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Alec P.O.V
I had been pacing the halls for what seemed like forever, but it was the only thing my mind could tolerate right now. I looked up and saw Alexandra heading towards me. She looked upset, but not in a sad way. If looks could kill, hers would be serial.

"Have a safe trip." I nodded towards her suitcase. She rolled her eyes and slammed her suitcase down in front of me.

"How well do you really know my brother and sister?" She asked me. I raised an eyebrow.

"I would like to believe fairly well. Now, if you excuse me, I should be somewhere else-" I tried to escape the conversation before something happened. I couldn't handle any more drama right now. There was already enough to work through.

"Do you know the real reason they came to New York?" She crossed her arms and sat back on her hip.

"Alexandra, whatever trouble you're about to stir up is something I'm not interested in. We all have gone through it in the last few hours, yourself included." She scoffed at me, picked up her suitcase and walked a few steps toward the door. I sighed and began to walk away also.

"Ask them about Caden Crowstock if you want the answer." She called after me before heading out the door. I paused and turned around just as the door shut behind her.

"Caden Crowstock?" I asked myself out loud. I had heard about his trial. He was accused of murdering a faerie woman. What could the twins have to do with his trial? I shook my head, trying to not let it get to me. Of course, curiosity won and I began thinking of reasons. Did they know Caden? Were they apart of it? I hoped not. I sighed. I shouldn't have even been letting her get to me anyway. Of course she would try to stir the pot now. I continued down the hall to the den, trying to put the thought out of my mind. 
Jace P.O.V

I stayed as everyone dispersed. I felt in the middle of both sides. Alyssa and Archer were speaking with their mother. Isabelle and Alec were elsewhere. I was alone in the den for over an hour before someone came back. Alyssa peaked her head in, her eyes swollen slightly from crying. I stood up and placed the book I was glancing at down.

"Archer kicked them out." She said quietly. I strode over to her and gathered her in my arms.

"I'm so sorry." I whispered. She pulled away and took a deep breath.

"Where do we go from here? What happens next?" She steadied herself, her voice shaky. I shrugged my shoulders and crossed my arms. She looked helpless and that made my heart ache.

"This is uncharted territory. I can't answer that." I said honestly. She raised her arms up to run her hands through her hair. My eyes trailed down to the exposed skin of the side of her hip. A rune caught my attention and gave me a distraction to offer her.

"You have a parabatai?" I asked. She made eye contact with me, confusion spread across her face. She nodded slowly.

"Yeah, Archer. No one could possibly be more suitable as my parabatai than my twin. You never noticed it?" She asked me. She curled up in a chair, her eyes were dull and tired looking. I smirked weakly.

"Well..runes arent the first thing on my mind in those situations, Lyss." I joked. She smiled courteously but I could tell she was still hurting. I slid into the chair next to her.

"Alec is yours, right?" She asked me.

"Yes. Like you, hes the only suitable person who ever made sense to be my parabatai. His rune is in the same spot as yours. What led to you deciding upon it?" I asked her, trying to draw conversation away from what had happened.

"We were 9. We had just learned what it was, officially of course, in our studies. Archer looked at me and asked on the spot. No hesitation or a second thought. It made sense. We were inseparable growing up. We went through everything together. He knows me better than anyone. Nothings changed." She said, a smile playing on her lips. Alec knocked on the door as she finished talking, slowly opening it as he did so.

"Just checking in." He said, making more eye contact with Alyssa than with me. She shrugged her shoulders.

"Just letting things sink in, I guess." She said. Alec nodded.

"I get that." He said. Just then, the alarms sounded.

"Perfect timing." I mumbled as we all stood up and headed to the main room. Robert was already at the computer, Isabelle next to him.

"Demon attack in Central Park. No casualties." Robert said, avoiding Alyssa's gaze. Archer strolled into the room, weapon in hand.

"Let's kill this bastard." He said as he walked towards the door. Alyssa took off after him, scolding him for not waiting.

"Well, this should be fun. Unresolved drama mixed with a demon attack. What could go wrong?" Alec scoffed as the rest of us followed the twins.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13 ⏰

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