𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟯

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⚠ TW! - mentions of torture and abuse ⚠ (very little though, im not evil)

When I woke up, white coats were surrounding me. I was strapped to a metal human sized platform. I could think and move kind of, but couldn't really. "What am I doing here? What are you doing to me?," I shrieked. "We are HYDRA scientists. And since you are not going to remember this conversation, I can tell you the answers to your questions," a guy started with a German accent, "You are here because, Miss y/n, we have been watching you in your career for years and have decided that it is time for you to become the next Winter Soldier. As for what we are doing to you, you may have heard of the Super Soldier Serum that Captain America took to become, well, himself?" I nodded, hoping that what I thought wasn't going to happen. "Well, we put that in the other soldiers and now we don't have enough to give you a full dose, and you could die if we gave you a little bit, so we've made the decision to not insert it into you, but you will have to be trained vigorously by the Winter Soldier to meet expectations. I hope you know that you will be one of the greatest assassins ever." he announced, finally finishing his speech to me. "Experiments will start as soon as you go to sleep." A gas mask was put over my face as I struggled against multiple hands holding me down. I slowly fell into a peacful slumber.

___ ___ ___

When I woke up, I was no longer strapped to a platform. I was strapped to a metal chair. As I began to feel the pain of being in one position for too long, I wondered which object was worse to be attached to.

I finally look up and I am asked to remember what I did yesterday. "No. It's like there is no yesterday," I say, starting to get scared, "W-what have you done to me!?" I shout. The doctor from before comes into the room with a bowl. "Miss y/n, we experimented on you while you were sleeping and have hopefully come up with some results," he admitted, "We would like you to try and demonstrate your powers for us or else we'll try more dramatic measures." The guards let me out of the top bindings so you can properly test yourself.

He places the bowl on the floor and I see that it is filled with water. Before I try to do something with the so-called powers, I stretch as much as I can.  Starting with your feet, you flex and move them in circles. Then I move to my legs but I can't do much there so I turn around and crack your back and work on your arms. I get down to my fingers and move then slowly up and down when something happens to the water. I look to the water and it has ripples coming from the center. I look around and the guards are looking very surprised at what has happened. 

Suddenly, I hear someone say "Uh, yo, this isn't supposed to happen. I don't think there's anyone training right now" "Why wasn't it supposed to happen?" I ask. "Who told you something was going to show?" the German doctor replied. "Wait, I know what's happening," he continued, "I am going to think my name, which no one has ever told you, and you are going to try your absolute best to learn it, or else dramatic scenarios will occur." Just then I hear a voice in my head say, "I am Doctor Arnim Zola, and you are being put throught the Winter Soldier program for the good of the world."  "I am Doctor Arnim Zola, and you are being put through the Winter Soldier program for the good of the world." I repeat, exactly as it was in my head. "Good," Zola said under his breath, "You can read minds. Now I want you to move around, feel powerful." I get up when the rest of the straps are removed and walk around, streching. I walk near some play things they must have set up for me to do something with. As I walk toward them, they start floating an inch off of the ground. I keep putting my feet down and they stay there. I go over to the water once more and try to drink but am slapped away. "I don't think you want to drink that," Zola cautioned. I sit down in front of the water once more, but on the ground this time. I touch the water, assuming it's dirty, and make some weird positions with my hands. It doesn't do anything to the water, of course, but I do this to make Zola think that I'm trying to please him and try to use my new powers.

"Put her back in the chair," the doctor commanded. Strong arms grab me and put me back into the metal chair. "It's time to meet your partner," he says. A few guards walk into the room with a tall man following. He has a metal arm. I immediately get scared because as soon as I see him, I know they want me to train and go on missions with him. 

"Привет, я вижу, ты мой новый партнер," he growls, "Будьте готовы научиться драться." 
(Hello, I see you are my new partner. Get ready to learn how to fight.)

___ ___ ___

I'm in a stone room. It's very cold in here but thankfully, they put me in a crewneck sweatshirt. The Winter Soldier as I now know him as, runs at me and I dodge him. I kick his knees to the ground. There is a man watching us fight. 

"Небрежный," he mutters. 

He gets up from the floor, and throws a windmill kick to my stomach. "Отвод взгляд от врага. Тск." (Taking your eyes off the enemy. Tsk.)

The Winter Soldier then proceeds to drive me into a stone wall and get right up on me, like almost touching me, and grabs my chin, tilts it upwards, and finally growls out, "Мы бы не хотели, чтобы маленькая девочка пострадала, теперь бы мы?" 
(We wouldn't want the little girl to get hurt, now would we?)

its been a while! sorry for the wait, i was working on The Best One. i also dont really know what to do for this book. but feel free to comment! good morning/afternoon/night wherever you are! - cutie 💕

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