𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟵

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Early the next morning, I wake up and walk around. I come up with a plan about how to sneak into HYDRA using their tactic of killing in the early light. I crouch down and start playing with a stick and some leaves. There's some rustling behind me and I look back and a squirrel is chewing on a nut. I look at my stick and wave it around like a little wand. A hand touches my shoulder and I jump back and smack the face it belonged to. I look up to see Metal Arm covering the side of his face. "You hit hard," he groans. "All I know, you taught me." "You can't use that against me!" "That's dumb. You seriously did teach me how to hit people though." "And you listened to me." "I- uhh. Well- no. I am not able to think of a comeback at this time. Please try again later," I do some robot arms. "Whatever, robot. Have you thought of a plan yet?" "Have you made breakfast yet?" "Yes, I have." He points to where we were sleeping on the ground and there are types of berries that I would never have picked out from the bushes. "How'd you even find this stuff?" I ask, digging in. "The trash." He looks at me eating while I stare at him, my mouth completely stuffed. He bursts out into a wide smile that I've never seen before. It looks good on him. He starts laughing and cries, "Why did you believe that?" I swallow and answer with an I dunno sound and shrug my shoulders. "Nevermind, have you gotten your plan ready, yet?"

___ ___ ___

"This is a great plan, y/n," Metal Arm shouts over the gun firing. He leans over me and shoots back at the HYDRA agents. Only a metal pole attached to the wall is protecting us from their fire. "You have the money, right?" I ask. "Got it. The clothes are in here too." "Great," I say shooting my guns at the stragglers who were trying to regroup, "I've got the keys to the truck." After making sure everyone is dead, we come out of our hiding place and I hold up the keys and jingle them.

We make our way down to the large garage and pass the weapons station. "Do we have eveything we need from in there?" I turn to him and point my thumb behind me. He shakes his head and we keep walking. I make sure that I have my combat uniform in place and tight in case we need to fight a few more people.

I enter the bright garage and click the car keys to hear the Grand Wagon beep. I've only ever been in here once, and I look up to see the cat-walk like metal rods and wires on the ceiling. Metal Arm and I are almost to the green-grey car, when gunshots are fired at us. He pushes me behind him and tells me to get in the car and get it started. I don't really drive all that much and I've never driven this type of car before, so I get in the passenger side and start the car from there. Thankfully, it's advanced so it recognizes the keys and starts the engine for me. I open the window and put my torso through it. Pulling out my guns, I sit on the threshold of the window and shoot at the agents in front of Metal Arm. "Get in!" I shout at him and he follows the order. He hits the gas and we get away from HYDRA with only a few scratches. I keep shooting just in case they're still trying to get us, and then get back in the truck.

He swerves onto the highway and goes at a steady pace to try and fit in with the rest of the afternoon travelers. I lean back on the leather seat and put my booted feet on the dashboard. "Get your feet off the dashboard," he tells me. "Mmmm, no. I don't think I will." He stay silent for a few minutes as if figuring out something to say. "Are you hungry?" We say in unison. I start giggling a bit and he looks at me weirdly so I put on my most serious face for a few seconds and I burst out laughing. "We have money, right?" I gasp in between laughs. "Yeah, all kinds of money. We can hide anywhere." "Well, we have to go to the Smithsonian before we can hide, but before that, we should go get McDonald's I haven't had it in forever." "What is a McDonald's?" "A fast-food restaurant. Terrible for your health but cheaper than other places." He nods and asks if I can tell him where to get off so we can get food.

"We can't go inside," he said, "If someone put out a warrant for us, then we could be recognized." "Yeah. That and if we walk inside a restaurant with combat clothes on, we'd look like a bunch of black market hitmen," I reply sarcastically. We pull up to the drive thru and I can tell that he's uncomfortable saying anything. He doesn't really seem to know how much of this works. "Hi!" a worker cheerily exclaims, "What can I get for you today?" "Hi!" I put on my best happy voice, "We'll get two vanilla milkshakes, one (your/favorite/drink), one water, and two medium fries." "Right away!" There's a few people in front of us so since Metal Arm is driving, I decided to work on his smile. "Can you smile for me?" I turn to him and he looks at me. He forces a smile at me and I shake my head. "I know you can smile," I say unamused, "This morning you had a huge grin when I thought you got the food from the trash." He has a gigantic smile now, remembering the morning. "Why are we doing this anyway," he protested. "'Cause you're driving and you need to hand the stuff to me. That employee was nice so you need to at least look okay." "Не уважительная причина," he mutters under his breath. (Not a good reason.) "I still speak Russian."

___ ___ ___

I drink some of my milkshake and try to grab a fry but my hand is smacked away. "No." "I just want a fry!" I try to reach for one and again my hand is slapped away. "No." "You took both of the fries! I don't have anything to work with here!" "No." I go silent. There is obviously no point in arguing with a super soldier over food. He could throw me out the window if he wanted to.

He parks us across from Porta-Pottys so we can change into clothes more suited for civilians. I grab dark clothes from the bag and he does the same. I run in quickly and get dressed. I come out in a puffer vest, long sleeve shirt, biker shorts, and dark Jordan 12s. (check the bottom for names)

 (check the bottom for names)

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"Nice vest," says Metal Arm. "Thanks," I murmur, "Not many pockets, though." We walk a few blocks to the museum and go up the steps. "You don't have any weapons, do you?" "No." "Good, these won't let us in if we have...." I gasp, make jazz hands, and whisper, "Metal!"

He points to his metal arm and my face falls. We decide to sneak around the detectors through some vents. He and I crawl through the vents from the outside in. I drop down into one of the bathrooms and he does the same after me. Thankfully, it has no people in it. But I quickly realize that it's a Men's restroom. Metal Arm sneaks me out of there and no one sees me.

I pull him along, occasionally stopping to remember where it was. There are photos of Captain America everywhere and quotes from famous people about him. "James Buchanan Barnes. James Buchanan Barnes. Come on. Where is it?" I wonder out loud, trying to find that one part. I rub the top of my baseball cap anxiously until I finally find the section of the exhibit we are looking for. I pull him to stand with me in front of the semitransparent plastic. I realize that what the man must have said to Metal Arm was true, because the black and white picture of James Barnes looks exactly like him.

"Bucky Barnes," he whispers, "Bucky Barnes." I smile slightly and let go of his wrist that I was still holding. We stay there in silence for a few minutes while he takes in this life that he had orginally. Suddenly, he turns to me. I gaze up at him and he quietly says, "Y/n?" "Yeah?" I said, trying not to ruin the fragile moment. "I want you to call me Bucky."

and there we go. at the end of captain america the winter soldier and moving on to the in between part of that and civil war! as always, here are the clothing items:

men's puffer vest in black - hollister
nike dri-fit element women's running crew in black - nike
nike one women's mid-rise 7" bike shorts in black - nike
jordan 12 retro playoffs (2022) - stockx

a shorter chapter than normal i think, but i like the stopping point. and now i finally get to write bucky instead of metal arm! so thats fun. ive been thinking abt that forever. anyways, good morning, afternoon, or night wherever you are! - cutie 💕

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