Safety Check (Number 3)

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Meanwhile, at the 21st District - Intelligence Unit:
Jay's POV: As I sit down at my desk here at the unit, I smile as I turn my head to look at the picture I have of my family here on my desk. God, Jayson is growing so much and I just know that Erin is loving him more and more each and every day. The reason? I feel the same way. That's when I heard Hank come out of his office. "Halstead." Turning to look at him, I smiled. "What's up Hank?" Hank then just looked at me. "Call your wife and pack up your things. I'm sending you home." I got scared when he told me that. "Is she ok? The baby? Jayson?" Hank then nodded. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. I am just starting to get impatient with her."

I looked at him when he said that. "Why are you impatient with her?" Hank then sighed as he came to walk over to my desk. Leaning against it, he went to point to the window. Turning my head, I saw that it was really snowing outside. "Oh, that makes sense." Hank agreed with me and just took a breath. "Call your wife, tell her you're safe...and tell her that you're on your way home." I agreed with him when he said that and just sighed. "Hank, then I'm done for the day okay? Heck, for the week. You send me home early...I am going to play with my boy." Hank laughed when I said that. "Yeah, it's supposed to be this bad again until tomorrow morning."

I agreed with him. "Is that a yes to me just going home and not coming in tomorrow?" Hank agreed with me. "Yes, yes it is. I know that Erin is worried...and she's going to be worried all shift tomorrow. If that's going to be the case, then I am not going to be held liable if something happens to those grandkids of mine." I nodded and agreed with him when he told me that, smiling. "Thanks Hank. Now, if you need me to work from home tomorrow...I can do that. I am just not going to be coming in." Hank agreed with me and smiled. "Ok. Now, can you please call your wife and tell her that you're ok and on your way home?" I nodded and agreed.

Walking back into his office, Hank flashed me one last smile before closing the door. However, Adam went to look at me. "You lucky duck. Get to work from home all comfortable with your wife!" I laughed and agreed with him when he told me that, going to grab my phone. "Dude, she's worried and I am not going to be held responsible for us loosing our kid. Get yourself a pregnant wife in a snow storm, and you can work from home." Going to open my phone, I went to go find Erin's number so that I could call her. I know she's worried, but I want her to take a breath and relax. I am going to be home soon and I am going to stay there for the weekend.

That's when Erin answered the phone. "Jay?" I agreed with her. "Hey. You just called to check as to whether I am safe again?" Erin sighed when I asked her that. "Jay, I'm sorry if I'm worried. I am just looking outside and the snow is really coming down. So, I can't help but be worried..." I agreed with her when she told me that. "Erin, I understand. Listen, I just spoke to Hank about it since he told me...I'm on my way okay? And I'm going to stay home tomorrow since the storm is supposed to continue for a while. I promise, I'm going to be safe and home with you." Erin agreed with me when I said that, tearing up. "Thank you Jay." I smiled when I heard that.

"Erin, you have nothing to thank me for. My job as your husband is to make sure that you are not too stressed." Erin agreed with me. "Well, I think that Jayson is really going to appreciate all of the time he is going to get with his daddy." I laughed and agreed with Erin when she told me that, starting to clean up my desk. "Listen, you want me to pick up some supper?" Erin agreed with me when I asked her that. "Yeah, I like that idea. I'll put an order in for Chinese. Can you maybe pick it up on your way? You remember the place right?" I agreed with her. "Of course. I'll do that and see you soon okay?" Erin agreed with me. "Love you." I smiled and agreed with her.

"Love you too. Now, go relax for me...(whispering) and put something sexy on for me. You want me home early, I want something in return." Erin laughed when I said that and agreed with me. "Calm down, we'll see. Now, get supper and then make your way home with Rex." I agreed with her. "See you soon." Going to hang up, I smiled as I went to slip it into my pocket. That's when I looked at Adam and just saw him smirking at me. "Have fun." Going to get up, I grabbed my jacket and shook my head. "Dude, front of my father-in-law?" Adam just smirked as I went to put my jacket on this evening ahead of me going home.

in front of my father-in-law?" Adam just smirked as I went to put my jacket on this evening ahead of me going home

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Looking down at Rex, I smiled as I went to grab his leach. "Hey buddy, you ready to go home?" Rex then got up and barked at me. Going to bend down, I went to put his leach on his collar and just smiled as I went to grab my keys. Putting them (and my wallet) in my pocket, I smiled and then went to grab my bag. Looking at Hank as he comes out, I smiled at him. "You have a safe weekend okay? Maybe I can come over on Saturday to play with Jayson." I smiled and agreed with him. "I think that Jayson would love that. He loves playing with his grandpa after all." Hank agreed with me and smiled when I said that. He then walked up to me and grabbed my hand.

Shaking my hand, he smiled at me. "You go home and just relax for a while okay? Rest with Erin and make sure that she takes a breath." I nodded and agreed with Hank when he told me that. "Yeah, I am going to do that. She really needs to relax right now." Hank shook his head when I said that. "Jay, she is worried for her husband and the father of her children. That is her right." I nodded and smiled when he told me that. "Did I ever tell you that you're the best father-in-law and grandfather in the entire world?" Hank laughed when I said that. "I am not watching Jayson this weekend." I laughed when he said that and proceeded to go hug him this afternoon.

"Listen, I am going to get going. Erin is going to make an order for supper...and that means that she's getting hungry." Hank agreed with me when I said that and smiled at me. "Safe drive okay? Maybe send me a text later?" I agreed with him and smiled. "Can you do the same for me? I know that Erin is going to be worried because of how bad it looks out there. Now listen, I am going to get going no need to delay." He laughed and just smiled when I said that, letting me go. Going to walk away, I smiled at Rex and went to make my way out of the district so that I can go get supper and then make my way home. God, I am so ready to go home.

Note to Readers:
I am going to skip next chapter to when Jay is home, walking into his and Erin's room. 

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