Promotion Ceremony: I Invited the Dardens

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Matt's POV: After hanging up with my sister and calling Severide, I smiled as I waited for him to answer so that I could talk to him about my promotion ceremony...and who I invited. I am sure that he is going to be quite happy over who I invited. At least I hope he is. I wonder if he even knows if they are in Rockford now. That's when Kelly answered his home. "Who am I talking to? My chief or my friend?" I laughed when he asked me that. "Yeah, I know. Hard to balance at times. But right now, I am calling you as your friend." Kelly agreed with me. "Ok. So what can I do for you FRIEND?" I laughed. "I actually have some news about my promotion ceremony."

Kelly agreed with me. "Yeah, when is that?" I laughed. "This Saturday at 11. And I have some special guests that are going to be there. Some that you are going to like." And that pretty much gave away who it was right away. "NO! How did you get Heather to come to Chicago for it on such short notice?" I chuckled and laughed. "Actually, they live in Rockford." Kelly was shocked when I said that. "WHAT! When?" I shrugged. "Just recently. Probably at the beginning of the year." Kelly agreed with me when I said that. "Wow, talk about a great birthday gift. We're going to be able to see the boys at your promotion ceremony." I agreed with him when he said that.

"Tell me about it. I am so ready for it now. But the part I like the most is the fact that I am going to have my lil' family there." Kelly agreed with me when I said that. "That must be the part that you are going to like the most." Turning to look at Gabby, I went to grab her hand and just smiled at her. "Tell me about it. I am so glad that we have this family we have." Gabby nodded and smiled when I told her that. Going to intertwine our fingers, I smiled as I went to kiss her hand and then proceeded to lean in to kiss her softly. Taking it slow with her, I smiled because of how happy I am right now. "God, you are so beautiful." Gabby nodded and smiled at me.

"I know you do. Now, can you please just relax? We are on the phone with our friends." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she told me that. Smiling, I went to kiss her hand again before going back to our conversation with Kelly and Stella. "So, what are you guys up to today with Andy? How are you feeling with baby girl Severide Stella?" Stella laughed when I asked her that. "How did you know I am on here?" I snickered. "Like you were going to miss an opportunity to talk to Gabby." Gabby chuckled and agreed with me when I said that. She then came to cuddle up to my side and just wrapped her arms around me. Wrapping my arm around her, I smiled.

Turning my head, I went to kiss her forehead and smiled because of how happy I am right now. God, I am so lucky that Gabby is my wife. "So, what's the plan for the ceremony? Time? Date?" I smiled. "Next shift. 11 am. Gabby is going to be there the entire shift. I want you in your dress uniform for it. You can bring your kids along if you want." Turning to look at Gabby, I smirked before going to whisper in her ear. "And I want you in a tight, black dress that hugs this nice baby bump of yours as if it was a tight glove." Gabby moaned a bit and smirked when I told her that. She then turned her head and smiled as she put her hand on my cheek before kissing me.

Kissing her slowly, I smiled because of how happy I am. I then turned my head and went to kiss her shoulder. That's when I turned my attention back to Stella and Kelly. "You guys are in bed as you talk to us aren't you?" I snickered. "Yeah, of course we are. Let's just say that I am all comfortable with the woman I love sitting down here in bed." Gabby agreed with me when I said that. "And I am even just wearing some sexy lingerie for my birthday boy." Stella chuckled and agreed with her. "Well of course. You might as well do it today rather than on Valentine's day." I nodded and agreed with Stella. "But I plan on taking it off sooner rather than later."

Turning her head, Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I told her that. "How did I know that was going to be your answer to that?" I smirked and agreed with Gabby. "Because that is my answer to everything." Gabby nodded and just smiled as she came to cuddle up to me. Slipping down in bed more, I felt Gabby wrap her arms around my torso. Keeping the phone up in the air, I slipped down in bed before wrapping my arm around Gabby's back. Turning my head, I went to kiss her forehead and just smiled because of how happy I am right now. "We are going to be ordering in tonight. I am not cooking for you tonight." Gabby agreed with me and smiled.

" Gabby agreed with me and smiled

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"That sounds perfect." I smirked and agreed with her. Wrapping her arms around my torso, Gabby smiled and just went to kiss my chest. Meanwhile, I put my hand on her arm as I went to speak to Kelly again. "So, what are you guys doing tonight?" Kelly chuckled. "I think we are going to be doing the same as you guys?" I shook my head as I looked down at Gabby. "We don't need to do anything okay?" Going to rub her arm, I went to kiss her forehead softly. "We can just cuddle up to each other like this." Gabby nodded and smiled when I told her that, really liking that idea. "I love that idea." Turning back to Kelly and Stella, I smiled. "So, how's Andy?"

Stella then went to give us an answer that was not the best. "He's coming down with a cold unfortunately." I agreed with her. "Well, let's hope that he feels better soon. If you can't make it Stella, I understand. Put Andy first." Stella agreed with me. "Thanks Matt. I want to be there, but we need to put our son's health first." I nodded and agreed with her when she told me that. "Hey, of course Stella. I of course understand that the most. I mean, me and and Gabby are parents too after all." I then went to look down at Gabby and just smirked as I went to kiss her forehead softly. "The proud parents of beautiful children." Gabby smiled and agreed with me.

Nuzzling her head into the crook of my neck, Gabby just smiled as she rubbed my chest. She then bent down to kiss my chest and smiled because of how happy we both were right now. "I love you." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she told me that. Kissing the top of her head, I smiled. "So, plans for tonight man? You want to get together and get a beer at Molly's?" I shook my head. "Nope. I am going to be spending my birthday here with Gabby and the kids. That's not changing." Gabby agreed with me and smiled when I said that. I then went to rub her back even more because this is perfect. And damn I am so comfortable here with Gabby on my chest.

Stroking Gabby's back with my thumb, I went to whisper to her. "Comfortable? Need anything?" Gabby shook her head as she kissed my chest softly. "I am comfortable right now and that's all that matters." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she told me that. Kissing the top of her head, I smiled because I am really happy right now. "So, you think you're going to get some action tonight Matt?" I was shocked (and a bit offended that Kelly just asked me that...especially when Gabby is right here. "Stella, do your girl a favor and slap your husband's face for me?" Stella then went to do just that. "There you go girl. Trust me, I am not impressed!" 

Gabby laughed and just smiled as she laid her head back down on my chest. Grabbing the back of her head, I smiled as I went to kiss her forehead softly. "Listen, I think that this is a place where we can't recover our conversation now. Kelly, I think that I am going to have to end this call. Make sure you get your reports in to me please." Kelly agreed with me. "Of course chief. Sorry again." I then went to look down at Gabby. "Have a good day guys." Going to hang up, I then proceeded to go set my phone down on my charger. Looking down at Gabby, I smiled and then put my hand on her lower back. Stroking her back with my thumb, I went to kiss her.

Taking it nice and slow with my beautiful wife, I smiled because I am really happy right now. God, Gabby is so damn beautiful and I think that she already knows that. "Listen, I think that we both know that we are just going to be staying here for the rest of the day? How about we call Molly's and we can put in an order for my birthday?" Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I said that. "I like that idea. I know my mom gave us food but..." I shook my head. "Daddy wants a beer on his birthday." Gabby nodded and smiled when I said that. "Then call and order some food." I nodded and smiled when she said that, grabbing my phone again as I went to order supper.

While Matt and Gabby order supper (and wait for it to be delivered), I am going to check on the Halsteads as they try and make a big decision together as husband and wife.

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