Trent alexander arnold

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TW: light swearing+fluff
This was a request so I hope you enjoy! ❤️

It was currently a Friday night and Liverpool was playing, you was there with your best friend lily supporting your two best friends Harvey and Trent. It was halftime and the boys where playing amazing, you loved watching them play you was so proud of them both.

You watched as Harvey got the ball and ran as quick as he could towards the goal shooting and scoring the ball into the back of the net, everyone screamed and cheered for him and the Liverpool team. You and lily jumped screaming and cheering for him you couldn't of been more prouder.

As the match came to an end you and lily waited until all of the fans had cleared out of the stadium when they eventually did you and lily headed down to the front stands to greet your friends. You and lily stood chatting about random things while you waited for Harvey and Trent to head over.

"They played  so good!" You smiled as lily nodded before she gazed off you laughed at your best friend it was so obvious.

"Lil's?" You giggled grabbing her attention.

"Yeah?" She smiled as she eventually looked at you.

"You like him don't you?" You laughed shacking your head.

"Y-Yeah I do." She stuttered giggling slightly at your reaction you grabbed her and hugged her tightly squealing.

"I knew it babes!! Eek I'm so happy for you he so feels the same way you need to tell him!"you giggled.

"Babes! You need to tell T how you feel!" She giggled as your eyebrows did she know?

"H-Huh?" You laughed out nervously.

"I've seen the way he looks at you, and the way you look at him it's so obvious!" She laughed making you smirk slightly as you saw the boys approaching.

"Could same the same about you and harvs!" You whispered nudging her making you both laugh.

"Alright girls!" Harvey smiled brightly before engulfing you and lily in a group hug as you both groaned at how sweaty he was.

"Congratulations on the gaol harvs you played amazing!!" You gleamed at he smiled.

"Thank you y/n!" He smiled.

"Well done harvs!" Lily smiled pulling him into a separate hug.

You glanced at Trent as he laughed at lily and Harvey you really took his features in, his brown messy hair, his intoxicating dark eyes, his talk figure and tight tensed muscles, and not to mention his goofy soft smile.

"You played so good today T, well done!" You smiled as he pulled you into a tight hug kissing your head softly making you nearly explode with fireworks.

"Thanks gorgeous, you okay? You seem flustered?" He smiled...his accent soft and ruff you smiled shyly up at him.

"I'm okay, are you?" You smiled as he intertwined your fingers together making you furrow your eyebrows before you glanced down at your joined hands.

"I'm better now your here." He smiled shyly before your eyes met his in a intense stare...

"Right me and lil will leave you two for abit ive got to show lil's something anyway catch you guys later!" Harvey smiled.

"Erm-yeah see you later well played T!" Lily said smiling quickly before Harvey pricked her up bridal style making her laugh as they walked out of the pitch.

"We need to talk..." Trent said making you gulp.

"Erm-yeah-okay..." you said slightly shyly.


You'd been sitting on the stands as Trent showered and got changed into his normal clothes, you watched him walk back onto the pitch smiling widely at you it calmed your feelings a little. He sat down next to you putting his hand on yours on your thigh giving you butterfly's, you glanced over at him his eyes meeting yours making his turn soft.

"Trent, what's going on?" You shyly whispered.

"I need to tell you something y/n." He whispered.

"Okay...what is it?" You said softly rubbing your thumb over his fingers.

"" He stuttered out nervously looking at you, your face dropped making Trent gasp and he pulled his hand away quickly jumping up to stand up, it took you by surprise as you didn't expect it.

"!" You stuttered out you was took by surprise you never thought he would like you back.

"'s fine I get it-forget I ever said anything." He quickly said before he grabbed his back and sprinted off the pitch you stood there processing it for a moment before you ran as quick as you could to get to him.

You watched as he ran out to his car Harvey and lily watched as you chased him, you ran as quick as you could all the way down the car park when you managed to pick yup your pace you reached him and grasped his arm lightly making him stop dead in his tracks.

"!" You pleaded breathlessly.

"No! I'm sorry okay...I know you don't feel the same way!" He pleaded loving his arm out of your grip.

"I...l-love you!" You stuttered out as he turned his back to you, he turned around his gaze widened as his lips turned up slightly and his eyes looked glassy.

"You-what!?" He gasped in shock.

"" You breathed breathlessly.

" you too y/n!" He smiled before he dropped his bag before he ran into your arms burying his head into your neck immediately making you feel safe.

He glanced up down at you smiling before he pressed his soft plump lips onto yours, his lips moved against yours perfectly in sync you both smiled into the kiss as you pulled away you saw Harvey and lily standing behind you with there mouths wide open making you and Trent laugh.

"OH...MY...GOD!!!" Lily squealed happily jumping into Harvey's arms making you all laugh.

"FINALLY! Get in there Trent lad! Congratulations guys I'm happy for you both!" Harvey smiled as he held onto Lily's body.

"Now it's your twos turn!" You giggled at lily and Harvey as they looked at each other nodding shyly.

"Be mine?" Trent whispered in your ear making fireworks explode in your stomach.

"I'm yours always T." You smiled as he pressed his forehead against yours hugging your body making you warm.

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