Happy Birthday Matt

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6 weeks later - Matt's Birthday (February 12th):
Matt's POV: Standing in the shower shortly after getting home on my 41st birthday, I moaned a bit as I washed my (tight) muscles because I have been sore most of the day yesterday. God, this is one thing I am jealous about when it comes to Gabby. She gets to sleep in our bed every night. And that's because she has decided to start staying home (with her mom) on most shifts. So, here I am trying to get out of this shower as soon as possible so that I can get in bed with Gabby and hold her in my arms this morning before she wakes up. After all, it is still early and the kids are fast asleep in their nurseries (I mean, they are 7 months old now). And that means a lot more sex for daddy. Heck, maybe her mom can take care of them for us. I need to sleep a lil' bit today.

That's when I heard the shower stall open this morning. Turning my head, I was confused when I saw Gabby up this morning. "Hey. What are you doing awake?" Gabby smiled when I asked her that. "I want to spend a bit of time with my birthday boy before the kids wake up." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she told me that. Putting my hand out, I smiled because I wanted that too. Coming to get close to me, Gabby smiled as she intertwine our fingers and stood in front of me in the shower. Stepping close to me, Gabby put her hands on my chest and just smiled at me. Meanwhile, I went to put my hand on her neck and just smiled as I went to kiss her softly. "God, I love you to much and you have no idea how much I love it when you join me in the shower."

Gabby laughed and smirked when It old her that. "Oh trust me, I already know that you love it when I join you in the shower...the proof is down there." I laughed a bit when Gabby told me that before going to grab some soap. "I hope that I didn't wake you up though. I know that things are getting tough with sleep. I mean, you are 19 weeks pregnant now." Gabby nodded and smiled when I told her that. She then came to get close to me and wrapped her arms around me. "With our sons." Going to grab her neck as she stepped close to me, I was about to bend down and kiss her when I realized what she just said. Leaning back, I stared at her. "Sorry what? Did you say..." Gabby nodded and smiled when I asked her that. "Yeah. I just got it confirmed."

I was shocked and speechless as I went to put my hands on her stomach. "Wow, this is crazy." Gabby nodded and smiled when I told her that. She then went to wrap her arms around me. "So, I guess this means that you are happy?" Going to put my hand on her neck again, I nodded and agreed with her. "Hey, I would've been happy if it was twin girls. But I am ecstatic with the idea of having twin boys." Gabby nodded and smiled when It old her that. Getting close to her, I bent down and then went to kiss her softly. Taking it nice and slow with my girl, I smiled as we just held each other close. That's when Gabby whispered to me. "Happy birthday Matt." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she told me that. "Yeah, this is a great birthday." Gabby smiled.

"Don't worry, you'll get action tonight." I laughed when Gabby told me that before going to put my hands on her stomach. "I was never second guessing that to tell you the truth. I know that you love giving me attention on my birthday." Gabby nodded and smiled when I told her that. "Yeah, I do after all." I smiled and agreed with Gabby when she told me that. "God, I swear, you make me smile so much right now. This is just incredible." Gabby nodded and smiled when I told her that. She then proceeded to put her hands on my back and just smiled as I went to kiss her again. Bending down, I went to kiss her while smirking. "God, I love you so much." She agreed. "I love you too and I just want to do this for a bit." I nodded and agreed with her, smiling.

Moving her hand to my chest, Gabby shook her head when I asked her that

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Moving her hand to my chest, Gabby shook her head when I asked her that. I then went to move my hand to her arm and just smiled as I went to kiss her again. "No baby, we can just stand here right now. We are going to be busy for the next couple days. We have the kids. And I know that we are going to see your sister sooner or later." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she told me that, taking it slow with her. "I want to keep the genders to ourselves for a while okay? Nobody needs to know." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I told her that. She then got close to me before moving to wrap her arms around my neck even more. Moving my hands to her lower back, I smiled as I supported her in my arms. "Maybe your mom can watch the kids?"

Gabby shook her head when I told her that. "Matt, it's your first birthday as a dad to our kids. They are going to celebrate it with us. Or do you not want the maternity lingerie that I specifically bought for your birthday." I smirked when Gabby told me that and just agreed. "Oh, you know that I do." Gabby nodded and smiled when I told her that. She then proceeded to kiss me again and just smiled as we both took it nice and slow with each other. I swear, this is exactly what I want to be doing right now. "I love you Gabby." Gabby nodded and smiled when I told her that. "Just to let you know, we do have a bit of time before the kids wake up if you want to go back to sleep?" I shook my head when Gabby told me that. "It's still really early."

Gabby agreed with me when I told her that. I then went to move her arms around my body and just smiled as I stood really close to her. "In fact, I was just going to get out soon and then slip into bed with you. I can cuddle up to you and our sons." Putting my hands on her stomach, I smiled as I stroked her stomach with my thumb. "I love the idea of having twin boys to carry on my legacy." Gabby smiled and agreed with me when I told her that. She then went to lay her head down on my chest and just smiled. Meanwhile, I went to kiss the top of her head while wrapping my arms around her waist. "You tired?" Gabby sighed when I asked her that. "I swore that I was going to be able to do this but...yeah, I am quite tired." I agreed with her.

Going to grab some soap, I smiled as I went to start washing Gabby's body. God, I love doing this...especially since I need to help her in the spots that are very hard to reach for her. Most of them being very sexy spots that make her moan whenever I touch them. "You do realize that you are going to be moaning when I touch you right babe?" Gabby laughed and smiled when I told her that. She then went to step close to me before kissing me again. "Should I really be surprised that I am going to be moaning for you when you are touching me with your strong hands?" I shook my head when Gabby asked me that and just smiled at her. I then went to kiss her again, smiling as I took it slow with my beautiful wife. "I love you." Gabby nodded and smiled at me.

"I love you too. But can you maybe wear your sweats for this morning? It's still early and I am not ready to have sex." I shook my head. "I am going to wear boxers. I want to cuddle up to my girl and just hold you in my arms without a bra on." Gabby laughed and smirked when I told her that. "I love that idea. Honestly, it is getting hard to wear a bra." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she told me that, wrapping my arms around her nice and tight as we both held each other close. "Listen, you want to just share a kiss as we wash each other? We can talk in bed all day." Gabby nodded and smiled when I told her that. "I love that idea. Happy birthday again baby." I nodded and smiled as I went to kiss Gabby softly. "Thanks babe." Gabby nodded and smiled.

Just holding the most beautiful woman in the entire world in my arms as we took a shower this morning, I smiled because this was exactly how I wanted to start my birthday.

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