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Bethany Hale P.O.V
I sat down with my cup of coffee and stared at the morning sunrise. The peace is what I craved after the last few months, but I still felt empty with only one of my children with me. I took a sip of the bitter drink and sank into my chair. My mind began to wander momentarily but the soft padding of footsteps brought me back.

"Good morning, mom." My daughter came down the stairs with a book tucked under her arm. She grabbed a glass and filled it from the sink, then joined me at the table.

"Good morning, sweetheart." I greeted her back. Alexandra rested her heels on the edge of the chair, bringing her knees up to her chest. She had her brunette hair tied up into a bun on top of her head, a green bandana tied around her head.

"I'm headed out later this morning...I also have a question." She hesitating for a moment before finishing her sentence. I took another sip from my mug and folded my hands in my lap.

"What is it? Is everything alright?" I asked her. She put her book down and nodded her head. She reached up to fidget with the emerald pendant she wore around her neck.

"How would you feel if I went to visit the twins sometime soon? Am I even allowed to? I was talking to Alyssa this morning-"

"Of course you're allowed to! No matter what happens, they're your siblings. Don't feel like you need to ask permission to see them." I reassured her. She bit her lip and leaned back into the chair she sat on. I knew this was extremely hard on her, given how close she and her brother and sister are to each other. It hurt me that she was suffering. We were all having a hard time. The circumstances around this were grueling.

"Are you sure?" She asked. Her eyes shined and her irises were lit up a caramel color in the sun.

"I'm sure...how are they?" I asked. Alexandra fiddled with her necklace some more before answering. It was her nervous habit, I could tell she was deciding whether or not to update me.

"They're good. Alyssa said they're moving to the New York Institute. She and Archer were going to meet with a few people who live there as well. She sounds excited about it." My heart dropped. This couldn't be happening.

"The New York Institute, you said?" My voice went hoarse. Alexandra raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yes mom. You knew they moved to New York, right? You didn't expect them to stop participating in the shadow world did you? It's in their blood."

"I'm going to go take a shower." I said and stood up. I walked over to her and kissed her forehead before turning to head up the stairs in our small house. I knew my abruptness would concern her, but I needed to prevent the twins from stumbling into something they had no part in. I rushed to the end of the hallway and shut the door. My phone rested on the nightstand next to my bed. I snatched it and dialed quickly, fumbling the numbers until I correctly dialed. The phone was picked up within the first two rings.

"Bethany? Is everything alright? I wasn't expecting you to call again." Said a deep voice on the other end. My hands shook and the pit in my stomach grew larger at the sound of his voice.

"Did you invite the twins to stay at the Institute?" I rushed through my sentence. There was silence on the other end.

"What? No. Are they there? Beth, what's happening?" The person on the other end was clearly trying to work out what I was saying. I sighed.

"Alexandra told me that she spoke to Alyssa who said they were moving into the New York Institute. Do you have any part in that?" I said in a tone harsher than I meant.

"Of course not! That must be the kids. I've been here in Alicante. Do they-"

"No. They don't, Robert. Now they're in jeopardy of finding out. This is exactly what I didn't want to happen when they were banished." I sighed. Robert was quiet again on the other end of the phone. He cleared his throat.

"I think it's time to come clean, Bethany. About our affair. The twins being mine. All of it. You won't heal and they won't heal unless that happens." Robert said.

"No. Absolutely not." I shut the idea down right away. Robert sighed.

"If it doesn't come from us, they'll find out another way. If they're living with Alec and Isabelle, they'll begin to share things and then information will come full circle. Think about it and call me with your decision." He said before hanging up. My hands were clammy as I put my phone down and sank to sit on my bed. Tears welled in my eyes that turned into quiet, heaving sobs. I wept quietly, turning over the choice I had to make.

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