𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟳

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I look over and a family in a minivan is looking at me weird. What? I'm only on top of the HYDRA Jeep. I see up ahead that Winter Soldier has smashed his hand through a little blue Toyota. He pulls out the man known as 'Sitwell' and throws him into oncoming traffic. He shoots at the back seat and I know someone is in there. A girl climbs onto Rogers' seat while a man I do not know drives frantically. He keeps shooting until the car dramatically stops and he is thrown from the top. He flips and lands on his knee, using his metal arm to gain friction and help him stop. Once the Winter Soldier stops sliding, he looks up at the front of the Toyota dangerously. Everywhere, cars and trucks start swerving around him. He unclamps his hand from the ground and slowly gets up. The people in the blue car don't notice that I'm coming full speed at them. My Jeep crashing into their's and the men inside drive forward as much as they can until they reach the Winter Soldier. He does a little one-handed cartwheel and land on top of the car. It looks like he is holding on for dear life.

I slide to the hood of my Jeep and he smashes his hand through the windshield to grab the steering wheel. The look on that driver's face! Then, he jumps next to me on the hood of my car so we are fully blocking the driving thug's vision. We bump into the car another time and it starts to deviate from the right lane. It crashes into the sides of the highway. The suddenly car goes up into the air and I see three people on a door, desperately trying to get away from the now flying car. We avoid the tumbling car at all costs and one of the people on the door falls off. The brakes screech as we come to a full and complete stop. (please keep all hands and feet inside the ride at all times until we come to a full and complete stop. snap your seatbelt on, pull down on the safety bar and enjoy your ride. have a great day here at ______.)

The Winter Soldier and I jump off of the hood and someone hands us each a gun fit for our needs. He shoots at Rogers and hits his shield sending Rogers flying onto the road below. I hear several crashes and glass shattering so it's safe to assume he's not coming back up here. I walk next to Metal Arm, not firing, as we close in on the two left on the bridge. Glass shatters on the man and I see him run away. The girl, however, shoots right back at us. Once someone throws a grenade, she jumps onto the road opposite to us and traffic is going a different way. I shoot at her and she swings off of the curved highway with a huge explosion following along.

Another thug trades me his rifle when I put my machine gun down. The Winter Soldier follows along, grabbing the new gun with his huge metal arm. He scans the perimeter while moving around, which is a dumb idea because that's a good way for someone to get a fatal shot to your body, but whatever. We don't see the woman come out from under the bridge and I realize that she's waiting for us to make the first move. He does, aiming for Rogers, and she shoots at us. Our goggles have spider-web cracks in them and I can't see a thing. He takes his goggles off and so do I, but my hair is pulled back so it doesn't look as good as his when his soft, luscious hair slightly covers his eyes. I sit in front of him and he looks mad. He gets up abruptly and starts shooting at whatever he can in rapid fire. I'm still sitting, trying to catch my breath, when he ducks for a second and goes right back into the gunfight. I pop up and start trying to find her with my laser. As soon as I see the red-haired woman, I start shooting. "У меня есть она. Найти его," he says to me. (I have her. Find him.)

"Нет. Твоя миссия - Роджерс. У меня есть она," I reply, denying his request. (No. Your mission is Rogers. I have her.)

"Если вы должны. Мы сделаем это вместе, Змей." (If you must. We'll do it together, Serpent.)

He reaches his hand out for me so that he can pick me up, but I shake my head, "У меня есть это." (I have it.)

I jump down and land like I did on the roof, kneeling on one knee, the other leg stretched out, and my head looking up at the threat. He swings his legs over the barrier and lands on the edge of the top of a car, smashing the back window. I stand up and wait for him to finish with his dramaticness, rolling my eyes. He walks off of the car with his rifle in hand. I fix my mask as we walk in step towards our target. Gunfire explodes onto the public bus behind us. I hear a metallic clang and assume that it's the bullets hitting a shield. Captain America has come to save the day, after all.

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