Chapter IX: Cold Nights

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A/N: Cohesive stakes?  Plot advancement?  In MY story?  As if!  Enjoy some hurt/comfort instead!  Anyway, I want to thank you all once again for the patience and loyalty while waiting for updates, it really means a lot!  I hope you enjoy this chapter! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

(Y/n) woke with a start, gasping for breath as she choked on her own air. Shakily, she raised a hand to her cheeks, which were marred with tears. The droplets laced around her clammy fingertips, only to immediately be replaced by another sob. Her face was soaked with tears while the rest of her body was caked in a cold sweat.

Trembling, she tried to gather some assemblance of awareness–terrified that the nightmare wasn't over. The shadows of her room, the howling winds outside that rattled her windows–they all mocked her fear and threatened to pull her into their terrifying embrace. The nightmare replayed in (Y/n)'s reeling mind, and horrible bloody images invaded her vision, even though her eyes were wide open in sheer terror.

Covering her mouth with her hand, she sobbed. It wasn't real, it wasn't real, she tried to reassure herself, but the attempt was fruitless. Kingdom Hearts, even if it was fictitious, the images were terrifying.

After a few moments of shaking and tears passed, (Y/n) slowly sat up and swung her legs out of the bed. Between the shaking of her limbs and the shock still rippling through her mind, her entire presence was like an earthquake. For a few moments, she didn't know what she was going to do, only that she needed to get out. Her room was too dark, too claustrophobic, too alone.

With a shuddering breath, (Y/n) trudged out of the bedroom. Because her mindscape was such a mess, it took her a good few moments to determine what the best course of action would be. She simply stood there shaking in the abandoned corridor until her feet finally began moving on their own.

(Y/n) ventured down the hall, shaking in both her stature and her breath. Truthfully, she didn't really know where she was going. Her brain was too much of a wrung out sponge to determine anything, really. So, she just allowed her feet to carry her as far away from her room as possible. While terrified of being caught past curfew, her fear of staying in the prison that had housed her nightmares sounded even worse.

(Y/n) jumped at every noise, from the rustling of leaves outside to her own footsteps when they echoed too loudly. She only slightly snapped out of it when her feet automatically stopped moving. She looked up to see where her feet had halted. Quickly, she realized where she was, thanks to the familiar door.

This was outside Vanitas' bedroom. She hesitated, not quite knowing what to do. Vanitas was probably asleep at this time of night. (Y/n) weighed her options; going inside or staying alone for the rest of the night. The latter seemed much worse so timidly, she slid open Vanitas' bedroom door, being as quiet as possible.

She was greeted by the sound of soft snores coming from Vanitas' stiff form. She slowly approached his bed, even more self-conscious than before. Go back to bed, don't burden him with more of your struggles, (Y/n) lectured herself. But, even the thought of going back still terrified her so she braved the motion and shook his shoulder gently.

"Vanitas," she whispered, her voice cracking terribly.

A soft groan emitted from below her as her friend slowly roused from his sleep.

"For the sake of Kingdom Hearts, go away. It's the middle of the night.  Go back to bed," he grumbled venomously, rolling over with a huff.

"Van," she whispered again, more desperate as tears formed at the corners of her eyes.

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