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"This is insane!" Dylan exclaimed leaning against the Hastings kitchen counter where she was revising with the rest of the girls minus Emily for the SATs that were tomorrow. Spencer and Aria were revising while Dylan and Hanna annoyed them, "How many words do they expect you to learn, a whole dictionary?"

"Stringent." Aria spoke over Dylan reading off of Spencer's flash card.

"Rigid, tough, inflexible." Spencer recited from beside Hanna.

"I mean it's not like you're actually gonna use 'em." Hanna agreed with Dylan looking down at the SATs booklet in front of her.

"And it's not like you go to collage and start speaking another language. How are you even supposed to use stringent in a sentence?" Dylan asked sitting herself up on the counter.

"You failed to meet the stringent selection criteria." Spencer deadpanned.


"Meretricious." Aria interrupted sending Dylan a look to not say anything.

Spencer furrowed her eye works, trying to remember the definition she had written on her flash card, "Um, phony, flashy."

"Mhm." Aria nodded, placing the card in the 'known' pile before looking over at Hanna who was still eating cold pasta, making her scrunch up her face in disgust, "Uh, Han, why are you still eating that?"

"Because it's here." Hanna shrugged.

"Put it in the garbage." Spencer pointed to the bin with her pen.

"Then i'd have to stand over the garbage and eat it." Hanna stated making Dylan snort.

"Besotted."'Aria continued.

"Infuriated, enamoured, bewitched, in love with," Dylan snickered reading the card out loud over Arias shoulder, making Spencer glare and Hanna smirk.

"So, quick question," Aria looked over at Dylan who had moved to eat the pasta with Hanna, "What did Noel say to you after the memorial?"

Spencer looked between the two brunettes with a sigh, "We are taking the SATs in less than 12 hours. Can we focus?"

"Okay, Spencer you do not need to know any more big words. Your scary enough." Hanna stated shrugging her shoulders.

"I'm not scary," Spencer defended her self with a small pout. She looked over at Aria and Dylan, "Am i scary?"

"A little." Aria nodded making Spencer look over at Dylan.

"I've voiced this on multiple accounts, you are terrifying." Dylan said eating a piece of pasta.

"So, when are you guys going out again?" Aria asked before seeing the look Hanna and Dylan have each other, "You guys are going out again, right?"

"I don't know," Dylan shrugged, "Maybe."

Hanna smirked and looked over at Dylan, "As cute as Noel is, i don't see you two together anymore."

"Why not?" Aria pouted.

"I don't know," Hanna trailed off getting a warning glare from the Young girl, "I see her with some one different. Fluffy hair you know? Some one she can scratch and sniff."

"Wow, maybe you should just eat that over the bin."
Spencer said making everyone laugh.

"Okay, i am trying to help out a friend here," Hanna smiled looking away from Dylan who was glaring at her, "We don't all have smoking-hot boys from the country club."

"How are you and Alex?" Dylan joined in now the conversation was off her, "Is he back from that tournament?"

"Yeah. He's back." Spencer looked down bashfully making the girls grin.

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