Office Cuddling

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Matt's POV: As I walk back into my office after speaking to the house, I took a breath and smiled at Gabby when I saw that she was still sitting on the couch where I left her. This is perfect and it's exactly what I need right now. I need to just relax with her since I am going to have a lot on my mind for the next couple days. I just hope that Gabby understands that. Gabby then went to look up at me and just smiled. "Hey. How'd the briefing go?" I sighed. "They get it. I think they like the idea of the extra time off." Gabby agreed with me when I told her that. "How about you come sit with me. I know you need to do work...but not right now. Right now, you need to rest for a bit."

I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she told me that. Going to take my phone out my pocket, I proceeded to go set it down on the table that we have here in front of the couch. Afterwards, I came to walk over to Gabby because I am ready to just hold her in my lap. Walking up to the couch, I went to go open the covers and smiled when I came to sit down next to Gabby. Going to wrap my arm around her, I smiled before feeling Gabby come sit in my lap and slip her legs in between mine. Grabbing the covers, I went to tug them up and wrapped my arms around Gabby. Cuddling up to my chest, Gabby smiled as she laid her head down on my chest. "So cozy."

I laughed and agreed, moving my hand to her leg while stroking it with my thumb. That's when Gabby decided to lift up her head and smile at me. Putting her hand on my cheek, she leaned in to kiss me. Taking it nice and slow with her, I smiled because this is perfect and exactly what I want to be doing right now. "You're comfortable here right?" Gabby looked at me when I told her that. "Hey, where is that coming from?" I sighed when Gabby asked me that. "I just want to make sure that you are okay with staying here at the..." Gabby then went to stop me. "Hey, don't even go down that path okay? I want to be here because if not...I would be worried about you."

I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she told me that. Looking at her, I smiled while leaning in to kiss her softly. Putting her hand on my cheek, Gabby went to lay her head down on my shoulder. Taking it slow with her, I smiled because this is perfect. That's when I moved my hand to her stomach and smirked as I went to stroke it with my thumb. Feeling me stroke her stomach with my thumb, Gabby put her hand on mine and just smiled as she took it slow with me. "I swear, I love it when you hold me in your arms like this. This is perfect." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she told me that. "Listen, think we can talk about something quickly?"

Gabby agreed with me when I asked her that. "What is it baby?" I took a breath and just sighed. "How are you doing with everything your brother did? Is it still on your mind?" Gabby agreed with me when I asked her that. I then went to push a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled at her. "I want you to know that you have my full support okay? If you are mad at him, I am going to be behind you 100%. That is my job as your husband. Sure, I am a Battalion Chief...but I am your husband first." Gabby agreed with me and just smiled as she went to lay her head down on my chest again. Wrapping her arms around me, Gabby smiled because she was comfortable.

Rubbing her arm, I smiled because this was perfect. Tugging the covers up on top of us again, Gabby just smiled and proceeded to put her hand on my arm as well. Looking outside, I went to rest my chin on the top of her head and smiled. "Okay, this is really nice. I am never going to complain if this is what we do every shift." Gabby laughed and agreed with me when I said that. "I knew that was coming." I nodded and just smiled at Gabby when she told me that. Looking down at her, I went to kiss her and smiled. "So sexy." Gabby agreed with me and nodded as she cuddled up to me again. Stroking my chest with her thumb, Gabby looked outside.

"You know, this is really nice. The view from here is  perfect. The snow coming down, everything is great." I nodded and agreed with her, going to kiss her forehead again before looking down at my girl. Bending down, I went to kiss her and just smiled. God, I love this woman so much and I am so glad that she's my wife. "I swear, I am the luckiest man in the entire world." Gabby agreed with me when I told her that. "Yeah, I figured you were going to say that." I laughed and just smiled at her. "Well, what do you expect? You are the woman I love." Gabby nodded and smiled when I told her that. She then went to grab my hand and stroked it with her thumb.

"Listen, can I ask you something?" I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she asked me that. "Hey, anything babe." Gabby sighed as she looked up at me. "I was thinking of calling my mom. See if she can take the kids. I know there's generators here but..." I just agreed with Gabby. "You're worried about then failing and then the kids getting cold." Gabby agreed with me and nodded. "Am I crazy?" I shook my head when Gabby told me that. "However, I think that we need to remember that we need to keep your mom safe. And it's not safe to drive out there babe." Gabby agreed with me when I said that and just nodded. "Yeah, that's right."

I smiled and agreed with her when she told me that. "How about we just stay here? Keep the kids here? Then you'll know that they are safe." Gabby agreed with me when I said that and just smiled as she went to grab my hand. Gabby then proceeded to look up at me and just smiled as she took it slow with me. Stroking her hand with my thumb, I smiled because I am really happy right now. I swear, this is absolutely perfect. Nothing like a nice, slow kiss with my beautiful wife. I swear, this is exactly what I want to be doing right now. She is so damn sexy and I think that she already knows that. "Okay, you need to relax. Remember, I am on duty right now."

Gabby laughed when I said that. "I swear, you are so damn annoying. I mean seriously, can you stop teasing me right now?" Gabby shook her head when I said that. "Last time I checked, I always tease you simply because I am pregnant with our wonderful children." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she told me that, going to grab the back of her head. I then proceeded to kiss her forehead and just smiled because of how happy I am right now. "I swear, I am so happy right now. And nothing can make me happier right now. Well, other than the birth of our children." Gabby agreed with me and smiled when I told her that, looking up into my eyes.

Going to kiss her forehead softly, I smiled before watching as Gabby laid her head down on my chest. Wrapping my arm around her back, I felt Gabby put her hand on my side and just started to relax in my arms. "God, this is perfect. Nothing like the feeling of you holding me in your arms." I nodded and agreed with Gabby. "And I am sure that it's keeping you calm." Looking up at me, Gabby seemed confused. "What are you talking about babe?" I sighed and just looked into Gabby's eyes. "You can't lie to me Gabby. I know there's an ulterior motive for asking me to hold you like this. You don't just want to look out at the snow. You want to feel safe right now."

Gabby nodded and agreed with me when I told her that. "Yeah. I mean, this snow storm is looking really bad. And even worse, my husband has to go work in this storm." I agreed with her when she told me that, bending down to kiss her softly. "However, you know that we are going to be safe. The firehouse has my back." Gabby agreed with me and nodded before laying her head back down on my shoulder. Moving my hand to her back, I went to stroke it and smiled at her. "You like cuddling up to me like this don't you?" Gabby laughed and just agreed with me when I told her that. "Yeah, I think we both know I do. I mean, what's better than me in your..."

That's when I heard the bells go off. "Squad 3, Ambo 61, Ambo 18. Waldron Dr. Boat Ramp. Car." I took a breath when I heard that and knew that this was a big call. Should I go? Gabby looked up at me when she heard the call. "Do you want to go?" I sighed. "Gabby, it's Squad. It's a bit more complicated." Gabby agreed with me and then went to get up. "Go ahead, be safe and I'll be waiting right here for you to come back." I agreed and smiled while bending down to kiss her softly. I then proceeded to go grab my jacket that was on the back of my chair. Grabbing my radio, I just flashed a quick smile at Gabby before rushing away to go to my latest call.

That's when Hawkins looked at me. "Want to ride together if you're going?" I nodded and agreed with him when he asked me that. "Sounds good. We might as well save gas. We can alternate cars." He agreed with me and just laughed as we both rushed out of the house to make our way to the car crash. "You take paramedics, I take squad." He agreed and nodded, ready to do just that.

Hitting Reset (AV) Season 4: Expecting Again Part 2Where stories live. Discover now