Chapter 4

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Returning to the house, my head was swimming with visions of revenge for our dearest Ashton. He was going to get it.

Taking a quick shower to get the rest of the mud out of my hair, I got dressed in my comfy clothes and met up with my friends down stairs. It was around 6:00 and it was dinner time. We ordered a pizza with a number my dad left us and situated ourselves in my room, me on my bed.

"That Rory character was SMOKIN'!"

Mazy said with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

I groaned. "Honey, no one says that anymore except for you and I didn't think you could even get a good look at him due to the fact you were ROLLING ON THE GROUND LAUGHING!" This earned a giggle from Rose and I could tell she was remembering what has happened earlier today. I glared at her but it only got her laughing more.

"What was up with him?" Jazz asked.

"I DON'T KNOW! I'VE NEVER EVEN MET HIM BEFORE!" I said in frustration due to my confusion.

"Ok first of all if we are having a girl powwow we are missing things," Mazy said.

"Alright, Rose you get the hot chocolate; Mazy, get the cookies and chips; Jazz, get the candy and madlibs and I will get the nail polish and music," I said remembering the ingredients for a powwow. A girl powwow MUST have the following:

-warm beverage that is soothing and has any form of chocolate


- music because we all have a passion for music and bit prevents awkward pauses as well as drowns out our voices so no one can hear us

- snacks......duh

-nail polish, cause we ALWAYS end up doing nails; don't ask me why as I have no clue

-madlibs- one of the most important ingredient next to the food. Madlibs ensure a good time and get a lot of information out of people. Unfortunately, due to the friends I have, every madlib we do should be burned. Yeah, it gets worse the later into the night it gets.

After everyone got their designated supplies, I put on In Your Arms by Mayday Parade and put the nail polish in the middle of the powwow circle.. I LOVE that song. It's awesome. Rose handed out the hot cocoa, Mazy put the bags of goodies in the middle and Jazz put out the candy. Jazz then took out the madlibs with a pen ready and put it down in front of her, ready to play whenever.

After playing many rounds of madlibs, rolling on the ground due to laughter and deciding that the madlibs needed to be burned, we decided we should actually go to sleep. (A/n shout out to SRSigs, alyssak1212 and WorldToMManage - just want to say Washington trip, last year, best room ever! Now back to the story...) Mazy set her stuff up by the door, she said that she wanted to be able to escape quickly in case of an emergency. Jazz set her stuff up closer to the window so that she could see the door and could run the other way. Rose set her stuff up in between Jazz and Mazy so she would feel safe and I was on the ginormous window sill. The window sill was one of those bench windows so that someone could sit there and look out onto the backyard which mostly consisted of forest.

After about an hour of "goodnight's" and "see ya in the morning's" we all finally drifted off into the land of dreams.....

*I was walking in a forest barefoot and only wearing my pjs. I felt a tug on my soul telling me to go forward. I run through the forest, trees lining the worn path that my soul seems to know by heart. A huge rock comes into view and my instincts tell me to go closer to it. My head is forced up by an unknown force and I see a silhouette of an animal. A wolf. The wolf is looking to the black sky and begins to howl. A howl matching the wolf's rips from my chest at an inhuman tone. It feels so natural. So right. The wolf looks down at me and my eyes become latched onto goldish grey eyes that threaten to consume me*

I wake up panting and I bolt straight up in my sleeping bag. My head is too jumbled up to comprehend my dream so I lean my head against the window and wait for my breathing to slow. I feel a ghostly tug on my eyelids and I open them. Coming out from the forest is the wolf from my dream. I immediately stand up and press my hands to the window, as if doing so would bring me closer to the mysterious wolf.

I slide on a button up shirt over my tank top. One of my brothers used to have it and I stole from him when he went away to college. I put on a pair of black sophie shorts and ran out the door, not bothering to put on shoes.

I crept out on to the back yard, feeling the earth and grass between my toes, giving me courage. I see a pair of glowing eyes and I instinctively take a step towards them. Suddenly, they disappear. I run towards the spot they were at and look around frantically. Just like in my dream I felt as if something was pulling me forward and guiding me. I was passing trees and ducking under branches, feeling oddly at peace and happy. The fact that I was running unreasonably fast to an unknown destination scared and excited me. Reaching a clearing, I see a big rock. The one from my dream.

As if my moves were choreographed I stepped forward, closer to the rock and I looked up. The silhouette. The wolf. It was all there. The wolf started howling, followed by a chorus of others and I joined it with my own. I was so happy and at peace that I never stopped to think about how weird this was. The last thing I saw before being consumed by blackness was eyes, golden eyes. The eyes of the wolf.


Yes yes I know I know it was short. Here, let me try and bribe you. If u guys comment then ill post sooner. 92 people have read this book so far and I'm über proud of that. I love you all! PLEASE COMMENT, FAN, FOLLOW, VOTE, TELL YOUR FRIENDS!!!!!

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