𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟱

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⚠ tw: mentions of killing and other things you shouldn't do to others ⚠

ze next day

I get up at 5:00 as usual becuase HYDRA makes me get ready at 5. I eat my small breakfast that HYDRA made us pack for our trip. I wake up Metal Arm and then go change into my black leggings, sleeveless black vest, combat boots, and thigh holsters. I put my handguns in the holsters and go into his room. Once Winter Soldier is more woken up we make a plan to get rid of Godefrey. "We should go to his house right now before everyone is awake so we don't make as much noise," I say. "Согласовано." (Agreed.) I go back to my suite to get my katanas and put them on my back.

"I assume you already contacted HYDRA to let them know our plan?" He nods. "And they accepted?" He nods again. We get in our car and drive to a spot a block away from the target's house. We stealthy get out of the car and run to the mansion. It's quite big and I see that there are cameras everywhere. I switch over to Russian to speak to him incase they are A/V cameras. "Cameras," I say. "I see them, we'll shoot them out." I get out my handguns and shoot everytime I see one. Once all of them are gone, I see bodyguards coming toward us and announce that to Metal Arm. "Okay," he replies, "We'll take them out and then go inside to find Hunter." I pull out my swords and start fighting them, eventually knocking them to the ground with my boot and killing them.

We enter the mansion and spread out to look around. "I found him," I say into my earpiece, "He's in a safe room behind his gym. I suspect that's where the vibranium is aswell." "On my way." I use my guns to get rid of the touch-activated lock. The Winter Soldier arrives and busts down the door and quickly finds Hunter. Everything is uick and easy and once he's done with Godefrey, we gather up all of the vibranium.

It's only 5:40 AM, so we smuggle the vibranium into the streets and out to our green car. It's not much so we put it all in the trunk where no one can see it. Metal Arm drives us back to the hotel and we sneak inside. I get all of my stuff from my suite and the bathroom and get dressed into my shirt, cargo pants, blazer, and Jordan 1s. I go into his room and realize that he's already in the car. I get in the car. "What took you so long?" he asks in Russian. "Well you can just go out at 5:50 in your combat armor like it's normal, I don't think anyone wants to see a girl out with her swords and guns," "They told you to get two outfits." "Yep. Now drive."

___ ___ ___

I'm pulled into HYDRA headquarters, when I hear screaming. Oh no, they did it again. The guards give me a drink that makes me go to sleep.

I'm running in a tutu. "Y/n!" the Winter Soldier yells. I keep running from him and people with elaborate headpieces. "Don't leave me!" he yells, "Save me! Save me from HYDRA!" "I can't!" I shout back, "I'm already out! You told me to leave!" "Please, y/n! I'm begging you!" Suddenly, the people behind him stick a needle into him and he falls to the ground. He rolls his body up from the ground like a zombie, and his eyes are red. He starts shooting at me. A bullet hits my body and before I can fall to the ground, I wake up.

I sit up, gasping for air. I grab the floor and practice some of my magic out of habit. It somehow always calms me down after a nightmare. This is the first of it's kind though. I've heard y/n somewhere, but I can't put my finger on it. "Oh, good. You're awake," Zola says, "What do you remember about HYDRA?" "I-I remember that you've always helped me and cared for me. You gave me these powers and trained me. I've always been told I'd get to go on a mission, but I've never gone." "Good, the concoction works," he sighs. "Take her to the mission room," he mutters to the guard. He pulls me into a different room that I've been in once before, but I didn't know that. "We have a new mission for you," a higher level officer says, "Take down S.H.I.E.L.D." 

I look over at Metal Arm and whisper, "У тебя все нормально?" 
(Are you okay?)

"Мозг болит, в остальном нормально." "Мне жаль." 
(Brain hurts, otherwise normal.)  (I'm sorry.)

"Get suited up," the officer says, "You'll be briefed while you gather your things."

We both into the weaponry room and I grab the vest, pants, swords, and guns that I always train with. "To complete this mission, you need to take down S.H.I.E.L.D. director, Nicholas Fury. We will contact you when he has left the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. Now get suited up, you start in an hour."

___ ___ ___

30 minutes later, Winter Soldier and I are walking the streets of Washington D.C. in our masks and goggles. I have two dutch braids in my hair so I can still see. I feel my holsters rubbing against my thighs. Fury is driving down to your street and he's making a mess. Be ready. says someone into my earpiece. In less than a second, I hear tires screeching and car alarms set off. "Это должен быть он. я полезу на крышу." 
(It must be him. I will climb to the roof.)

Before he can reply, I get on a fire escape to the nearest building and climb to the top. I stand there, guns in hand, and wait for Fury to come over. Meanwhile, Metal Arm is standing in the middle of the intersection. I hear car crashes and I see Fury's car coming toward the Winter Soldier. I shoot the top of his car, but it doesn't stop. The Winter Soldier starts walking toward his car and I jump off of the roof. He catches me and sets me down. He then shoots a disc-shaped bomb under Fury's car. We step aside while the SUV flips over. It lands upside-down and slides a couple hundred feet. Once it stops, we walk toward the SUV to assassinate him. I aim my guns at him while we are still walking and I see him pull out a little taser. A pathetic fighting weapon for a director. The Winter Soldier aggresively rips out the car door with his metal arm, and crouches down. He waves me over, and when I get to the door, there's a hole in the road. "Фьюри сбежал. ГИДРА будет недовольна," he says and I nod.
(Fury escaped. HYDRA will be unhappy.)

welp there you go. first/second mission for y/n. i hope you enjoyed reading! good morning/afternoon/night wherever u are! - cutie 💕

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