𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟲

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"This afternoon, you failed in eliminating Nick Fury. Tonight you will try again," the commander scolds. "Yes, sir," I say, embarressed. "At eleven-forty you will send a slug through Fury's chest. When they do an autopsy, they will find no trace of HYDRA anywhere." I am once again in the chair room. Strapped head to toe in iron restraints, I'm not able to move when they slap me for not finishing the mission. I doubt that Metal Arm is getting treated much worse, he is their favorite asset. "You get one hour of sleep. If you sleep any more, punishment." It's hard to go to sleep in iron, but I manage.

"Focus, y/n," the red-haired girl said, "To control your powers, you need to have patience." "Yeah. And try not to throw me against the wall again?" a man with wings asks. "Sorry, I didn't know I could do that! Summoning wind in the middle of a gym isn't that much of something I usually do. I can't speak. Don't listen to me right now," I apologise. I focus and I feel my invisible energy come flowing through my veins. I make the positions with my hands and close my eyes. And suddenly, I'm floating. I feel it so I look down. Bad idea. Next thing I know, I'm tumbling down to the floor. And then I close my eyes. My patience finally goes out the window and I'm scared. When I open them, I'm on the ceiling. "Sammy! I yell at the guy, "Get me down from here! I need help!" "Oh, no. I'm videoing this. Sending to the group chat... now." "Wanda?" "I'm sorry, y/n. Everyone told me to not help you do anything except coach you. You're on your own." she responds. I'm currently holding onto the metal beams and pipes on the celing of the gym. Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping! My phone absolutley blows up.

Steve: Why is y/n up there? Wanda, why aren't you helping her?
Tony: This is the best thing that's happened to me all day
Nat: y/n aren't you supposed to be practicing? not in the ceiling?
Loki: good luck getting down

"Please get me down!" I plead, "I'm scared." Wanda's eyes glow red. Sammy flies up and taunts me about not being powerful enough. Red magic is coming out of Wanda. A man with mid-length, nut brown hair. "Get down from there," he says, "You're embarressing yourself. Stop being so weak!" He gets Sammy to pull him up to my steel beam. He gets on with me and slaps my face. Slap. Slap. Slap.

"Stop! Please! Stop!" I open my eyes to see a guard looming over me. He slaps me again. "You woke up thirty minutes late. The Winter Soldier has been waiting for you." I try to move my arms to shield my face but then I realize my arms are still strapped down. "Get ready, girl." He presses a button to unclasp my body. He throws me on the floor. I get up mad, but I can't say anything. 

I get to the weapons room and he's already there. "У тебя все нормально?" he asks.  (Are you ok?)

"Я не хочу говорить об этом," I weakly reply. (I don't want to talk about it)

We gather our stuff in silence. I still don't know how they get all of our stuff back in here. "На этот раз не забудьте взять перчатки. Они думают, что это влияет на ваше мастерство," he advises. (Don't forget to bring gloves this time. They think it affects your skill)

I know he's trying to protect me as best he can from HYDRA, but it's not going to work save for a few things. I console him in Russian, he tells me stuff about me that he overheard and that protects me from getting punished more. I pull on the fingerless gloves and we walk out into the night.

___ ___ ___

We work in silence, finding Steve Rogers' apartment. He picks me up and jumps to the roof of the buliding across from the apartment complex. He sets me down and I get the rifle ready. I sense where Fury is through his thoughts. I am and, fire! He picks me up again and jumps to another building. I start running but stop when I see that he's looking back at the apartment. "Ну давай же!" I say. (Come on!)

"Идти! Мы будем в порядке!" he yells back. (Go! We'll be fine!)

I run and jump of the building and onto another, sticking the landing in a crouch and one leg out. I go the edge of the roof that looks over the city and wait for him. He comes running but a blonde man is following him. I realize that he's Steve Rogers. Rogers is carrying the Captain America shield. He throws it at the Winter Soldier. I'm scared that it's going to chop off his head while he's looking at me but at the last second he turns around and catches it with his metal arm. "Вернемся к ГИДРЕ." he says through his mask. (Back to HYDRA)

I step off the roof into a front flip and land. I go into an alley where he can find me. After a few seconds, he comes into the alleyway. I give him a look like confirmed kill? and he nods. We walk for a while until we come to a field. I realize that we've passed over into Virginia. We must be close to water because the grasses are tall and bristle in the wind. It's peaceful, and I sit down. The moonlight lights up my face as I focus on my powers. I want to read his mind, but I don't. Instead, I try to control the nature. I feel water come to me from the reeds and I make shapes with them. The water forms into a circle and it sits just above my head. It almost scans me as it becomes a bigger circle when it goes down my body. Finally, it stops. It becomes a smaller circle to fit my head and floats just above my skull like a halo. I look up at Metal Arm, whose still standing, and he also has a little water droplet halo around his head. His eyes are closed and he looks very peaceful.

This happens to be the perfect time for HYDRA to send a helicopter to go looking for us and it ruins the perfect, tranquil moment. The Winter Soldier's eyes snap open once he hears the chopping sound of the copter slicing through the air. I get up from my sitting position on the ground, and they let down a ladder for us. He climbs up first, into the cockpit and then I climb on. I stay on the ladder, hanging on as we fly just to get the wind through my hair. It feels good, but my eyes are drying up so I close them. "Поторопись, пожалуйста," I hear through my earpiece. (Hurry up, please)

I climb up the ladder into the main part of the helicopter. Our superior commander sits next to me. "We're going to drop you off in the outskirts of Washington D.C. to visit your boss, Alexander Pierce," he announces. We touch down on the end of a long driveway. We make our way up the driveway and circle the house to the back. It's a nice house, with floor-to-ceiling windows on a hallway to the kitchen and large trapezoid and triangle shaped windows in the living room. The Winter Soldier slowly opens the door, not making a sound, and let's me in first. I sit down on one of the chairs and put one of my guns to rest on the table. I sit with my hands in my lap and look up when I feel one of his hands on my shoulder. Soon, we hear Pierce come along.

He opes the refrigerator and pulls out a carton of milk. He sets it down on the dark quartz island and does a double take when he sees us. "I'm going to go Mr. Pierce," a lady says from the front door, "You need anything before I leave?" "No... Uh, it's fine, Renata, you can go home," his voice sounds throughout the house. "Okay. Night-night." "Goodnight." he says quietly, still stunned by us appearing in his home. The front door closes and he said, "Want some milk?" He walks over and sits down with me. "The timetable has moved. Our window is limited." He takes a sip of his newly-poured milk. "Two targets, Level Six. They already cost me Zola. I want confirmed kills in ten hours." I nod at him and then look at the lady who just burst in. "Sorry, Mr. Pierce, I- I forgot my... phone." I know Metal Arm has moved his head to look at her so I look up at him and back at Alexander. "Oh, Renata," he says shaking his head slightly, "I wish you would've knocked." He grabs the gun quickly and fires two shots into her chest, surely killing her.

guys i swear as soon as i started typing about milk i could smell the chocolate milk. now i need some milk. i didnt know what to do for the dream after it turned bad so idk its weird. and also, by accident, i figured out that shift + enter = a new paragraph without the space in between. so thats super fun, ig. good morning/afternoon/night wherever you are! - cutie 💕

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