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Dylan's green eyes traveled around the cabin that was packed with teenagers. Taking her keys out of the ignition, she stepped out of the car with Hanna in tow.

The girls walked into the cabin together. The place was filled with people and the music was bouncing off the walls. Hanna looked over at her best friend, "I'm gonna go find Sean. You coming?"

Dylan shook her head, "I'm gonna get a drink and find the girls." With one last smile the two parted ways.

Dylan had to weave her way through the crowd, trying not to bump into anyone during the process. Finally making her way to the drinks station she grabbed a red solo cup and poured herself some tequila. Making her way back through the crowd with her drink, she tried to find her friends.

She sees them all, minus Hanna, standing near a tree. She made her way over with a smile, "Hey guys."

"Hey," Aria greeted her with a smile, "You need to hear about what happened with Em and Toby."

Dylan raised her eyebrow, looking over at Emily, "What happened?"

"Toby got into a fight with Ben over Emily," Spencer said before Emily could say anything making the girls eyes widen, "He tackled Ben to the ground and everything."

"He what?" Hanna asked, walking up to the group only having heard the last part of Spencer's sentence, "Why?"

"It wasn't over me. God." Emily tried to clarify, cashing Spencer to scoff, "He just saved me."

"For what? Himself?" Spencer asked rhetorically, earning a disgusted look from all her friends.

"Ew." Dylan said, scrunching up her face in disgust.

"If we hadn't asked you about Ben, would you have told us?" Aria asked Emily curiously.

"Toby is not a good guy, guys." Spencer shakes her head, trying to get through to her friends, "He could be seriously dangerous."

Dylan noticed how uncomfortable Emily looked and spoke up, "Look, all that matters is she's okay and safe."

"Thanks, D." Emily sent her a great full smile, "And if he's such a bad guy, why did he take the fall for us?"

Aria raised an eyebrow when she saw the look on Spencer's face, "Is this another secret? Do you know something we don't?"

"Guys, why don't we just, like chill, and talk about this somewhere else?" Hanna asked, saving Spencer from answering, "When we're alone."

"I don't even know what 'just us' means anymore." Aria sighs as Hanna glances behind her, spotting Sean and Noel walking out of the cabin.

"Yeah, uh, let's talk about this tomorrow, okay?" Hanna gives them a small smile, backing away slowly, "Are we still meeting up at the shed?"

Hanna walked away after receiving nods from the girls to meet up with her boyfriend. Dylan sighed, "I'm gonna go get another drink."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Emily looked at her in concern. "I'll be fine." Dylan shrugged, ignoring the girls concerned gazes. She walked back over to the drink station and poured herself another cup of tequila. She was raising the cup up to her lips when she heard a voice from behind her, "Well, look who it is."

She turned around to see Noel smirking down at her. Despite her boots, he still towered over her slightly. Dylan grinned, "I told you i'd come."

"I know. But i didn't see you walk in with Hanna and got worried you bailed." He said, picking up a beer. Dylan smirked, "Careful, Kahn. Or i might start thinking you care."

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