You Were in an Accident?

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Later in the morning (9:30 AM):
Evan's POV: As I come out of me and Violet's bedroom shortly after taking my shower, I smiled when I saw Violet sitting down in the living room this morning. "You're up early. I mean, I did wake you up." Turning to look at me, Violet took a breath and went to look down at some papers in her hands. Recognizing them, I went to walk over to Violet. "Vi..." Violet then just looked at me. "You were in an accident? And I have to find out like this?" I took a breath when she told me that. "Vi, I was going to tell you..." Violet just looked at me. "NO! You don't wait to tell me that. You don't fuckin' wait almost 12 hours to tell me you were in an accident!" I then went to walk over to her. "Violet, take a breath okay? The triplets." Violet just looked at me when I said that.

She then went to get up and just pushed me away. "You have no right to say that." Going to walk over to the kitchen, she just stormed off. "Violet, what would me telling you at 10 pm change? Violet, it's not that big of a deal." Going to grab some juice from the fridge, Violet started to get really mad. "Seriously, did you really just say that?" Going to walk over to the counter, Violet set the OJ down on the counter before going to grab a glass. "Did you really just say that?" I looked at Violet when she told me that. "Violet..." Turning to face me, Violet then snapped. "You don't think it's a big deal that I might have lost my husband in that accident! That I might have to raise our TRIPLETS alone! I don't care if it's 2 am! If you are in an accident, you WAKE ME UP!"

Violet then went to grab the glass of OJ before going to take a drink. I then proceeded to walk over to her so that I could try and get her to relax. "Violet." Reaching out for her stomach, Violet went to slap my hand. "Don't touch me! You have not earned the right to touch me. God, I almost thought of having sex with you this morning." I looked at her when she told me that. "Violet..." Violet just shook her head when I said that. "Make me breakfast. I am going to go sit in the living room." Going to walk past me, Violet went to push me away. Meanwhile, I went to grab her hand and just looked at her. "Violet!" Violet then turned around to look at me. "This is not my fault Evan! This is your fault! You're the one who hid this from me!" Violet then got close.

Going to wrap her arms around me. "And yes, I am so glad that you are okay. I will say that okay Evan? But you seriously need to remember that we're married. We're partners in life. We're having triplets together. I want our kids to know their amazing, loving father. And you need to tell me if you're hurt so that I can get myself ready for that. Either that or you need to stop doing ride-alongs for my pregnancy. Please Evan, I need you to be safe." I nodded and agreed with Violet when she told me that, going to grab her neck before leaning in to kiss her softly. Taking it slow with her, I smiled because I was glad that we were already past this lil' fight that we just had. "I promise okay? I promise Violet." Violet nodded and agreed with me when I said that.

"Good, now how about you concentrate on making us some breakfast? I'm getting hungry and I would really like to relax with you on the couch when we are eating." I nodded and agreed with Violet when she told me that. "Pancakes?" Violet smiled and agreed with me when I asked her that. "You read my mind." I smirked and just agreed with Violet when she told me that. "I always do don't I?" Violet nodded and just smiled when I told her that. "You're still in shit with me. Don't you dare think that you are off the hook so easily. You are giving me a nice spa day today. I want a massage from you." I smirked and agreed with her. "Shirtless massage?" Violet laughed and smiled. "God, don't make me laugh when I'm supposed to be mad at you right now."

I smiled and agreed with Violet when she told me that. "I love you." Violet agreed with me and just smiled when I told her that. "I love you too. Now, can you please just make me breakfast before I start to get all hormonal on you and attack you again?" I smirked when she told me that. "Not that I would really complain. I love it when you kiss me." Violet nodded and just blushed when I told her that, going to walk away to the living room so that she could rest on the couch. Meanwhile, I proceeded to walk over to the pantry to get the pancake mix out. Taking a quick breath, I sighed because what Violet said was the truth. I should've told her right away. We are having triplets together and she is just going to worry about this. But, now for breakfast.

Once I finished making breakfast for me and Violet, I smiled when I came to join her in the living room with the plate of food that we were going to be eating off of. Looking up at me, Violet took a breath. "Listen, before you sit down...I just want to apologize." I was shocked when Violet told me that. "For what?" Violet then bit her lip. "For yelling at you like that. It wasn't the right thing to do. You we just looking out for me and were probably not wanting me to worry all night. You were thinking about the kids." I sighed and agreed with Violet when she told me that, proceeding to go sit down with her on the couch. Wrapping my arm around her, I went to close the covers while setting the food down in our lap. "Listen, turn to look at me okay?"

Violet agreed with me when I said that. Going to grab her hand, I just went to look into her eyes while intertwining our fingers. "I'm sorry okay. You're right okay. What I did was wrong. You are my wife and you should've been told right away. We are having children together and that comes before everything else. I am sorry that I didn't tell you." Violet agreed with me when I told her that. She then went to rub my chest while cuddling up to me. Grabbing the fork, Violet then proceeded to go take a bite of our pancakes. Turning my head, I went to kiss her forehead softly. "I just had a lot on my plate. But that's no excuse. You are my wife and I know that you always worry when I am out there in the streets of Chicago." Violet agreed with me and nodded.

"Listen, we need to eat. I am hungry and I just want to relax today." I agreed with Violet when she told me that and smiled. "I like that idea. But I promise that I plan on giving you a massage at some point okay?" Violet smiled and agreed with me when I told her that. "Oh, I love that idea to tell you the truth. That sounds absolutely perfect." I smiled and agreed with Violet when she told me that. "Maybe even a foot massage. I know it's been getting hard." Violet agreed with me when I said that. "Did I ever tell you that you are the best husband in the entire world?" I laughed and smiled at her before going to kiss her softly. "I love you too." Leaning in, I went to kiss her and just smiled as I went to take it slow with her. "God, this is a lot of fun."

Violet laughed and agreed with me when I said that. "Okay, calm down and let's just eat okay? It's time for me to eat. Remember, I am pregnant with our children." I nodded and agreed with Violet when she told me that, going back to concentrating on the pancakes that I made. "I hope that I put enough butter and syrup on here." Violet agreed with me when I said that. "I am sure that you did. Just relax okay Evan? You always made a good breakfast for me and the kids. And god, I keep saying this in my head...but you are going to be such a great dad." I nodded and smiled when Violet told me that. "We need to work on the nursery more." Violet agreed and just smiled at me. "Yeah, I know exactly what you mean." I smiled and agreed with Violet.

"And I hope you know that I mean the nursery in our room. Sorry but, they are going to be sleeping in there for a while." Violet agreed with me and just smiled. "So, we are going to make two nurseries?" I bit my lip when she asked me that. "Well, I was thinking that we make one nursery for the day and the other in our room. I haven't mentioned this yet but...I've convinced the CFD to let me work from home for the first couple months of the kids' life." Violet smiled when I told her that. "Evan, that's great. I am so glad that's the case." I smiled when Violet told me that. "Does that make up for me making you mad?" Violet laughed. "You aren't getting shit." I just laughed when she told me that and agreed with her. "Of course." Violet smiled and agreed.

Meanwhile, I went to put my hand on her leg and just leaned in to kiss her softly. Putting her hand on the back of my head, Violet smiled as she took it slow with me. "I love you." I agreed with Violet when she told me that and just went to kiss me again. "I love you too. Now, let's eat before our food gets cold." Violet agreed with me and nodded, going to do just that.

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