Chapter VII: For You

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A/n: Hi again guys!  Here's the latest chapter, and I hope you enjoy it!  It's Vani's POV today!  I love him so much uwu.  Just a heads up though, this chapter does get into some abuse, so I added a trigger warning for that.  Btw, I recommend that you watch the KHUX back cover cutscenes if you haven't already, as the story from this point forward will make much more sense if you do.  HOWEVER, if you aren't really into UX, then don't worry: It's just a backstory thing and probably won't be that relevant to this fic.  And I'll explain everything going on as it comes, so you have no obligation whatsoever to watch those cutscenes.  Anyway, that's all!  Enjoy!



Vanitas shuffled into the library of Xehanort's castle, his gait unmotivated and spiritless. Rays of inviting, tranquil, sunlight slipped through the windows of the third story room, which created a strange contrast to the bleary, irasicle young man strolling by. Birds chirped cheerfully outside, but truthfully the sound rather annoyed him; it was what had unfortunately woken Vanitas from his deep, restful slumber just minutes ago. Seeing that the peaceful abyss of his dreams would be impossible to return to, Vanitas had opted to find something valuable to do with his time instead. He probably had an hour or so until training started anyway.

Though he didn't usually have freetime, Vanitas often used what little he did to visit the library. Infinite bookcases lined the walls, some so high that he would need a ladder to reach all the shelves. Mostly, the texts held within the castle walls contained information about Keyblades legends, the history of Kingdom Hearts, dark magic rituals, and other mysterious topics that Master Xehanort was obsessed with. Although Vanitas was subjected to endless lectures and lessons on these matters, they would still occupy him for a short time–even if they had long since lost their luster.

Vanitas paced the length of the grand bookshelves, his gloved finger tracing over the leather-bound titles. He sighed; no volume seemed interesting enough. But it wasn't like Xehanort kept any other topics in his library. Vanitas grumbled in disappointment as he grabbed a random thick novelization off the shelf. He would have to settle for the Dark Runes Encyclopedia. Again. What else was there for him to do?

Apathetic, Vanitas shuffled out from the maze of shelves to venture to the tables on the other side of the room. However, while the morning thus far had seemed excruciatingly mundane and colorless, there was one thing that was out of the ordinary: the girl fast asleep at the desk.

There was (Y/n), surrounded by towering stacks of various books. Random pieces of parchment and pens had been haphazardly strewn about the work surface as well. Her hair stuck up in odd places as she snoozed, completely oblivious to the sudden appearance of her friend's amused smirk.

It was an odd sight indeed; Vanitas had never known his fellow apprentice to be an early riser. She never woke earlier than necessary. And even then she's grumpy. Van stepped towards her, keeping his tread light and quiet, as if he were a lion sneaking up on its prey. His intentions weren't quite so malicious though. He simply cast aside his own book, which had been tucked under his arm, in favor of sifting through the titles (Y/n) had selected, perhaps hours before.

He flipped through them, but nothing seemed all that significant or exciting. Why would she be so interested in reading The Legend of Kingdom Hearts and A History of the Keyblade Wars, that it could not wait until a reasonable hour? Next, Van snatched up the loose pieces of paper that (Y/n) had scribbled notes onto. Bullet-points and strange symbols covered every available inch. Her handwriting, messy and inconsistent, appeared rushed. Once again, what was so important about memorizing every detail behind the leaders of the Ancient Keyblade War?

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