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Spencer was the first to speak at Alison's memorial. She was dressed in a black dress with little patterns with a blue blazer over the top. She placed her notebook on the podium, flicking through the pages until her eyes landed on the page she was looking for. Looking up, her eyes widen in shock as someone walked through the door before looking back at the girls who were sat in the front row. The four girls turned around in there seats, eyes widening in shock as they land on Ian.

"Ian?" Aria whispered.

"Melissa's Ian?" Hanna whispered back.

The four girls turned back in their seats, Dylan grabbing Hanna's hand as a memory resurfaces.


Dylan was stumbling around the DiLaurentis house. She was supposed to be having a sleepover with Alison, yet the brunette girl had arrived around 11 at night. It wasn't planned. She was excited to go to Alison's house, but minutes before the girl was about to leave she had overheard her mum on the phone.

She was on the phone with Dylan's Aunt, a relative they were all close with. Dylan had already been having a bad week. She had failed three tests, nearly got run over in the car park earlier that morning and her mother was being a bitch. Giving her snarky comments every time she walked past.

"I need your help." Her mum whispered, phone between her shoulder and ear as she poured a drink.

"I don't care about your work. I don't know what to do with her." Her mum said, bringing her cup up to her lips as she leant against the counter.

"She's different. I thought she was getting better. She's been sneaking around for months now. Her room always smells like smoke and she's always either hanging around Alison DiLaurentis or a bunch of older teenagers doing God knows what."

Dylan's heart sunk at her mothers words. She wasn't different. She was getting better. Wasn't she? She hadn't blacked out for a couple of weeks now and she's been cutting down on hanging out with her other friends.

"It'll just be for a couple of weeks. Three months at the most." She sucked in a breathe, slowly creeping towards the door. Her mum wanted to send her away. Get rid of her. Cause she was different. Troubled.

"Thank you. I'll send her over in a couple of weeks." Dylan slipped out of the door at the end of her mums sentence. Hands clenching and unclenching with each step.

Before she knew it her feet had taken her in the opposite direction of the DiLaurentis house. She was at a small lake, a known hang out spot for her friends, and so she did everything her mother was worried about. She smoked, she drank and finally found her self stumbling into Alison's house.

It was late and she was confused. She felt wrong but right at the same time. A careless grin on her face as she walked up the stairs. It was like she was a small person inside her brain, looking out of her eyes. Her hands didn't feel like her own and she couldn't control the movement of her feet. She couldn't feel anything.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is." A voice from down the hall called out. Dylan turned around, still smiling to be met with the face of Ian Thomas.

"Hello.." Dylan trailed off with a careless shrug, forgetting his name.

Ian took a couple steps forward until he could see her face properly, "Isn't it a little late to be arriving?" He paused staring into her eyes before smirking, "God, you're totally out of it."

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