Chapter XI: Questions of Peace

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A/n: Hey, guys!  So, after rereading the BBS novel, I got a lot of inspiration on Vanitas' characterization and (unfortunately for him) his suffering and abuse; so long story short this chapter was inspired by the book a bit more than previous chapters, so I hope you enjoy!  (Also I just want to say that the BBS novel literally makes me tear up when I read Vanitas' chapters, it shows just how terribly he was treated and it makes me appreciate his character and decisions so much more.)

That being said I want to add a trigger warning for depictions of  suicidal thoughts and vomiting.  It's nothing terribly graphic but it's there, so be warned.


The rest of the day passed in a blur. (Y/n) wasn't sure when Vanitas moved her from the gardens, where Xehanort had disappeared to, or anything else. She was too tired to concern herself with the world.

At some point, when her sobs had died down to mere sniffles and her breathing had returned to normal, Vanitas offered to walk her back to the kitchens for some tea to calm her remaining nerves. (Y/n) had agreed with a silent nod.

As terrifying as it was, she had to ask Vanitas the questions that burned in the back of her mind since that morning. (And, of less importance, Vanitas actually made really good tea)

And so, the two strolled back into the castle, (Y/n) partially leaning on Vanitas for support. Her crying session, nevermind that she needed it, had left her energy mostly sapped. But, Vanitas didn't protest this, as if their prior arguments and hostility had never happened. That left another swarm of guilt churning in (Y/n)'s stomach.

"Van?" she croaked, her voice cracking ever so slightly.


She swallowed her pride and her nerves. "I-I'm really sorry–"

"Don't.  Just...don't," Vanitas interrupted with a strained sigh. It only aggravated (Y/n) grief more.

"But I shouldn't have pushed you. I didn't respect your boundaries. And now you are pretending nothing happened!"

Despite (Y/n)'s distress, Vanitas' expression maintained its eerie blankness.  He didn't meet her eyes either.  Why does he have to be so damn enigmatic?

"I shouldn't have lashed out. You deserved to know. Besides, you always forgive me too." Vanitas replied gruffly.

(Y/n) nodded, ignoring the aching lump in her throat.

"So you do forgive me?" she managed, her voice breaking.


She could have sobbed with relief, but she didn't want to add that onto Vanitas's shoulders again. So, she settled with leaning her head onto his sturdy shoulder, an easy comfort and gesture that spoke a thousand words between them.

Neither of them said anything else until they reached the kitchen. Vanitas guided (Y/n) over to the table and dragged out a chair, insisting that she don't move until he returned. So, she watched him remove his helmet then snatch the kettle and tea bags to brew before she was suddenly reminded of the weight on her mind.

"Did Xehanort tell you?" Vanitas asked abruptly, as if he had read her mind. He purposely did not meet her eyes.

"About the x-blade?" (Y/n) mumbled. "Yeah...And he was telling the truth?"

"Yes. Ventus and I were once apart of the same heart. When we do battle, our respective light and darkness will rejoin and create the x-blade."

"And rejoin your hearts," (Y/n) finished, a sinking feeling in her stomach.

"I don't have a heart. I am only darkness. You know that," Vanitas refuted, monotone.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2023 ⏰

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