Chapter I: New Arrival

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A/N: Hey guys!  Welcome to my story: My Sanctuary!  In case you have t read any of my former works (probably not since this is my first KH fic), my name is Ace!  I've been here on Watpad for a almost 2 years now, but I just got off a long hiatus so this is my first time updating in a while.  Speaking of updates, I'm hoping to get some out on this story quickly, but they will probably be unpredictable thanks to school.  You know how it is.  

Anyway, this is a reader insert story, using female pronouns, but you can always sub your own in if that's not your identity.  3rd person omniscient POV.  Takes place shortly before Birth By Sleep.  But, Without any further ado, I hope you enjoy the story!

Key for this chapter:

(h/c)=hair color

(s/t)=skin tone

Master Xehanort's castle was a lonely place.  A place where even the wind only dared to whisper, the birds refused to sing, the sun only sported a faint glow over the grayed-out sky.  Most would have found the utter quiet disturbing, as if terrors could hide in silence like they did the dark. 

Vanitas, on the other hand, found a certain emptiness, something akin to calm, floating in the desolate air.

Judging by his short stature, one could assume he was a young adult. A dark bodysuit, a collage of black, navy blue, and red covered the rest of his body.  However, there wasn't much else to observe bout the boy's outward appearances—as the rest of his features were hidden by a shiny black mask.

His demeanor was intimidating and dark, much like the atmosphere of a stormy day.  With every stomp of his veiny, narrow boots, frustration and crudity radiated into the air around him.  If anyone were to pass him by, they would surely have the instinct to hide away; partly from the pure hatred that radiated from his being, and from the uncertain horror that something was staring at them from underneath the shadowy mask.

But this wasn't a concern, for as usual Vanitas, was in the castle alone. Master Xehanort had disappeared to who-knows-where again, not that Vanitas bothered to investigate his master's whereabouts in the first place. For the time being, the teenage boy took advantage of the lonesomeness to pace the halls, having nothing better to do. 

The castle's white stone corridors were vacant, cold, and lonely, like an abandoned prison. In fact, that was how Vanitas viewed the castle–a prison, for he had been trapped there for what felt like an eternity with no enjoyable company or pleasantries.  Rather the opposite.

A flood of defensiveness, anger, and something else Vanitas refused to admit grew with every step. A felt a familiar burning over his darkened heart, but he forced it down.  Unsuccessfully.  Not now, he snarled.

 He halted in his footsteps, and his breathing turned slow and labored. He placed his hands on either side of his onyx helm, like he was trying to massage his temples. No, no Unversed. Not dealing with it, he thought stubbornly as he fought for control.

A low growl emitted from his throat. A few long moments of inner-torment passed before, thankfully, the burning in his chest died away. Vanitas breathed a tired sigh, both relieved and annoyed. The Unversed would have been a headache to deal with.

The Unversed were dark creatures formed by his emotions, and his irritation almost created one just moments ago. They could take many forms, generally based on what emotion and to what intensity Vanitas had experienced. The process of creating one of the creatures was painful, and destroying them even more so.

Whenever an Unversed was lay waste, its pain and negativity would flow right back to its creator. A never ending cycle of pain, from their formation to inevitable destruction. Vanitas hated them for this very reason. However, even he couldn't deny that the little demons had their uses; he could command and control them—an army of monsters quite literally at his fingertips. And they were of no short supply.

My Sanctuary (Vanitas x reader)Where stories live. Discover now