Chapter V: Partners

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A/n: This hyper focus is really starting to show isn't it.  Yes I am back with another update.  But guess what!  It time for friendship with Vanitas to finally begin!  I love that bean.  Anyway, I hope you enjoy this installment, and happy reading!


(Y/n)=your name

(s/t)=skin tone

(h/c)=hair color

TW: Brief mention of blood and stitches

Vanitas POV

"Pitiful," Xehanort scoffed.

An understatement, Vanitas scowled. He stared down at (Y/n)'s unconscious form on the ground, unimpressed by her display with the Unversed.

"I told you," Vanitas grumbled, "when you brought that pathetic child under your roof that she would be nothing more than dead weight. Remind me again why you've bothered to keep her around this long?"

Xehanort didn't reply to the scathing statements of his apprentice, which only added to Vanitas' annoyance. The master simply gave Vanitas a cold stare, warning him not to push his luck with more impudent remarks.

"Go patch her up. Make sure she is functional for tomorrow's training; we will continue this lesson then," Xehanort commanded.

This earned a hidden eye-roll of Vanitas, who, not daring to push his defiance, obediently grabbed hold on the girl's arm. He drag her out of the throne room like a rag doll, the same as he had the first day they met. He grumbled to himself again too, knowing that this girl had fallen into his responsibility once again. It was one thing for the old coot to undertake another apprentice, but why did he have to suffer too?!

Reaching the infirmary, he effortlessly lifted the girl's limp body off the ground and onto the medical examination table. As he huffed a sigh, he paced around the room to gather all the supplies needed to patch her wounds. The supplies piled up in his arms: a first-aid kit, bandages, and IV to replenish her fluids, amongst other things. The deja vu, flashing back to (Y/n) first day in the Land of Arrival, pestered him for the second time. Here we go again, me taking responsibility for her idiotic mistakes, he thought.

"Stupid girl," Vanitas muttered under his breath. "Honestly, if you'd just take care of the Unversed on the first go we wouldn't be in this mess."

However, a strange swell of pity bubbled beneath the surface of his harsh words. Vantias frowned, cursing himself for going soft. Still, he knew what it was like to be on the receiving end of Xehanort's cruel methods.  She was another victim, just like him.

While considering this, Vanitas allowed his jerky and rough movements to become softer. Rather than pulling the bandagings tightly, stitching the wounds shut with carelessness, or dumping antiseptics onto her mangled flesh haphazardly, he applied them all gently with his gloved hands. Heavily, the boy sighed to himself. He couldn't believe that her poor, lamentable state had gotten under his skin like this—so much so that he was willing to treat her mercifully.

His slight flusteredness didn't last long. After only a few minutes, all of (Y/n)'s wounds had been patched up. An IV and saline drip had been inserted into her arm. Color had returned to her washed out cheeks, which was a relief, given her previous paleness. She looked like she had gotten into a fight with a mummy thanks to all the white bandages across her arms and lower back, but at least she looked somewhat peaceful while fast asleep.

Vanitas eyed her as her chest rose and fell in her steady breathing. She seemed alright for now, but he still needed to make sure she was ready for the next day's training as Xehanort had ordered. He'll have my head if I don't, Vanitas thought dreadingly.

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