Declan rice

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TW: mild language, fluff, arguing.
This was a request by @Hendoisbae Thank you for the support ❤️

The first thing on your regime today was taking your son Bobby to his first football match, he was definitely taking after his dad Declan. You and Declan had Bobby just over 5 years ago now you couldn't get over how grown up he was now...his dads blue eyes and fluffy hair and your lips and nose he was the perfect mix of you and Declan. He'd got Declan's jokiness about him and Declan's goofiness.

You and Declan had been together for nearly 9 years now you'd met quite young and fell in love everyone that surrounded you including your family's loved you both, you was perfect for each other everyone knew loved everything about your fiancé he was your soulmate and nothing would change that. You never argued you was always touching each other you and Declan was always together no matter what, you had to be with each other you was still just as happy as you was when you first got together.

"Bobby you ready baby?" You shouted up the stairs watching your son run in excitement wearing his bright blue chelsea kit, your whole heart could of burst with how proud you was of him.

"Awh! My little boy!! You look so good-!" You cooed lifting him up in your arms kissing his cheeks as Declan walked threw the front door after he'd moved his car out of the way of yours.

"You ready dec?" You smiled as his face lit up at the sight of his sons kit.

"Awh bobs you look great!" Declan smiled proudly at his son moving forward kissing Bobby's head.

"Thank you daddy!" Bobby exclaimed excitedly.

"Right you pair ready because we've got 1 hour until the match starts." You questioned grabbing a bottle of water putting it in your backpack with your phone and grabbing your coat and car keys.

"Erm-babe...about that." Declan nervously quivered you shot him a confused look as guilt spread on his face.

"Dec-what?" You sighed chewing the inside of your lip slight preparing yourself.

"I sort of promised the lads I'd meet up with em today, would it be alright if I skip this one?" Declan pleaded with his eyes, you felt rage build and you saw red.

"You what! It's Your sons first match appsalutey not your not missing this it's a big deal for him Declan!" You angrily spat shacking your head closing you backpack.

"Babe...I'll come to the next one I promised that lads!" He pleaded and you burst.

"Yeah! And you promised bobby Declan get your priorities right he's your fucking son and your choosing a gossip with your mates that aren't even your proper mates there just football players over your sons first big football match!" You fumed angrily at him.

"I promised that lads though y/n!" Declan sighed running a hand across his couldn't believe how selfish Declan was being.

"We'll you better unfucking promise...and get your arse in my car and support your son Declan rice!" You whisper shouted at him you knew he wouldn't and it would really hurt Bobby.

"No." Declan whispered his blue eyes meeting yours, yours eyes welled up for the sake of your son your rage burst inside you and you walked past him stopping just as you where about to walk out of the kitchen.

"Your so fucking selfish it's unbelievable, I can't believe you'd do that to your own should be ashamed I hope you choke on your beers with your 'so called friends.' You fumed you watched his eyes go teary you knew he now regretted his life descion you walked out of the kitchen slamming the door behind you.

You put Bobby in his car seat and started your journey to the under 10s chelsea football team that Declan played for with his childhood real best friend mason mount...mason was meeting you there to watch Bobby little did he know Declan wouldn't be there to watch his son. Bobby loved his 'uncle' mason, mason was always helping Declan train Bobby to play on a weekend Bobby was the best in the little team. 30 minutes later you arrived seeing masons car straight away Bobby ran out jumping straight into masons arms happily when masons eyes met with yours mason sighed internally.

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