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The next day rolled around fast, to fast for Dylan's liking. She was still anxious about that text she had gotten. She hadn't talked to anyone about that night apart from Alison because she was there, and Alison's gone. The police never did find her body, maybe she was playing a game to mess with her.

Aria had stayed behind in school to talk to the new English teacher, Ezra Fitz. But she felt far to attached to just think of him as her teacher. She glanced down at him sat at his desk,
"I know it's not just me. You feel like this is right for us too."

Ezra shook his head, "It's not right. We just can't."
He got up from his seat and left the classroom, leaving behind a heartbroken Aria.

Emily was in the school locker room after swim practice, her towel wrapped around her body as she was fiddling with the lock on her locker. Spencer made her way towards her own gym locker, which was a few away from Emily's. She was dressed in her field hockey uniform, "Hey, have you been hanging out with Aria?"

Emily shook her head, opening the locker door, "Not really."

As she glanced into her locker, she saw a piece of folded paper, as though it had been slid through the cracks. She opens the paper, reading the message inside.

Hey Em! I've been replaced. You've found another
friend to kiss.

Emily stared at the note, feeling a mixture of confusion and fear. The only person A could be, was Alison. And she knew exactly what the note was referring to. The new girl, Maya St Germain, has moved into Alison's house, her family no longer living there. The two girls had began to grow close.

Spencer noticed Emily's tense posture and moved closer, "Emily? Is everything alright?"

Quickly folding the note back up so Spencer couldn't read it, Emily flashed her a smile, "Why wouldn't it be?"


Wren, Melissa's fiancé, had made his way into the Hastings kitchen in his swim shorts, where Spencer stood in her bikini, drinking water. He grinned, "Perfect time for a jacuzzi."

"I thought you guys weren't moving in until next week." Spencer said, sitting the water bottle down on the bench.

"Melissa wanted to get settled before classes start."Wren replied, glancing at the towel hung over the younger girls shoulder, "You wouldn't happen to have a towel, would you?"

Spencer grinned, throwing him her towel as her shoulder began to ache. Wincing slightly, she pressed her hand against it, massaging the muscle. Wren took notice of her pained expression, "Tough day at school?"

"Tough field hockey practice." She corrected, still massaging the muscle.

Wren moved closer to her, "I rowed for Oxford."

"That looks good on a med school app." Spencer replied with a grin.

"I did it cause i loved it." Wren said, "You probably have a fluid buildup in your bursa sac."

He moved closer to her. Spencer smiled, finding humour in his words, "I bet you say that to all the girls."

"I can help." Wren said, ignoring her comment.

"Okay Dr. Wren." Spencer said. Wren now stood behind her, pressed his hands to her shoulder and began massaging the muscle. Spencer leaned her head to the side as he relieved the tension in her shoulder, "That's awesome."

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