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"I'm still not sure of this." I slid on my white undershirt and turned to my sister.

"I think itll be good for us. Jace trusts her, we need more people. I don't think this will go wrong." Isabelle reassured me. She was fixing her makeup in my mirror, hardly paying attention to me. I put my black button down over my shirt and fumbled with the buttons.

"You're right. It's just the logical part of me I guess." I stood over my sister to get a look in my mirror and ran a quick hand through my hair. Jace popped in my door, wiggling his phone in the air.

"They'll be here soon." He came more into the doorway, revealing his outfit of a grey t shirt and black skinny jeans. He clutched his signature leather jacket in his other hand.

"Way to dress up for the occasion." Isabelle teased. Jace rolled his eyes. Isabelle walked out of the room and left Jace and I alone.

"You better be right about this." I said.

"I'm always right." He said back. I shook my head and walked out of the room. Not just anyone was brought to the Institute, and the fact that Jace had done it so easily made me uneasy. Trust him, Alec. That's all you need to do. Yet it isn't as simple as that. A knock at the door caught my attention, snapping me out of thought. I straightened up and opened it. My eyes fell to the girl first. Her outfit looked strikingly similar to something Isabelle would wear. Her bright red sleeveless top was tucked into white jeans. She wore black boots on her feet. Runes snaked up her arms. Her hair cascaded down her back. I looked to the person behind her, his sandy blonde hair matched the color of hers, he wore a flannel and light wash jeans.

"Hi, I'm Alyssa." She spoke. I blinked and shook my head slightly, lost in my first impressions. I held out my hand.

"Alec Lightwood." I said. She took my hand and shook it, then moved aside. She was short compared to who I assumed to be her brother. He stood my height, whereas I had to look down at her.

"Archer Hale." He said and took my still outstretched hand. I welcomed them into the Institute and shut the door behind us.

"I think Jace and Isabelle are in the den if you'll follow me." I said and started for the den. The click of Alyssa's heels on the floor was the only sound made between us. I turned the corner and into the den. Isabelle was the first to look up, her eyes falling on Alyssa. She broke out into a smile.

"You're gorgeous! I love your top!" She exclaimed and stood up. She made her way towards Alyssa and wrapped her into a hug. Alyssa seemed surprised but unphased.

"You'll have to excuse her, she's friendly." I joked.

"That's no problem, I love compliments." I said as she let go. She smiled at both my brother and I.

"I'm Isabelle Lightwood." She said.

"I'm Alyssa, this is my twin brother Archer." I said. Archer stiffened up slightly but then relaxed. I raised an eyebrow at him but he pretended not to notice. Jace stood up and made his way to me. He smirked at me, then held his hand to Archer.

"I'm Jace. We didn't get a chance to formally meet the other night." Archer took his hand.

"Nice to put a face to the event." He said. I elbowed him. He rolled his eyes and we all sat down on the couches in the den.

"How long have you been in New York?" Alec asked us. I internally cringed at the question. Archer and I hadn't discussed how open we would be. Would we tell them everything? Part of what happened? Nothing at all?

"Just a few months." Archer answered. I nodded my head.

"We resided in Alicante, but it didn't work out. Our mother and sister still live there."

"Our parents and little brother Max are there right now on business. They would usually be here as well. What about your father?" Isabelle asked.

"He left us when we were babies." I said. Isabelle's face fell.

"Izzy you can't just go around asking things like that." Jace murmured. Archer waved it off.

"It's alright. She didn't know." He said. I smiled at Isabelle.

"Totally fine." I said. We continued talking, mostly light conversation. Everything felt natural and normal. No awkwardness. This is exactly what I had hoped for.

"This is going great." Jace said, primarily looking at me.

"We would love to have you guys move here, if you're still interested. You both seem like great people." Alec said. I looked at Archer beaming. He had a mixed reaction on his face, but ultimately nodded his head.

"It's a great idea. Could you excuse us for a moment? I need to ask my sister something in private. It'll just be a second." Archer said. Before he let me answer, he took my hand and guided me towards the door. Once we were out of earshot, I turned to him.

"Spill. You've been acting slightly weird since we've been here. What's up?" I asked.

"Lightwood. I've heard that last name before." He said.

"So?" I asked. I didn't know what he was leading to.

"It has something to do with mom. That last name...I remember her mentioning-"

"You aren't going to ruin this with talk of mom. We're moving on. Archer, please." I begged. He shook his head and looked behind him.

"You're right. I'm sorry. It just caught my attention. Let's head back." He said. We talked back into the den. All three people turned to us. I broke out into a smile.

"Are you all ready for some new roommates?" I asked excitedly. Isabelle jumped up.

"I am! Especially if all your clothes look like that and you let me share!" She said. I grinned and nodded my head.

Jace P.O.V
After the initial meeting, we all had broken off into our own groups. Alyssa and I broke off and were strolling around the Institute. Isabelle had gone to make lunch for all of us. Alec and Archer stayed in the den, immersed in conversation.

"This is our training room." I said. She peaked her head inside and looked around.

"This is huge." She said. Her voice echoed off the walls. I chuckled.

"A Shadowhunter is only as good as his training room." I said. She looked at me and smiled. We continued walking through the halls, I pointed things out to Alyssa as we went. We came to a balcony where we both stepped outside and took in the afternoon air.

"I'm glad Archer and Alec have taken to each other. I was worried for a moment." She said.

"They seem to have similar personality traits. I don't think it'll be too long before they're good friends." I looked at Alyssa, who was looking out at the buildings in our view. She had her arms wrapped over her body. I slowly took one of her hands and held it, her other arm falling at her sides.

"Isabelle mentioned your parents and brother are out of town?" She asked absentmindedly, looking down at our fingers intertwined. I nodded.

"They'll be back within the next two weeks. Clary will be back in the next few days as well, she's visiting her mother." I stepped closer to her. She looked up at me and I felt a pull to kiss her.

"Jace." She said quietly. I leaned down and pressed my lips against hers softly. She stood still for a minute, then dropped my hand to run hers through my hair. I wrapped my arms against her waist and pulled her closer to me. She deepened the kiss and it felt like we were the only two people in the world.

"Ahem." We both jumped apart, startled. Isabelle stood in the doorway of the balcony, smirking. She looked from myself to Alyssa, who was brushing her hair back out of her face.

"Lunch is ready." Isabelle said before sauntering out of the doorway. Alyssa's face was beet red. She rushed off the balcony and through the doorway.

"Well that's not the reaction I was expecting." I said to myself before following her.

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