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I gave myself a long look in the mirror and shook my head. It didn't look right. I looked like a mess. Wisps of blonde hair were falling from my messy bun. My black dress felt suffocating and too loose at the same time. My jacket was overheating me. I cursed under my breath before ripping my jacket off. I pulled the elastic out of my hair and let down the mess of waves from my bun. I gave my hair a shake and looked in the mirror again.

"As good as it's gonna get." I mumbled to myself. I stomped out of the bathroom to search for my purse and found it in the hands of my twin brother.

"Read your mind." He said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, Archer. Let's just go." I sighed and stuffed my stele and cell phone in my purse.

"Whoa whoa whoa, what's with the attitude? It'll be fun. You need to get out of the house, Lyss." Archer slipped on a leather jacket over his white v neck, his sandy blonde hair glimmering with a light layer of gel.

"New York just feels so...different. I know it's only been a few months but-"

"Hey. What's done is done, now we need to find our way back to a new normal. Starting with going out and meeting other shadowhunters." He nudged me and gave me a promising smile. I nodded slowly. I slipped on strappy red heels as my brother finished up his look and we headed out the door to a Shadowhunters club in the city. Neon lights flashed, Shadowhunters swarmed each block. Everything felt claustrophobic and busy. We ducked inside the club, the beating music pumping through our bodies. Sleazy men sidled up to overly willing women, drinks splashed the floor, the air was thick and heavy.

"I remember why I don't go clubbing." I called over the music to Archer. He shrugged and looked around. This was his scene. He thrived off the movement and the vibes of a busy room. I, on the other hand, was very content with never stepping foot on the alcohol soaked dance floor for as long as I lived.

"I'll go get you a drink to loosen you up. Think you'll be okay to fend for yourself for a few minutes?"

"Mama raised a bitch, not a defenseless bitch." I smirked at my brother. He rolled his eyes and swam through the sea of bodies. I managed to make my way to a lone table off to the side of the bar. It was wobbly and covered in God knows what, but it was out of the majority of the crowd. I leaned against it and slipped my purse over my head.

"Having fun?" A young man with blonde hair had appeared next to me at the table. He looked confident and sure of himself, something I was automatically attracted to.

"That depends. What's your definition of fun?" I raised an eyebrow. He knocked back the rest of his drink and smirked.

"Watching everyone else having the time of their lives either drunk or high while you're just-"

"Here." I finished his sentence. His eyes glinted.

"Exactly. I've never seen you here before. New to town?" I brushed my hand through my hair and swept it over my shoulder. This was a question I dreaded. Do I play the let's pour my life story out to a stranger game? Do I play dumb?

"Yeah. Kinda." I kept it brief. He held out his hand. He wore several silver rings on a few of his fingers.

"Jace Herondale." He said. I took his hand in mine and shook his hand, never dropping eye contact.

"Alyssa Hale." He bit his lip and held my hand for a second before my brother came back with drinks. He cleared his throat.

"What happened to not being a defenseless b-"

"Archer. Zip it." I cut him off. Jace dropped my hand and looked at Archer, who was glaring at him.

"I didn't mean any harm. We were just having a conversation. I didn't mean to overstep." Jace said, a casual tone melting into his voice. Archer cringed.

"Man she's my twin. Have her." I smacked Archer on the arm and he winked.

"Excuse him, he hasn't been let out of the apartment in quite some time." I said through gritted teeth. Jace silently moved closer to me, brushing my wrist with his fingertips.

"If you're willing, I wouldn't mind showing you around...get out of here for awhile?" His tone was sweet, a drop of sultry ambition mixed in. I looked back at my brother, who had found a group of guys to start a conversation with. I grabbed his jacket sleeve to get his attention.

"I'm gonna go-"

"I don't think I wanna know the details. Just come back home alive." He shouted. I gave him a thumbs up before following Jace out into the city streets.

"Way better than a cramped club, isn't it?" I asked her. She looked around and nodded her head. Her heels clicked on the pavement as we wandered to Central Park, just a block away from the club we were at. We sat down at a park bench, opposite ends of course. She looked up at the night sky, I looked at her. She had runes snaked up her arms, her manicured hands rested in her lap. Her blonde hair flowing over her left shoulder and her legs crossed.

"You never told me what brought you to New York." I said. She made a face before meeting my eyes.

"You never asked what brought me to New York." She said playfully. A peak of her personality showed in that response. I swung my arm over the back of the bench and raised my eyebrow.

"Consider this me asking. Do tell." I said. She bit her lip.

"The food. Definitely the food." She joked. I smiled and raised an eyebrow.

"A gorgeous woman moves to New York City for food? I don't believe it. I assume you had resided in Alicante before this?" She turned to me, a fire lit in her eyes but vanished immediately.

"Yeah. My brother and I just decided that it wasn't for us." Again, she kept it short. I decided not to press on. Out of the hundreds of women I had persued, she was definitely one that held herself differently.

"You live in the New York Institute right? I've seen your brother around." She slid closer to me, closing my arm around herself before I realized what was happening. I smirked and squeezed her arm.

"So you did know who I was when I looked like a fool to introduce myself?" She looked up at me and shrugged her shoulders.

"Not until I heard the name. You all were quite the talk for awhile, especially Clary Fairchild and her involvement." She spoke. I nodded my head and looked out at the park.

"It's been a hell of a few years. For everyone." I said after a minute of silence.

"You have absolutely no idea." She murmured in agreement. I looked at her face but couldn't read the emotion she held. I wanted to learn more about her. It was obvious that she was holding onto something, multiple things actually.

"What are you staring at?" She snapped me out of thought. I bit my lip.

"Just thinking about asking you if you'd like to have your first New York City bar hookup." Her eyes went wide before relaxing to match the smile playing at her lips.

"My, Jace Herondale, you certainly don't mince words or waste time. Bold of you to assume you would be my first. Lucky for you, though, a bar hook up is on my bucket list." Her hand went to my thigh. She looked at me, her emerald eyes shown deeply in the moonlight. I leaned down and kissed her passionately. This was the start of the storm.

Halestorm: A Shadowhunters FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now