Chapter VIII: Cure

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A/n: ALRIGHT I'M BACK FROM THE DEAD ONCE MORE.  So......Hi!!!  This is my first update in a year, which I'd like to apologize for.  Life got really crazy and I haven't been active on this site in ages, but I popped in to do some reading and saw some really positive responses to this fic, so I decided to drop another chapter.  

Speaking of which I want to thank each and every one of you for the overwhelming kind comments you've left along the way: they really made my day today!  Once again, so sorry that I didn't reply to them or update in a timely manner, and if you've stuck around to see this fic after an entire year without updates then you deserve a medal.  

That being said, I would like to finish this fic before a disappearing off the face of the earth again.  I have at least 3 more chapters planned so hopefully I'll have time to write them.  As for now, I truly hope you enjoy this installment of My Sanctuary!  Feedback is always appreciated!

(Y/n) paced around her bedroom, trembling and shaken to her core. Her thoughts raced faster than her thundering heart and coursing adrenaline, but nothing good came of it.

Where is he? What's taking him so long? Why was Xehanort so angry? Why did he want to speak with Vanitas anyway?

Through the thunderous storm of thoughts, (Y/n) ran her hands through her hair. Kingdom Hearts, if anything happened to him, it would be her fault. This was exactly why she had left him out of it! Why she had decided to deal with this on her own! And–

Tap. Tap.

(Y/n)'s monologue came to a screeching halt when her door echoed with the weak knock. Losing any semblance of grace or calm, she darted to it and yanked it open, stumbling over herself in the process.
A relieved smile tried to break her worried frown, only to drop the moment she processed the image before her.

Vanitas, bruised and bleeding, leaned against the doorframe. His bodysuit was torn, and blood poured through the cracks.

"Need bandages," he grunted, trying to walk inside.

Finally, (Y/n) snapped back to her senses. Mostly.

"Oh gosh, Vanitas, oh sweet Kingdom Hearts–"

She grabbed the boy by the arm and dragged him inside her quarters using minimal force; he was so weak that even her loose grip left him stumbling. She pushed him onto her bed, a move he was powerless to. He hissed in pain as he settled, eventually laying stiffly on his stomach while (Y/n) frantically searched for medical supplies.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she trembled, her voice quivering alongside the rest of her body. "This is why I wanted to leave you out of it. I'm so sorry."

"Shut up. I'm fine. Bandages," Vanitas hissed.

"Right, right, I got them."

Nervously, (Y/n) kneeled onto the floor beside her bed. With a few grunts of pain and unsheltered curses thrown around, she and Vanitas managed to peel away his bloodied shirt and mask.

The injuries were even worse than (Y/n) had first imagined; the dark material of the bodysuit had hidden the blood fairly well, but without it, and without his helmet, Vanitas's true anguish was obvious. His eyes were both swelling purple and red with new bruises, his back and stomach were covered with fresh cuts, from which blood poured onto the bedsheets. Perhaps even worse was the number of old scars surrounding the cuts, so many that (Y/n) doubted he had any unblemished skin left.

Kingdom Hearts what has he been through!?

(Y/n) was powerless to stop the empathetic tears slipping from her eyes. He went through all this again just so she wouldn't get in trouble. These battle wounds should be marring her own skin, not his!

My Sanctuary (Vanitas x reader)Where stories live. Discover now