Early Start to the New Year

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A Couple Hours Later, 3 AM - New Year's Day 2020:
Matt's POV: As I come downstairs to the second floor of me and Gabby's home shortly after waking up alone in bed, I was confused when I saw Gabby sitting down on the couch while using her laptop. God, what's going on right now? The last time that I saw this was when we were dealing with Bria. "Hey, what are you doing up at this time?" Turning to look at me, Gabby sighed. "Sorry, I am just reading something online." I looked at Gabby when she told me that. "You mind if I sit down next to you? You are not going to deal with whatever you are dealing with alone with me being here." Gabby sighed and agreed with me. Going to open the covers, Gabby smiled at me. "Come sit down." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she told me that.

Wrapping my arm around Gabby once I was sitting down, I went to close the covers and watched as Gabby cuddled up to me. Wrapping her arms around me, Gabby laid her head down on my chest and just sighed. Meanwhile, I turned my head and then proceeded to kiss her forehead softly. "What's going on babe? Talk to me. Let me help you through this." Looking up at me, Gabby took a breath and stared into my eyes. "I guess Violet..." I just agreed with her when she told me that, already well aware that was something I had to worry about. Leaning in, I went to kiss her forehead and just held her close to me. "Gabby, things are going to be okay." Putting my hand on her stomach, I looked at her. "I mean it. Things are going to be okay." Gabby agreed.

Putting her hand on mine, Gabby laid her head down on my shoulder and then kissed my neck. Smirking when she did that, I just smiled because this was perfect. God, she is so sexy and I think that she knows that. She is such a turn on and we had so much fun last night. "I had a bunch of fun last night by the way. It was incredible." Gabby agreed with me when I said that and just smiled. Meanwhile, I turned my head and leaned down to kiss her softly. Taking it slow with her, I smiled because this was perfect. "God, you are so beautiful and I am so lucky that you are my wife." Gabby agreed with me when I said that and smiled at me. Leaning our foreheads against each other's, we both just relax and took a breath. "How are you feeling right now? Relaxed?"

Gabby agreed with me when I asked her that. "Yeah, I am. You want to head back up to bed?" I looked at her when she asked me that. "I am leaving it up to you. Do you want to go upstairs and celebrate the Happy New Year?" Gabby laughed and smiled when I said that. "Happy New Year." Leaning in, we both went to kiss each other softly. Taking it nice and slow with each other, we both smiled because this is perfect. "Listen, how about I get up and then I can carry you upstairs?" Gabby looked at me when I said that. "Do you really want to carry me upstairs?" I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she asked me that. Moving off my lap, Gabby smiled as she laid back in bed. I then proceeded to lean down and then went to go pick Gabby up.

Wrapping her arms around my neck once I picked her up, Gabby smiled as she looked into my eyes. Leaning in, I went to kiss her and smiled as I went to take it slow with her. "I love you." I agreed with Gabby when she told me that and smiled. "I love you too." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that, going to lay her head down on my shoulder. "You want to go right back to sleep when we get in bed...or do you want to talk to me?" Gabby sighed. "I'm not sure. What do you think we should do?" I smiled at her. "I think that we need to talk. I want to make sure that you're okay." Gabby agreed with me when I said that and just smiled at me. "God, you are the best husband in the entire world." I smiled and agreed with Gabby, walking upstairs.

Once me and Gabby both made our way back up to bed, I went to lay Gabby back down in bed where she belongs. Looking down at my beautiful wife, I smiled because I am really happy right now. God, she is so damn sexy and I absolutely love it when we lay down in bed together. In fact, that's all we're going to do today because I'm back at work tomorrow. Going to slip into bed with Gabby, I just smiled as I went to wrap my arm around her before watching as Gabby came to cuddle up to my side. Putting her hand on my chest, Gabby laid her head down on my shoulder. Meanwhile, I went to tug the covers and proceeded to rub Gabby's back as we held each other.

"So listen, I want you to talk to me okay Gabby? I'm here to listen and I want you to talk to me

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"So listen, I want you to talk to me okay Gabby? I'm here to listen and I want you to talk to me. Please babe, can you please open up to me. Tell me what's wrong." Gabby sighed when I asked her that before proceeding to kiss my chest. "I am just worried after what happened to Violet." I agreed with Gabby when she told me that. "That isn't going to happen to you Gabby." Going to run my hand up and down her back, I proceeded to grab her bra again before taking it off once again. Gabby is really sexy and I just want to talk off her bra. Going to throw it to the ground, I turned my head and then proceeded to kiss her forehead softly while scratching her back.

Smiling as I took off her bra, Gabby was really happy. Laying her head back down on my chest, Gabby smiled. Meanwhile, I went to kiss the top of her head as we both held each other close. "I think that I need to come to all of your shifts." I looked down at Gabby when she told me that. "Why do you say that babe?" Gabby sighed. "I am going to want to be close to you so that I can relax. I am going to just be so worried and everything. Heck, maybe me and the kids can come." I agreed with Gabby when she told me that, going to kiss her forehead softly. "Hey, you can always come to the firehouse with me. Gabby, all I want in life is for you to relax and stay calm."

Gabby agreed with me when I said that. She then went to kiss my chest again and smiled because she was starting to calm down. Going to rub her back, I went to kiss the top of her head and smiled because I was glad that she was calming down right now. I knew that she was stressed and I knew that I needed to get her to calm down. "Babe, you need to calm down and remember that everything is going to be okay. I promise that we are going to take it easy today. Today, we can just rest in bed," Gabby agreed with me when I said that and smiled. "I think that's exactly what we need. I mean, you do have shift tomorrow. God, it's 2020 now." I agreed.

"I know, crazy right?" Gabby agreed with me and just smiled. "That means we are less than 6 months away from meeting our boys...Matteo Andres and Alexander James Casey." I smiled and just nodded when she said that. Going to kiss her forehead softly, I smiled because that was perfect. "Listen, how about we go to sleep okay? We can talk more later." Gabby agreed with me when I said that and just smiled. Going to reach over to the lamp, I went to shut it off before proceeding to kiss her forehead softly. "I love you." Gabby agreed with me when I said that and smiled. "I love you too. Now, let's go to sleep." Nodding, I went to kiss her forehead and smiled.

God, nothing like falling asleep with my gorgeous wife in my arms.

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