Chapter III: Training

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A/n: Hey guys!  So small update on the formatting of the book, I've decided to alternate POVs with every chapter, taking turns following at the story from your perspective and Vanitas' .  Still going to be in the 3rd person tho.  Also I forgot to mention in chapter 1 but constructive criticism is always appreciated!  This is my first time writing romance or for KH too, so Im extra worried that I'm doing something wrong lol.  Anyway, Chapter 4 will be out in a few days!  And don't worry, the actual action is going to start soon!  Bye!


(e/c)=eye color

(f/c)=favorite color


TW: Implications of abuse

Vanitas POV

What in the name of Kingdom Hearts had he done to deserve this?

Vanitas scoffed and grumbled to himself as he wandered around Xehanort's castle alone. A day had been since Van had met (Y/n), a day since Xehanort had informed him that he would no longer be the only apprentice in the castle. 

 He still couldn't believe the utter stupidity of his master. That girl? An apprentice? The idea was laughable!

Vanitas growled, thoroughly annoyed with both his master and the girl. He couldn't decide who he hated more in that moment. And of course, this was the day he was expected to train with her.

Vanitas had been summoned back to the throne room for a training session. He planned fully on making a fool out of their new arrival, if not just to spite Xehanort and to show the pitiful brat her place. His own abilities would outshine whatever pathetic moves she had. Vanitas had been doing this his whole life.  

 Thoughts of vengeance, anger, and pride polluted his mind. As Vanitas dwelled on them, an Arch-Raven Unversed appeared. He ignored it, and it flew away out an open window, frightened by his thundering footsteps.

Vanitas soon arrived at the throne chamber. He took a moment to regain his cold, distant persona by forcing down all his emotions. He breathed, slow and deep, while clenching and unclenching his gloved fists. Forcing down the remaining bit of annoyance left in him, Vanitas grit his teeth and opened the large oak doors.

As soon as he entered, Vanitas felt the eyes of the other two occupants in the room staring at him, with varying emotions in their eyes. Xehanort, who sat idly in his throne, leered at him with unconcealed sadism, which spoke of nothing but bad things for Vanitas. The girl, on the other hand, stared at him with an odd mixture of emotions on her face: fascination, timidness, admiration, and fear, all coexisting in her (e/c) eyes.

Though his own expression was hidden by his mask, Vanitas resolved to keep his demeanor as unwelcoming, disinterested, and standoffish as possible. He kept purpose, detachment, and authority in his stride as he approached the other two. His master's cocky grin and the girl's undivided attention on him only increased his displeasure for the situation, and he wanted it to show.

Reaching the end of the room and standing before his master, Vanitas stood in the place beside (Y/n). He watched as she played with her hands, obviously nervous. He scoffed. Pathetic.

Meanwhile, he folded his arms over his chest, silently protesting the training session he had been forced to attend. Just because the newcomer needed help learning the very basics of Keyblade wielding, he had been forced to tag along. He was supposed to be the "good example," Vanitas guessed, to demonstrate what (Y/n) herself might be capable of one day if she tried for long and hard enough.

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