always wears this jacket that's handed out to people who work in the student council. She is very prideful. I always hear her bragging about her grades. Though I know that we're not friends, hell we aren't even acquaintances. So, I don't have a clue what she wants.

"You dropped this." Her voice sounds clear.

Ah, that explains it.

"Oh, thanks," I respond curtly.

I take the papers from her hand and place them inside my locker. But she is still standing next to me.

"Those papers seem to be old homework?" She asked with an inflection in her voice.

" Yea, Ms. Benett gave them to me."

"Are you actually going to do those?" She asks.

I close my locker and look at her. She is staring directly into my eyes. Why is she asking me this? No, I'm not going to do those. I'm going to hope again that she forgets, and if she doesn't, I'll say I forgot.

"Maybe," I turn to start walking to the library.

I turn to the library because I never eat lunch or even go outside during recess. I occasionally read there, but I often just zone out.

"Wait, hold on. I-I know you're not going to do those. " She cuts in front of me," I need your help with something,"

"How would you know that?"

"I'm in your class I've never once seen you do homework."

Yeah, that's fair. She often collects the homework for the teacher. That's probably why I remember her face. She is one of the only collectors who doesn't completely skip me and makes me tell her every time that I didn't do my homework.

" What do you need." the question came out harshly.

"You have nothing to do right." She asked, matching my tone.

"I have those chemistry assignments. " I retort.

"I saw you put all of them in your locker."

She's persistent! Why does she keep locking me in corners? I don't want to speak with her.

"Okay, just get to the point."

" I need your help with a student council duty."

NOPE. That's not happening. Student council work is more tedious than 3 months' worth of homework. That's not a favor; that's a chore.

"Sorry, but no, I can't," I sigh and turn around "I've got other things to do."

I walk at a brisker pace than usual. Trying to make it more blatant that I don't want to speak with her.

"He- Wait clubs are the other way-" she says, but she doesn't follow me as I walk away.

Good. I'd rather not be disturbed. This is the first time Alexa has ever spoken to me, and she expects me to help her? I'm not busy for a reason. I'm not busy, because I don't want to do it. Student council work is the toughest too. The work they receive is often either helping other students, disciplinary action for other students, or decorating the school for the coming holiday. Any of which I'm not suited for, too much commitment. If a snooty student like her is asking for help. It's either because she having trouble with a problem student and thinks I can help her, or I'm that problem student. Either way, I'm not going to figure out her problems.

Usually, during lunch, the library is off-limits. But I'm acquainted with the student-teacher, Mr. Flores, who watches over the library. He lets me in earlier than the other students. I think he does it because he feels bad for me. Thinks I'm being bullied or something.

As I near the library's door, I notice that it's already unlocked. Usually, when I arrive, I have to wait a minute for Mr. Flores to open the door. I guess I'm so late he's already opened it up.

" Hey, you lazy dragon!" I hear a shout across the hall, it echoes through the room.

'Lazy dragon' that's his nickname for me. It almost sounds cool.

"Isn't this supposed to be a library?" I ask rhetorically.

"I know lazy, but we're the only ones here. Plus, I figured this place is so big that you wouldn't have heard me unless I yelled!" Mr. Flores is smiling while he says this.

Mr. Flores is a smiley man. He's always in a cheerful mood every time I see him. Mr. Flores is an average-looking guy. He looks similar to me, especially with his glasses, but I'm much paler than him. He is also a chatty man, but I guess that's what you get with philosophy majors.

"Hey, you were a little late today," he is still smiling," Did you make some new friends?"

" No"

"You know I'd let you bring them over. I'd love to see you with your friends" he continues.

"I didn't make any friends mister. I just had to put something in my locker." I respond.

"And what is that?" he asks.

"Some chemistry homework the teacher wanted me to do."

"See! I knew that was going to bite you in the butt! What kind of student doesn't do homework." he says cheekily.

"No. I'm still not going to do it." I smile back a bit wryly.

"Huh bu-"

"I'll conveniently forget about my homework, and by the time I remember it'll be too late."

"You should just conveniently do your homework lazy!" he rolls his eyes, " If you put half the effort you put in for avoiding doing work you'd already be done!"

He moves back down to his desk at the front.

"Lazy bum," he mutters on his way back.

I make my way down to my usual seat in the back of the hall.

Mr. Flores always groans about how lazy I'm. He tries to push me to do extracurriculars, but I don't see the use. Volleyball isn't my thing. He says I wouldn't survive a week in college. He fearmongers a lot; I understand that I can't pull the same tricks in college, but I only want to do the bare minimum. I want to get good grades, but I don't want to overwork to get a 95 to a 98. Whatever.

I decided not to read a book and just zone out while looking out the nearby window.


Time flew by the time I noticed It was the end of the day. Luckily nothing else disturbed me. The rest of the classes were easy.

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