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The sun streamed through the cracks in the curtains hanging from the window sill. Birds cheerfully chirped in the distance outside, followed by the sound of busy morning traffic. I opened my eyes and squinted, immediately realizing I was not in my apartment. I gripped the blanket closer to me, also becoming more aware of my clothing situation, or lack there of. I sat up and held the blanket to my chest. Memories of last night came flooding back. Whenever this happened, I was hungover and regretful. I felt neither of those things.

"You know, you should stop going home with strangers so willingly. Seems a bit unsafe." Said a rough morning voice. I looked over to see Jace propped up on his elbow. I laughed quietly.

"I like to live life on the edge. It's fun." I replied. I reached back to grab my phone that rested on the table beside the bed. Six missed calls from Archer spanning the last seven hours. I sighed and lightly tossed my phone on the bed before laying back. Jace moved to lay on his back with his arms folded over his chest.

"What was the sigh for?" He asked me. I gently tugged my hair out from underneath me and brushed it on one side across the pillow. I turned to look at him.

"My brother has been calling me. I think he assumed I would have made it home at some point after..." I trailed off. He chuckled.

"After last night?" I giggled and looked up at the ceiling. We both were quiet for a few moments, listening to the hum of busy traffic outside once more.

"So what happens now? You've been around quite a bit, so what's your routine? Do I have to be rushed out? Are we never to speak again? Do I get cooked breakfast? What does the oh so popular Jace Herondale do after one of his hookups?" I asked to break the silence. He sat up and looked down at me.

"Well, usually we go another round, she leaves and we never speak again. I'm feeling generous, so how about I make you some breakfast and we can exchange phone numbers? You know, how they did in the olden days when love was alive." He teased me. I sat up and got inches from his face.

"I think that's a great idea. Can I borrow some clothes? Sounds like I'll get a chance to return them at a later date if we're exchanging phone numbers." I said in a hushed tone. He grinned before getting out of bed. He sauntered over to his closet and pulled out a pair of blue joggers and a black t shirt.

"You weren't this witty last night. I like it." He said, his words quieted by the closet doors.

"There's a lot you don't know about me, like how I have to warm up to people before I share my wit with them." I said as he tossed me the clothes. I made him turn as I changed, then got out of bed and followed him out of the room.

After whipping up a mean plate of frozen waffles and eggs, Alyssa and I sat by the bay window in the study to eat. It was much more private than the dining room, and I didn't want to risk my siblings catching Alyssa and I together and questioning us.

"What's Archer like? Since I only met him briefly." I asked, shoveling a forkful of egg into my mouth. Alyssa tore a piece of waffle as she spoke.

"Well, he's very stubborn. Once his mind is set you cannot change it no matter how hard you try. He's also the kindest and the most caring person I've ever met. I'm the more sarcastic one out of the both of us, but he can definitely keep up. He's very level headed as well." She popped the piece of waffle into her mouth as she finished speaking. She smiled as she talked about her brother. I admired that.

"It's just you two?" I asked. She shook her head.

"We have an older sister who is still living in Alicante. Her name is Alexandra. My mom has a thing for A names." She said with a small smile. She took another small bite of the waffle.

"Alexandra, Archer and Alyssa. Those fit well together." I complimented. She nodded her head.

"You said you both live together, Archer and yourself?" I questioned more. She nodded again and set her plate on her lap.

"There's a few apartments on the east side of town. Not the best but-"

"Have you thought about trying to go somewhere else...perhaps an institute?" I asked. The thought had come across my mind to find more Shadowhunters to join our team. Since Alyssa and I got along so well I thought now was my chance to do it.

"Here? Us?" She looked shocked. I put my plate on the table and stood up.

"Why not? We always could use more Shadowhunters here. Besides, that area you're describing isn't the most safe place to be." I continued. She looked out the window again without a word. I paced for a few minutes waiting for her to say something. She didn't.

"Look I'm sorry if I said something to hurt-"

"You didn't." She spoke. She looked back at me with cloudy eyes. She stood up and looked at me.

"It's not a bad idea. It's a great idea actually. Archer and I have been looking to meet more Shadowhunters like us who have the same intentions as us. It's just...some things make it complicated. It's hard to speak on."

"So don't speak. Say yes and ask for forgiveness later. It can't be that bad, can it?" I said. She ran her hands through her hair with a puzzled expression spread across her face.

"I mean-"

"Say yes. You'll get to meet my family and train with us and help save the world..no biggie." She blinked and a smile broke out onto her face.

"Meeting the family already? I must be special." She joked.

"What do you say? You wanna jump in?" I asked her. She took a deep breath and then nodded her head.

"I jumped right over exchanging phone numbers to moving into your home. My charm is working." She smiled at me. I smiled back, a genuine feel of butterflies made their way into my stomach.

"Let's get started then, shall we?" I said and headed towards the door, Alyssa close behind me.

Halestorm: A Shadowhunters FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now