Chapter 12

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Ok ok yes I's been a very long time.... I'm sorry! I didn't know how to write this chapter! And also I went away a lot this summer so far.... Anyway, here u are my lovelies!

So I understand you all hate me... you have good reason... I'm über sorry... here you go... I love u.....


I woke up to my phone ringing.

"Get up loser, we're going shopping" Mazy's over enthusiastic voice answered. Of course she'd try and quote Mean Girls at a time like this, of course.

"Noooooo. Why are we going shopping. It's too early," I moaned and looked at my clock. Ugh 8:30 on a Sunday. Gah, I'm going to kill her.

"We need dresses for the dance, now get your lazy ass out of bed or I'll get someone else to do it. Better yet, I'll do it myself. Get up Belles. I'll be there in 5 minutes with the rest of the clan. Love ya!" And with that she hung up.

I put my face down on my pillow and groaned.

"I hate people. They wake me up too early and they expect me to do shit and I'm not ready to even remember the human population exists at this point in the morning," I talked to myself as I got ready.

" Well, look who's a bowl of sunshine this morning," Reese, my almost twin brother said as he leaned against the frame of my door.

"I'm a freakin rainbow unicorn who barfed glitter on a fairy and a leprechaun," was my compulsive response.

"Wow, magical," was the only thing he could respond with. "Why are you so... angry with the world this morning Jelly Belly?" Jelly Belly was the horrible nickname he gave me when we were never went away unfortunately.

"Mazy just loves waking me up at ungodly hours to SHOP! Why? For a dance I would rather not go to. Gah people," I say, making animated gestures with my hands as I got my shit together.

"I never understand that," he said.

"I know right! It's too early and shopping for a dance is stupid,"

"No not that," he waves it off, "God probably likes early mornings... Why is it called ungodly?"

I glared at him and threw a pillow at him. "You are no help. Poop you and your ancestors."

"We have the same ancestors smart one," his smile was calm and teasing.

"Did I forget to tell you that you were adopted? Whoops."

"Sure, it's not like we look alike at all," he said rolling his eyes. Keep in mind I call us "almost twins" for more than one reason. We look almost identical.

"You are an alien who took after the first human you saw. Your little alien eyes landed in me and BAM! We became twins." I said, explaining as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

"Good luck with those 'horrible people' you call friends," he said and on his way out he turned and said, "don't worry about what dress you're gonna get I'm sure Ash couldn't care less even if you wore footsie pjs."

"That's an amazing idea! I knew we were related!" damn ... why didn't I think of that?

His remark brought me to another point. I'm going to the dance wish Ash. Oh joy. Can't wait. Maybe if I become sick I won't have to go. What if I spontaneously combust? Or relatives come over or maybe I could go on a trip? My friends support me going to the dance with Ash. They say it would "be good for me" and "don't worry it'll be fun!" No it won't be and I so don't want to go. So let's just say that this dance was like a super important event and no one has been able to stop talking about it for weeks. Well, I guarantee if I skipped school for a week, I wouldn't have missed anything because that it literally all they talk about. The dance is only in a few days and my friends want to go shopping for it.

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