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A tap to her shoulder made Dylan pull out of her locker. Glancing over her shoulder she saw Hanna standing there holding out a cup of coffee.

"I bought coffee," She smiled. Thanking her Dylan bought the cup up to her lips as the blonde leant against the lockers, "Did seeing Jason help you remember anything?"

"No," Dylan shook her head, "It didn't." Hanna gave her a sympathetic smile and squeezed her arms. Dylan's eyes trailed past Hanna's head to see Detective Wilden going through Toby's locker.

"Do you see that?" Dylan asked grabbing Hanna's hand and pulling her down the hall, Jason, Spencer and Emily coming up behind them.

"What do you think you're doing?" Hanna snapped making Wilden chuckle, looking away from the locker and down to the girls.

"Good to see you again, Hanna," his eyes then landed on Dylan who was standing beside her, "And Dylan, of course."

Dylan's eyes narrowed, "The hell that's supposed to mean."

Jason stepped in front of the two and Wilden's attention shifted to him, "What are you doing?"

"We're having a look in Toby Cavanaugh's locker." The detective informed the group as he continued his search.

"Why?" Jason raised an eyebrow in question, "Do you think his hiding in there?"

Dylan couldn't help the small chuckle that fell from her lips at watching someone put Wilden in his place.

"He's a suspect." Detective Wilden stated trying to control his temper.

"Well, your investigation better turn up more than Toby Cavanaugh's old gym socks." Jason glared harshly.

"You made it clear you weren't happy with the pace of the investigation," Detective Wilden handed an officer an evidence bag, "You said you wanted action. I'm trying to give that to you."

"Yeah, you've got nothing. I realised that yesterday." Jason scoffed making Wilden sigh in annoyance.

"Sometimes, Jason, we withhold information on the progress of an investigation to avoid any interruption." Detective Wilden patronised Jason making him clench his jaw.

"The only reason you're tearing this kids locker apart is because he's not around to object." Jason retaliated.

"Toby called your sister's cell phone the night she disappeared," Detective Wilden stated smugly making all the girls share a look, "I checked the phone records. She took the call."

"Toby called Alison the night she died?" Emily asked, the first one of the girls to speak up.

"He did," He eyes the girls suspicious, "Or somebody else did using his phone."

"He can't seriously think one of us did it." Hanna whispered to the group once Wilden had walked away.

"He's just trying to scare you," Jason rolled his eyes turning to face the group of girls, "He has nothing. He's scrambling now that i yelled at them for not finding anything yet."

Before anyone could say anything Noel walked up to the group, "Hey girls, D."

"Hey Noel," Dylan smiled before her eyes widened and her hands slapped over her cheeks, "Oh, my, God. I'm so sorry. I was gonna call you but-"

"Hey, hey, it's fine," He soothed with a smile before looking over at Emily, "Hope you're feeling better, Em."

"Thanks." Emily smiled.

Noel looked back at Dylan with a shy smile, "So, I've been meaning to ask you something."

Hanna glanced back and forward between the two like she was debating something. After a minute she looked back at the girls, "We should get going."

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