14 (edited)

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Aria, Spencer and Dylan were all stood in Emily's room, all having arrived at the same time to see their injured friend who had fallen at Homecoming, only to have been dropped off at the hospital by Toby.

Emily was sat on her bed under her covers, her hand in a brace and a band-aid on her forehead that was being hidden by her hair. Aria sat in front of her on her bed, Spencer stood off to the side leaning against her dresser while Dylan sat on Emily's desk chair.

"It was all in the shrinks file," Aria filled Emily in about what they had read at Homecoming, "Toby and Jenna had a relationship."

"Way beyond step-siblings." Spencer added crossing her arms, a coffee cup in her hand.

"Yeah, they were involved." Aria nodded trailing off with disgust laced in her voice.

"Romantically?" Emily questioned.

"I'd doubt i'd call it romantic," Spencer shook her head, "and i doubt she had much of a choice."

"Does it say who initiated the relationship?" Dylan asked, speaking for the first time. When both Aria and Spencer shook there head so she continued, "So we don't know for sure it was Jenna who had no say in the matter."

Spencer looked over at her with furrowed brows, "Yeah but, Jenna's blind."

"She wasn't before the accident." Dylan stated.

"But, if it wasn't Toby why would Allison threaten him? And it's enough to want her dead." Spencer added, convinced it was Toby.

"And not just her," Aria added gently, trying to get her two other friends to see there side, "Us."

Emily sighed not wanting to believe that Toby had anything to do with Allison's death. She looked over to Dylan who still seemed unconvinced, believing that they shouldn't jump to conclusions when they don't know the whole story. Especially with something as important as this.

"It doesn't make sense," Emily spoke up after a moment, leaning towards Dylan's side on the matter "If Toby killed Alison and wanted to do the same to me, then why am i sitting in my bed and not in a body bag?"

The three girls stayed silent at there friends question, not knowing the answer. Dylan sat up straighter before looking over at Emily, "What did you tell your mum? I doubt she would have liked the idea of you going to Homecoming with Toby."

"I didn't tell her about Toby taking me. I just told her and the police that i went out for air and tripped." Emily explained looking down at her hands.

"Why didn't you just tell them he attacked you?" Aria asked disbelief written across her face wondering why her friend would lie to the police.

"I didn't want to say anything until i talked to you guys first." Emily explained making Aria nod her head in understanding.

"Well, the truth is in the file," Spencer sighed placing her coffee cup down on Emily's dresser, "You can tell them everything, now."

Dylan shook her head, "She can't tell them everything. They can't know about the file."

"Fine. Leave out the file." Spencer shrugged.

"Who knew Rosewood had this many cops." All four of the girls heads snapped towards the door at the sound of the new voice, seeing there blonde friend walk through the door pulling out the file that was hidden in her bag, "I went to put this back, and they were outside the doctors office talking to Toby's shrink. They know this was stolen."

"Can i see that?" Emily asked holding her hand out for the file. Hanna stepped forward handing it to her.

"If anyone saw me go into that building last night, i am so hosed." Hanna looked around the group frantically making them all sigh apart from Emily who was invested in the file in front of her and Dylan who looked lost.

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