Chapter 7

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Hi hi, soooo I just wanted to say that if u like this book to tell others to read it.....cause that would be super awesome...anyway chapter 7 coming up!

This is dedicated to FireFlyAway for helping me finally figure out the plot!!!! Thank you sooooooo much chicky!!


Do you ever get that feeling that someone is following you? Yeah well I did today. I bet you'll never guess who I'm talking about.....lets just say..... ok ok its Ash. He is in a few of my classes and by a few I mean all of them. I'm not kidding. I just wanna hit him in the face......with a brick....made of metal....dipped in poison....that possible causes him to fall off a cliff.... yeah. You see, there is a fine line between coincidences and stalking... I believe he's passed that line unless I'm going crazy, which is quite possible.

So this is how my day has gone:

First he was in my global class and he of course knew everything. Mr. Carlstone didn't seem to like Ash and Ash didn't seem to like him either.....props to him.

Then he was in my bio class and took the quiz, HE JUST GOT HERE!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM!!!

He wasn't in my language class (thank god) nor was he in my study hall. anyway that's my day so far.

I walk into the cafeteria and sit down next to my friends.

"Sooo chicky, how was your day?" Maz asked me, wiggling her eye brows.

"Perfect" I replied in an obviously sarcastic tone.

"Aww I wonder why..." Jazz said trying to look innocent. What the hell is up with them?

"I wonder.. Hmmm" Maz said with a smirk.

"Alright, out with it, what's wrong with you two," I said

"Well, may be about something..." Jazz said.

"Or someone," Jazz pipped in.

"Out with it!" I said

"Don't get cranky now, did sleeping beauty wake up to the wrong prince?" Maz said giggling.

"Oh no I think she's just trying to cover up the fact he's the right prince." Jazz said laughing.

I guarantee that my face was red. I put my head on the table. "Go die in a hole." I said even though it only came out as a mumble.

They just laughed! Ugh!

"What's up with you and the new kid?" Rose said just sitting down. Unfortunately, this only made them laugh even more.

"Isn't his name Ash? That guy from the lake that is obviously your perfect match? Well don't worry I gave him your number" She asked catching on to why everyone was laughing while my head was on the table.

"Wait you did what now?!" I said looking up at her.

"Oh yup I thought that it would give you a push in the right direction," she said batting her eyes and trying to look innocent.

"How about I push you I the 'right direction'?!" I said still with my head on the table. Now all of them were laughing at me. Ugh by now they all know me too well to know that I never truly act on my insults...most of the time. Oh I have a great idea of getting them all back. He he he.

I pretended to start crying and said, "You guys are so mean to me." I ran towards the bathroom covering my face. The first thing I did was take the water bottle I had grabbed right before I left and I filled it with water. It was that squishy kind that sprays water out. Oh they are going to get it.

Through the door I heard then getting closer saying "oh god look what we did" and "I feel so bad guys".

Ha you just wait, I'm gonna get you good. I thought to myself.

As they came into the bathroom I turned away from them and pretended as if I was still crying.

"Belle, we are really sorry," Maz said.

"Ya, we shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry," Rose said.

"She's definitely faking," Jazz said. Ugh she knew me to well.

"Shut up Jazz! You are so mean!" Maz said. Did I forget to mention how gullible she is?

They all started walking towards me and as soon as I thought they were close enough, I turned around and started spraying them with water.

"Ah ha! I got you all!" I screamed and ran from the bathroom.

"YOU ARE SO GONNA PAY!" I heard Maz yell. Followed by "I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT!" coming from Jazz. I just laughed and kept running. I ran outside by the tree we usually chill at when its sunny. The sun had come out and it was a nice day.....for a water fight. I started climbing the tree, something I was very good at.

All three of them ran outside and started running towards the tree.

"We just want to give you a hug!" Rose said coming closer opening her arms, water dripping from her hair.

"I'm good!" I yell back already pretty high in the tree.

"Ugh get down from there! It's not fair for us!" Maz yelled up to me.

"I'm pretty comfy but thanks anyway!" I yelled back.

"Ok then let me just read your journal out to everyone eating lunch out here." Jazz threatened.

"Funny, but I left it at home," I said hoping it was convincing. Shit shit shit she better not! If she did I was gonna kill her!

"Oh isn't this it? I could be mistaken, but it looks so similar," Jazz said holding up my journal. It was a leather bound journal with a clasp on the front.

"No don't you dare Jasmine or I will personally kill you!" I screamed.

She started opening my journal and before she could read anything I had jumped down from the tree and started to wrestle her for it. After a good minute of trying to get my journal back, I felt someone pulling me off Jazz and Jazz off of me.

"Why is it that I almost always see you getting yourself into trouble?" A horribly familiar masculine voice said. I was struggling and trying to get to Jazz.

"Let me go! I need my book!" I was clawing and trying everything I could but it was no hope as Ash's arms were like iron bars. Thankfully, Theo had taken my journal from Jazz when he pulled her off of me.

"If you stop struggling I will let you go," Ash said simply.

"NEVER!" I cried and I kneed him, lightly, in the groin. He instantly let go. I ran towards Theo, hugged him and grabbed my journal, hugging it to my chest.

"Why did you want it so bad? Is it your diary or something?" Ash asked after he recovered from his 'injury'. Then he added, "How many times has my name been in there? I bet it's all about me. 'Oh he has such amazing eyes and a great body'" he said trying to imitate me in a girly voice.

"No this is not my diary. Even if it was you wouldn't be in it. The only way you could possibly be in it is if I was making plans for your murder." I said.

"Yeah but you would still be writing about me," he said with a wink.

I rolled my eyes." I keep drawings, lyrics and any writing in here and I do not like people looking at it."

"Well, someone is protective of their stuff," he said with a cocky smile on his face. During this entire exchange all of my friends were trying not to laugh. Thank you so much guys for helping me out. I really appreciate it.

The bell rang and it was time for math. Yay won't that be exciting. (note the sarcasm) I quickly put my journal in my bag and ran towards my class, but if course not without glaring at my friends.


ok ok don't worry, im posting the second half later tonight. I just thought It was a little to long for one chapter and I wanted to add more to it. I thought that if I added more to it wouldn't seem like I had one chapter full of sure action-ness and the rest were just blah... so never fear oh readers of mine! ill hopefully post the next one later tonight. BTW I need some last names cause that would be awesome! tanx peeps!

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