Declan rice

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TW: mild, swearing,smutish
This was a request enjoy! ❤️
also rest in peace Tom Parker it's heartbreaking 💔

You was on your way back to yours and your boyfriends home as you'd just been at one of his matches watching him play, you'd worked and worked yourself up at the match as you and Declan had a heated argument before he played he played angrily on the pitch he never did'd got to admit he looked so hot though, his sprawled out hair cut that made him look irresistible and his bright blue eyes and his muscly wide build.

You pulled into your driveway you heard Declan's car from down the road you saw his car making its way down the drive, you got out carrying your bag locking your car and going to the front door as Declan got walked inside your house and fetched your phone out of your bag before placing it in the hall way, you made your way into the kitchen to do yourself a drink you heard Declan come in and lock the front door behind him.

You looked at him out of the corner of your eye, he'd freshened up in the training room after training his hair had been washed and groomed, he had a red Nike tracksuit on...he looked amazing. But you shook it off you was meant to be mad at him, the argument started all over the fact his old physiotherapist saw you at a match and approached you about a 'relationship' her and Declan apparently had while you was on holiday with your girl best friends...rumours had been spread...

You was in Dubai with some of your best friends who happened to be Declan best friends and team mates girlfriends, your best friend being Sasha Atwood Jack grealish's girlfriend of 10 wasn't just you that fans tried to set up and make a fool out off it was Sasha as well. You'd been photoed 'all lovey dovey comforting Declan's childhood best friend' which you was because mason was crying and you was comforting him.

Mason was there with his old girlfriend Chloe, they split up on holiday in Dubai where you was and you bumped into him and he had a cry and you was simply there for him. Declan seen the news reports and went ape shit while Jack was trying to figure out who Sasha could of been 'banging?!' While he wasn't and Declan wasn't on the best of terms after until you and mason spoke to him and you and Sasha went to a Man City V West-ham match and Declan's old physiotherapist Clara approached you in order to cause trouble...oh and it did.

You went of the rails at Declan and didn't speak to him until he could prove she was lying to you, and he did prove her as lying but it still cause an argument about the fact you 'fancied' mason thought he was good looking and lovely but you was in love with his best friend it put you and mason and Declan in a triangle a very toxic heard Declan coming back down the stairs he still looked mad, his jaw clenched and his shoulders hunched he walked into the kitchen taking you by shock him grabbed your body slamming your back into the kitchen counter.

Your breathe hitched you felt his warm breathe fan over your face making you turn warm and flustered, you could smell his signature scent Dior. It made you weak you'd happily fall to your feet for him, your eyes met his bright blue ones as his flared into yours you swallowed a lump that had risen in your throat he had all the control and he knew that...he was powerful and he knew that he used it against you.

"What are you playing at?" Declan spat his nostrils flared as you swallowed the lump in your throat.

"What am I playing at? What are you and Clara playing at again?" You spat back and his eyes widened, he slammed his hands on the counter beside your hips pressing you tighter against it.

"Me and Clara?! How about you and mason!" Declan fumed back you both was getting even more heated and upset with one another.

"If you think I'm that obsessed with mase why are you still here with me dec?!" You cried out taking him by surprise.

"Awh cute! You've even got nicknames for each other now!" Declan shook his head chewing on his lip.

"NO! You know I've always called mason mase it makes no difference for god sakes!" You huffed throwing your hands up and pushing him backwards your hands slamming into his solid chest moving him no where.

"You'll regret that princess." Declan chuckled deeply his blue eyes filling with desire making your eyes widen as he slammed your body on top of the kitchen counter.

"Declan...please..." you pleaded desperately, he arose a flame In you no one else ever could.

"No one will ever touch you, and no one will make you feel this good...not even mason fucking mount." Declan hissed as he ripped your clothes of leaving you whimper as you lay there helplessly and bare in front of your boyfriend.

"!" You gasped as his lips met yours in heated kiss.

"I love you so much beautiful, but right now I'm going to treat you like I fucking hate you all night." Declan whispered in your ear making you writhe in excitement under him.

"Do it...please!" You smirked....and he did exactly as you asked.

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