Chapter II: Apprenticeship

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A/n: One hyper focus later and I already have chapter 2 ready.  But hey I'm not complaining.  This chapter begins with Vanitas and slowly transitions more to (Y/n's) POV. Just one other thing before this chapter begins: I mention a place called the "Land of Arrival" and that's just something I made up for this story.  (A twin for the Land of Deperature of course). Anyway, it's not canon!  I hope you enjoy at his installment, and hopefully chapter 3 will be out soon too!


(e/c)=eye color

(Y/n)=your name

Hours passed and the mysterious girl still hadn't roused from her slumber. Vanitas, having taken the time to rest himself, now leaned against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. Though his face was still hidden by his mask, the scowl on his face was evident in his slouched posture alone. Time had not worn away at his skepticism; he was just as displeased as before. Still, he watched over the girl like a silent bodyguard, waiting for her to finally regain consciousness, if only so he could torture her himself. Not literally, of course,  (Xehanort would kill him, no doubt) simply through cold manipulation and intimidation tactics that would alarm any sane person.

Thankfully for him, Vanitas wouldn't have to wait much longer before the girl stirred. As soon as her facial muscles twitched, Vanitas stiffened and scowled. Within seconds, her eyes fluttered open, revealing a shade of dull and confused (e/c). The (e/c) orbs darted around the room as she sat up, shaky but hasty, like a scattering lightning bolt. Vanitas eyed her, unimpressed and unnoticed, from his place at her bedside.

"Finally awake?" he sneered.

The girl jumped in fright, rounding to face him with widened eyes. Vanitas smirked—concealed by his mask—and pleased with himself as he observed the startled teen in front of him. Her hair was even more messy than before from sleeping on it, but some of the color had returned to her cheeks. Her suspicion, fear, and hostility all emitted off of her in her narrowed eyes and stiff posture.

"W-where am I?" she questioned, uncertain and scared.

"My master's castle," Vanitas replied coolly. "He dragged you back here for some reason–don't ask me why. I'm supposed to bring you to him now that you're actually awake."

The last part of his speech was spoken with venom, making the girl grimace. He made no effort to conceal his hostility. The girl observed him the same way he had to her, and her eyes quickly landed on the muscles beneath his dark bodysuit.

Nope, definitely don't want to mess with him, she thought, daunted.

"Okay," she mumbled, hesitantly sliding off the bed to stand.

Her legs quaked beneath her, but she stubbornly refused to show weakness. The strange, masked boy already menaced her; no need to make it any easier for him.

"This way," he said, leaving the room without any further notice.

Ignoring the pain that radiated from every inch of her body, the girl hurried to keep up with him. She limped her way through the corridors, grimacing and flinching with every step. Even if the masked boy noticed her discomfort, he didn't slow in his step.

"I haven't asked your name," he said begrudgingly.

"(Y/n)," the girl replied hurriedly.

At least, I think that's what it is, she thought, suddenly unsure of herself. That was when she realized: she really didn't remember anything at all. She scanned her mind for any memories, but found nothing but a blank, dark void.  

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