Chapter 10

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This is unedited!! sorry it's late!!! im editing it tonight


I woke up and got ready in record time. Seriously. It takes me forever to get up in the morning. So this is a monumental moment. I was waiting outside by the time my brother was ready.

"God Belle, what happened to you?"He asked.

"What do you mean?" i asked him.

"You're out so.......early"he said.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"God, so I'm no longer allowed to be early now? You're so picky. First you say 'Blake why are you always late?' and now you say 'God Blake what's wrong with you? You're so early.' MAKE UP YOUR MIND!"

Chase had a smirk on his face by the time i was finished. One of those annoying cocky smirks that are even more annoying in the morning.

"Awww Belly-poo" he said using a nickname i despise.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"It's a boy isn't it" he said as his smirk got bigger.

I started to blush. Ever since Ash and I decided we would be friends, I had been meeting with him before school just to talk and stuff. I still get some drawings from him but her refuses to give my notebook back! Jerk.

"Get that grin off your face u look like a goof!" i said my face probably beet red.

"A goof? Really? Wow, nice word choice." he said laughing at me.

"Ugh! Just get me to school OK!"I said frustrated.

"Fine fine, I wont annoy you any more."he said still looking stupid with that annoying grin i wanna slap off.

"Hey, ill get you Starbucks cause I was being mean." He said.

I wonder why he's being that nice when he was just being annoying..hmmm.. but I want Starbucks so whatever.

"Sure, I've got time."i said suspicious of his intentions.

We went to Starbucks and I got a vanilla bean, one of my favorites, and we went back to the car. He watched me as I took my first sip and right after I did he said

"YES! Now you have to tell me his name!"

"What?"I said, too busy eating the whipped cream off the top because that's how I felt like eating it.

"Well I bought you something so in return I expect one answer to my question,"he said grinning.

Crap. He remembered the game we used to play as kids. We would do something nice for the other or get the other something and in return they would have to truthfully answer a question. That's just how it went.

"Fine fine what was your question again? I wasn't listening."I said hoping he would change the question.

"What's his name?"

"Who's name?

"The guy"

"What guy?"

"The one that you talk to a lot"

"I talk to a lot of people Chase"

"Ugh! you know what I mean!"

"Well I can't read your mind"

I grinned as would tell this was annoying him. Well its entertaining for me.

"Blake come on, please tell me. It's my job as your older brother to know," He said with his puppy dog eyes that worked on everyone.

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