Chapter 8

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Math was boring and I learned absolutely nothing, like usual. Next I had gym, a class most of my friends shared with me which was awesome.

I entered the locker room and I put on shorts and a T-shirt as well as put my hair up in a loose bun. Once all my friends were ready we headed outside.

We were playing soccer, a favorite sport of mine. I was mid field, Rose was defense, Maz was also a mid and Jazz was in goal. Oh yea we were all in the same team as we usually played boys vs girls. It was awesome except for the fact that most if the other girls didn't really enjoy the game as much as we did.

You'll never guess who was in the other team.

Ding ding ding, if you guessed Ash then you get a cookie.

We were all running up and down the field and the score was 1-0 the guys were winning. Poop them. It's not our faults they wanted to be skins.....

Rose kicked the ball up towards Maz who tried kick it to me, but it was intercepted my a guy who accidentally kicked it out to give us a corner kick. Maz went to take it while I was getting ready for it. The guy's goalie was yelling at them to mark up. Unfortunately for me, Ash was marking me. Oh I was gonna kill him if he got in my way. Maz kicked it up and the first few girls missed it. I was far corner and I went for the header. I felt the ball collide with my forehead as it went towards the net. Next thing I knew all the girls were patting me on the back and congratulating me. Yes we are back in it!

"Come'on girls lets get another!" I heard Jazz yell from the goal.

Oh yes, 1-1 let's go.

Suddenly the game started up again and before I knew it Jazz was punting the ball up. She made an awesome save and the punt was in the perfect position for me to score. Taking a step I was about to kick it when I was lifted off the ground and the ball was kicked away.

"Oh no you aren't hitting that," I heard Ash say.

"Hey! Put me down! FOUL! THAT'S SO NOT FAIR!" I yelled struggling once again to get out if his grip.

"Nothing in the rule book said no picking people up," he said trying to seem innocent as he put me down and ran towards the ball.

My face was bright red and I was pissed oh he is soo gonna get it.

As he got closer to the goal with the ball I slide tackled him and Rose kicked it up the field. "Oops," I said and ran up towards the ball.

For the rest of the game, Ash and I were constantly trying to screw each other up. Jazz tried yelling at us to stop acting like immature five year olds and just play the game, but it didn't work. By the end of the game, both of us were covered in dirt and were crazy smelly.

The game ended in a tie and we all went to the locker rooms to change. All the way up the stairs to English we were pushing and shoving and tripping each other. When we arrived in the class room, I sat down at my seat and Ash made his way to the open seat near the back. On his way back there I tripped him making him stumble.

"Everything alright Mr. Ryce?" The teacher asked.

"Yup, just perfect," he said trying to compose himself. He straightened himself up and started walking to the back of the class room, of course, not without swiping my journal from my desk. I tried to grab it back from him by he just kept walking and he stuck his tongue out at me. Oh I'm gonna get him! Thankfully, he wouldn't have much time or opportunity to look at it as our English teacher is very strict and she always catches you when you are doing something wrong. ALWAYS! Believe me, I know these things.. mostly because I've lived through them.

The whole period I was antsy. I kept looking back at him to see if he was looking at it. As soon as the bell rung he ran out of classroom without giving it back to me. I needed to find him and retrieve my journal.

I looked all over the school with no hope of finding him. Crestfallen, I went outside to go home. I realized that I had no way of getting home as my parents were both at work and my friends had already left. Yes yes I know I should have my own car, try telling that to my parents. I sat down at the curb and put my head in my hands. Suddenly I heard a honk of a horn. I looked up to see Willa waving at me in her car. I waved back unsure of what she was doing.

After a few seconds of her waving at me I realized that she was motioning for me to go over to her. I got up and walked over to her window.


"I wanted to know if you needed a ride!" She said motioning to her car.

"OMG I LOVE YOU YES I WOULD LOVE ONE!" I said, extremely happy.

"No problem, it's the least I can do for you since you helped me so much today," She said with a smile.

I helped her distinguish who really wanted to be her friend(aka me and my friends) and who was not good to be around (aka the girls who used people).

I got into her car and thanked her... multiple times.

"So how was your first day?" I asked remembering that today was her first day.

"Pretty good, but everyone looked at me as if I was meat.... It creeped me out.."

"Yeah, in a small town, new people are put under a microscope. I feel bad for you." I said honestly.

"Well, at least I had my brothers," she said.

"So your brothers go here?" I asked just a tad bit confused.

"Yeah, they were the other new kids... Didn't you notice how we all had the same eye color?" She said making me feel really stupid for not picking that up.

"Wow just realized that. Now I feel kinda stupid." I said truthfully. "I think I realized it before but just didn't connect the dots."

"It's all good, now where is your house?" She said.

I explained which house was mine and she dropped me off. I thanked her and she said, " People can change, and looks may not be as they seem."

She seemed very wise for a junior in high school, like I was, but that is a good quality to have.

When I walked into my house, it was like a zoo. My brothers were being their normal crazy selves and my parents weren't home. I did my homework and ate dinner then went to bed. Then the dream began ***

*I was walking in a forest barefoot and only wearing my pjs. I felt a tug on my soul telling me to go forward. I run through the forest, trees lining the worn path that my soul seems to know by heart. A huge rock comes into view and my instincts tell me to go closer to it. My head is forced up by an unknown force and I see a silhouette of an animal. A wolf. The wolf is looking to the black sky and begins to howl. A howl matching the wolf's rips from my chest at an inhuman tone. It feels so natural. So right. The wolf looks down at me and my eyes become latched onto goldish grey eyes but I realize that they are not harmful, but loving. The wolf comes down from the rock and comes close to me. I stick my handout slowly towards it. It sniffs my hand and then puts its head under my hand so that we were touching.

"Blake" I hear and look around trying to see who said that.

"Blake look at me. I am the wolf," the voice says and I look at the wolf to see if its true. The wolf nods its head as if it could read my thoughts.

"Blake I can read your thoughts. We are connected Blake and on your birthday you will find out how and why. Do not fear me, for I will never hurt you. You and I are one soul. We shall meet again. Believe in yourself Blake and you shall thrive."

My eyes lock with those of the wolf and blackness consumes me.***

I wake up from my dream sweating, like usual. Why do I keep getting this dream? What does it mean? Should I trust the wolf? So many questions still unanswered.


Who do u think the wolf is and FireFlyAway you cannot answer!!

Thanx for reading peeps! I hope these two chapters shall appease you and that y'all's love it! Tell others please cause that would be awesome!! Vote! Comment! Fan! Yay!!! If enough people vote I will upload a pic if any if the characters that u request! Tanx peeps!!

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