Secrets of the wolf chapter 1

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~hey people! This is my first book! I'm up for any new ideas so if u have any ideas after reading this little part, tell me! Enjoy!~


* She is sprinting down the sidewalk pounding the ground with her feet. Her breath coming shorter as she pushes herself faster. Approaching her destination, she sees him. As soon as they lock eyes the bodies subconsciously move toward each other. "I love you" he whispers. "I lo-"* "BLAKE!!"

A voice snaps me out of my book induced trance. "Yyyeeessss," I respond slowly meeting my gaze with the one of an angry (and ugly) Mr. Carlstone. Mr. Carlstone is a young teacher with the air of a know it all. He has glasses that he thinks makes him look cool and too many shoes to count. He has this glint in his eye that tells you that he really wants to embarrass you at any chance he can get. "Can you answer my question?" he asked impatiently, although I could see a gleam in his eyes as he thinks he caught me. Ha ha, nice try.

"Can you repeat the question?," I ask as innocently as possible. "What are the relationships associated with Confucianism?"

He really thinks he stumped me this time. Ha. We haven't even learned about that yet, but since A) I am the MASTER procrastinator, I have to do my hw early in order for it actually to be done and B) I'm leaving on a trip soon do I need to get all of my hw done before I leave. Let me tell you a bit about myself: I have deep brown eyes and long wavy auburn hair. I have almost no chest and a long torso. I am one of the tallest of my group.

'Ruler to subject, husband to wife older brother to younger brother and friend to friend," I said smugly, yet trying to hold my excitement and sass as I knew I got it right.

I saw a flash of annoyance and surprise in his eyes as he knew I was right as well. Ha ha look at you, embarrassed in front of the whole class I think to myself while trying to keep the innocent expression on my face while my smile grows wider.

"Well, um, that's right," he says stumbling over his words. To put it in perspective for you, I never really do my hw. Ever. I do like social studies, just not the teacher.

During class I do the usual:

Draw-in my notebook or on anything

Sing- oh yes it gets interesting

READ-90% of the time this is what I do

Distract one of my best friends, Rosa or Rose. Rose had the air of a sweet girl and with light blue eyes, curly blond and cheeks that are always stained with color, she easily meets the the picture. She has a medium chest and is almost my height just a tad shorter. Her assigned seat is in between me and a girl I don't particularly like, but we bond together with our mutual hate towards Mr. Carlstone. Poor Rose tries to do her work while keeping us under control, however usually, her efforts are in vain.

I'm not obsessed with social studies, but I do enjoy it all because of the teacher I had last year who made it really interesting. When he taught it, it all made sense,but before that, it never really interested me as much. I also had felt that it was unimportant and I would never need to use it in life. I mean come on its not like I'll be walking down the street one day and a man points a gun at my head and says "Tell me what Charlemagne did to spread Christianity!" I mean, that

would be weird....and unrealistic.

After collecting my thoughts, I turned my head back to Mr. Carlstone. "The fall of Rome was due to what?" he says. With that, the class falls back into our normal rhythm, the know-it-alls waving their hands at him while us normal people do nothing.

As soon as he moved out of the way I have a clear line of sight to my other best friend, Jasmine (aka Jazz). Jazz has deep brown almost black straight hair and light hazel eyes. She is kind of short with a medium chest. Once eye contact was achieved, we started to sign at each other. Jazz and I knew the entire sign language alphabet and many useless phrases such as:

"Please make me a sandwich you sexy platypus"

"Please make me a sandwich because I am a dinosaur "

"Bitch please, I am the supreme ruler"

And many others. Since we both know the alphabet, we can have conversations, but it takes awhile. If we get lazy we usually resort to facial expressions and flamboyant hand gestures or shortcuts to words.

Jazz: Belle (her nickname for me), u excited to leave?

Me: the classroom? Hell yea.

J: not only that, but the trip we r going on! I can't wait!

M: me neither! U know what else I can't wait for? The glorious bell to ring!

As if on cue, the familiar *ding ding ding* was played through the loud speakers. Upon hearing this, Jazz and I burst out singing hallelujah chorus with harmonies and everything, while Rose was shaking her head.

"Schools out!" I yell as I burst out of the room with Jazz in tow. "I'm so excited!" Jazz said as she caught up with Rose and I. "Ditto chick," I responded with a wink and a snap into a double barrel roll with my hands. "When do we leave again?" Rose asks seeming a bit distracted. "Friday," I respond. "And what day is it again?" she asks. "Thursday," I say, "What's making you so distracted?" I ask.

"I bet you it's Cabe," Jazz said, "his hotness has stunned her and left our dear friend speechless! How dare he!" She exclaimed with fake anger. Cabe is a boy that Rose blushes at the mention of so obviously, as her best friends, we must talk about him a lot and make stupid, embarrassing faces at her when he walks into the room.

We all started bursting out into all you need is love by the Beatles. All of a sudden, a new voice joins in the chorus.

"Hey chikas, who we singing about?" Mazy, the fourth in our quartet asks. Mazy has light green eyes and light brown hair. She had olive tan skin and is the tallest out if all if us as we'll as having the biggest chest. Due to her skin tone and eye color, she is an exotic beauty.

"Rose and her lover," I respond.

"Ahhh Romeo and Juliet," Mazy says knowingly.

"Ummm..I gotta go guys, see you tomorrow!" Rose says and starts scampering away.


"Much like Juliet over there, I gotta go home as well, see ya!" Jazz says and walks away.

"Ditto chick," Mazy says, "see ya tomorrow! Love you guys!"

While walking back to my locker, I am intercepted by a boy with clear blue eyes and sandy blond hair. Theo.

"Hheeeeeyyyy Belly," he says with his world famous grin.

"How is 'Belly' remotely close to 'Blake' all?" I respond.

"Well, your nickname is Belle and Belly is a nickname of Belle." He says smugly.

"Oh god here we go again," I mumble, "how would you like it I'd I called you T-man? You like that? No i didn't think so."

"Hmmm T-man... I like it!" He responds seeming to consider the nickname.

I shake my head. "You're impossible," I say.

"But you still keep me around," he says.

"For now," I say with an uncontainable smile.

"By the way I'll see you later!" He says as he walks down the hall.

"What do you mean 'I'll see you later'?" I ask, " I'm going on a trip with the girls and its also girls weekend out!" I yell to him as he is far down the hall.

"EXACTLY!" I hear back.

"UGH!" Is the only word I could get out which earned a chuckle in response. This was going to be interesting.


Hey peeps, when I first wrote this I had revised it and added more, but it didn't save so this is the revised version! Hope you love it! Comment! Vote! Do whatever! Buy a UNIPEGACATICORNIGUS

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