𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟮

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I went in and out of the studio multiple times and excelled at each and every part I auditioned for. Every so often, I would see someone get cut and leave the room. Finally, it was over. Everyone went back into the room to get their parts. As usual, I sat down with everyone else on the floor until they announced our names.

"y/n l/n!" Ms. Terri said. "Nikiya!" Wait for real? Oh my god! I got the part! OK, brain, try not to break any of my bones for at least a year. Thank you! "Y/n! You got the part!" Natalia whisper-yelled while shaking my shoulders. We calmed down and heard the last part of Solar's part be announced. Next up was Gamzatti. "Natalia Alianovna!: Gamzatti!" Now it was my turn to start shaking shoulders. I thought Gnat's head was actually going to explode, she looked so happy. We didn't listen to any of the other parts as they didn't matter to us, we just sat on floor with looks of ecstasy on our faces.

Ms. Terri called us up to talk to her after everyone had left. "Now, I know you both are very excited about this, but you must not let these roles get to your head. We don't want any of the other dancers competing against you while they are supposed to be focusing on their roles," she said, "I hope you know that all of the choreographers love you and want you to succeed in dancing, and they might be a bit harder than they usually are on you to make sure that happens." "Thank you, Ms. Terri," Gnat said, "We won't let you down."

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"Ugh, I'm so hungry," I whined. "I know," Gnat exclaimed, "I wasn't earlier because I was excited but now..." We had put on sweatpants and comfortable sneakers to go to lunch. After walking to lunch, I got some (favorite/food) and walked to a table outside since it was nice out. We never talked while eating so I put in my earbuds and decided to listen to some music. 

As I finished my food, I got up and went to put my dishes away. Umm, that was some really good food. Can I have some more? I thought. Stretch block is always after lunch so I went to that with Natalia.

- time skip brought to you by my laziness (and also when im hungry i dont want to write) -

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I got home late at night as usual, so I got some dinner. I went over to my couch and turned on the TV to watch (favorite/show). Enjoying the last bits of food, I got up and turned around and looked out the window. When I went over to the sink to put my plates in, something caught my eye. A man in a mask. 

"ГИДРА послала меня сюда. Вас должны взять," he said. 
(HYDRA sent me here. You must be taken)

"I hope you know I understand Russian too," I exclaimed, acknowledging that he was at my table. Suddenly, he got up and walked toward me. I was way shorter than him and I had to lift my head up just to see his face. He had long, brown hair but I couldn't see the rest of his festures with his mask and goggles covering them up. 

"У меня мало времени. Мы должны идти сейчас," he commanded. 
(I do not have much time. We go now.)

He took ahold of me and put a mask and goggles on my face. I tried to speak but found that the mask had a muffler and the goggles were almost too dark to see out of. The man tossed me over his shoulder and carried me out onto the roof of my apartment comlex. Luckily for him, I lived on the top floor but not near the roof stairs. Easily enough, he got past the other doors with out waking anybody up. He had a zipline attached to the roof, and as he held on the rope, he held me in his left arm while a cold, tingling sensation spread throughout my back.

A few buildings later, I had stopped struggling against him and got very tired. He threw me carelessly over his shoulder again and walked into a hospital helicopter that I assumed was stolen because we were definitely not at a hospital. He threw me inside and put handcuffs on me so I wouldn't take the mask and goggles off. 

I struggled and tried to get his attention. Eventually I did because he turned to me, somehow turned off the muffler in your mask, and sighed "Чего ты хочешь?" 
(What do you want?)

"I want to know who you are, and why you have taken me!" I cried. 

"Я Зимний Солдат, а что касается второго вопроса, то он засекречен," the Winter Soldier replied. (I am the Winter Soldier, and as for the second question, that is classified.)

He turned the muffler back on and I slowly fell asleep.

hey guys! i made some changes. well, one change. i changed it from second person to first bc it was kind of annoying me soo yeah. good morning/afternoon/night to you wherever you are! - cutie 💕

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