Chapter X: Revelations

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Anyway, remember how I said I had like 3 more chapter planned?  Yeah that went to shit.

BECAUSE I FINALLY GOT MY ACT TOGETHER AND NOW KNOW HOW THE BOOK IS ACTUALLY GOING TO END.  Honestly, we might only be about halfway through.  Shit is going to go down soon.  You'll understand after reading this chapter.

Speaking of which this is probably my favorite one so far.  So many feels.  So much angst.  I hope you enjoy it too!  Thanks for reading, and love you all!

(Y/n) was restless.

For the most part, she couldn't explain it. Her nightmares and panic episodes were becoming more and more frequent, until she was having them more often than not. No matter what she tried, she couldn't shake the sense of foreboding pestering her mind. Something was wrong. Something was going to happen. And it wasn't good.

Beyond that, training had become more intense than ever. She and Vanitas were both doing their best to keep their heads down, to do their jobs swiftly and efficiently, but (Y/n) couldn't help the surge of fear and racing heart that abused her rib cage whenever Master Xehanort summoned them, as he had today.

(Y/n) and Vanitas walked through the castle corridors together, neither looking forward to whatever their teacher had planned today. They didn't exchange words, but (Y/n) knew they shared the same dread. Subconsciously, she strayed a little closer to her partner's side.

All too soon, they arrived at the throne room. (Y/n) took a deep, shaking breath, her steps faltering before they opened the door. Her stomach churned, as if a death sentence awaited on the other side.

Of course, Vanitas noticed her rising trepidation. He had commented on it recently too, and justifiably. She had been disturbing his sleep schedule too frequently for either of their sakes, even when she only waited until she was on the verge of passing out from hyperventilating before seeking his help.

"Breathe." he reminded her shortly.

Anyone else might have been disgruntled by his lack of empathetic reassurance, but even the single word grounded (Y/n) more than anything else. She obeyed the command, easier coming from his mouth rather than her own mind.

"Do you need a minute? I can stall for you," Vanitas offered.

"No, it's fine," (Y/n) shook her head, gathering her courage.

It really wasn't, but her gut instinct told her not to leave Vanitas alone with their master. She could manage, somehow.

Vanitas stared at her for a moment; even with his helmet to mask his hawkeyes, the disbelief was evident. Nonetheless, the boy pushed open the chamber doors without further inquiry.

Of course, Master Xehanort, the old codger, was sitting in his throne like a bloodthirsty anarch watching his puppets lead his war. His sadistic, wild, toothy grin never faltered as (Y/n) and Vanitas silently, obediently, approached. The parasite of dread that had been growing in (Y/n)'s stomach multiplied by tenfold.

Stiffly, she and Vanitas bowed in unison.

"My apprentices, the time has come," Xehanort chortled, grinning like a madman. "My greatest mission yet, the biggest accomplishment of the age, is upon us."

(Y/n) remained silently, slowly realizing why she had been filled with such trepidation as of late. Xehanort had been alluding to some mission for a while now, but he refused to specify what. Vanitas would deny any knowledge then suspiciously change the subject whenever she pestered him about it.

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