Chapter 11

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6th times the charm? This stupid chapter has been deleted 6 times. You'd think i'd learn but nooooo I just keep getting more stupid. Come'on now wattpad, don't be like that JUST LET ME PUBLISH THIS CHAPTER OR I WILL PERSONALLY KILL YOU! Thanx :) and have a nice day! I you are reading this, that means my human sacrifices have worked and the wattpad gods have finally let me update and not deleted it...yay for you. 


I woke up to a butt in my face. Precisely a furry cat butt in my face belonging to a furry cat.

" Kitten! What the hell?! Did you feel like sleeping on my face?!" I said, yelling at the furry body on my face.

My cat meowed indifferently.

"Well aren't you helpful," I said. 

I looked at the clock and wondered why no one had woken me up. I quickly got dressed and ran down stairs only to find a letter on the counter.


Happy Pleasantville Day! Ok so these are the things I've signed you up for:

-The children's run at the firehouse  

-The fish stand  

-Please stop by you grade's stand to support them

After that you can do whatever you'd like. Have fun!



Oh great. Little children and fish who die before the end of the day. Joy. Why can't the rest of my siblings do this? At the bottom of the card I saw a little arrow. I flipped it over and it read:

"P.S. your brothers told me that you owed them which is why it seems like you are doing a lot. They said you'd understand"

Oh yeah. You see, I don't like dances and there was this guy who I knew was going to ask me to the dance so I bribed my brothers to scare him off. It worked and so I did owe them.

I looked at the clock and realized that it was almost time for the run and I had to be there. I can't wait. Can't you tell?

I walked down to the fire station which was basically just down the street from me. The road I live on legitimately leads right into town.

When I got there there weren't many people there. There were only a few children and I looked around for an adult to see what I would have to do. I saw a frazzled woman and what up to her thinking that she was the one in charge.

"Oh you must be Blake. Please get all the children to sign their names in these boxes."

"Yes ma'am" I saluted her.

As I wrangled up as many kids as I could and forced them to write their names in boxes,I acquired many new tattoos from them drawing on me. A little boy came up to me.

"You're pretty. What's your name?" He asked and stuck out his hand as if to shake.

" Blake," I said and shook his hand, amused by his introduction.

"My name is Jason, but you can call me Jay. Would you be my girlfriend for the day? And can I call you Lay? It rhymes with Jay and it's unique." He said and I just said, "Sure," astounded by his courage.

"Okay bye Lay! See you after the race!" He said and he hugged me.

"Bye Jay!" I yelled after him. He was adorable and he had guts. I wish guys my age were nice and cool like him.



Jay had won the race. I'm not kidding. He came in first place and he was most certainly the fastest. After it was over, he ran over to me and gave me a big hug.

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