Birthday in Bed

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Matt's POV: Once me and Gabby both finished in the shower this morning, I smiled as I made my way out of the washroom to join my girl in bed. Looking at me as she laid back in bed, Gabby put her hand on her stomach and smiled at me. "You coming to bed right now?" I smiled and agreed with Gabby when she asked me that. "Yes, I am. I want to just rest right now. I know that you are still a bit tired. And so am I. Long shift." Gabby nodded and smiled when I told her that. She then went to open the covers, inviting me to join her in bed. "You sure you don't want breakfast yet?" Gabby shook her head when I asked her that. "No, I am ok for now. I want to cuddle right now."

I smiled and agreed with Gabby when she told me that. Honestly, that was exactly what I wanted to right now anyways. Gabby is so damn beautiful and I love her more than anything in the entire world. "Do you want me to go get the kids first?" Gabby shook her head when I asked her that. "No. Right now, I want to have some time alone with my husband." I nodded and smiled when Gabby told me that. Walking over to her, I went to open the covers and just smiled as I climbed into bed with Gabby. Going to lay down in bed next to Gabby, I smiled when I get close to Gabby and wrapped my arm around her back. Meanwhile, Gabby came to cuddle up to me.

Laying her head down on my chest right away, Gabby smiled as she put her hand on my abs. Wrapping my arm around her back, I went to put my hand on her stomach while tugging the covers up on top of the both of us. Turning my head, I looked at Gabby and just smiled as I bent down to kiss her softly. "You know, I love the sight of you not wearing your bra." Gabby smirked and agreed with me when I told her that. Going to grab the covers, Gabby tugged them up more while laying her head down on my chest. "So, what are you thinking of the news that I told you in the shower? You we are going to be twin boys in a couple months?" I smirked.

Turning my head, I went to kiss Gabby's forehead and smiled when I felt Gabby lay down on my chest as much as she could

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Turning my head, I went to kiss Gabby's forehead and smiled when I felt Gabby lay down on my chest as much as she could. Wrapping her arms around me, Gabby got really comfortable as she cuddled up to my chest. That's when I put my hand on Gabby's back and looked down into her eyes. "I am so happy that we're having boys. This news is probably one of the best birthday gifts that you can give me." Going to kiss her forehead softly, I smiled and went to scratch her back. "You know what else is going to be the best birthday gift?" Gabby looked up at me when I said that. "What's that?" I smirked at her. "I want to spend my birthday here with you in bed."

Gabby smirked and just agreed with me when It old her that. Bending down, she kissed my chest and smiled while slipping up my chest. Going to grab her neck as she hovered over me, I smiled as I went to kiss her softly. Taking it slow with Gabby, I smiled because we were both really happy right now. "God, I am so glad that this is what we're doing right now." Gabby nodded and smiled when I told her that. "I love you." I agreed with Gabby and smiled. "I love you too." Going to lay back down on my chest, Gabby cuddled up to me before nuzzling her head into the crook of my neck. I then proceeded to tug the covers up and smiled while wrapping my arm around her.

"So, anything else you want to do right now?" Gabby shook her head when I asked her that. "To tell you the truth, there is nothing I would rather be doing right now." I smirked and agreed with Gabby when she told me that. Turning my head, I went to kiss Gabby's forehead while smiling at her. "What do you think about me turning the TV on? Or would you rather I keep it off to keep the kids asleep." Gabby laughed. "Babe, the kids are downstairs remember?" I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she told me that. That's when I heard some crying through the baby monitor and just groaned. "Seriously? NOW!" Gabby laughed and smiled at me. "Can you get them?"

I groaned and agreed with Gabby when she asked me that. Pushing herself up off my chest, Gabby looked down at me. "Matt, go get the kids. They want to see their daddy on his birthday." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she told me that and just smiled. "I am putting my sweats on then. Sorry but, mommy is the only girl who gets me in boxers." Gabby laughed and smiled when I said that. Going to get up off my chest, Gabby smiled as she went to lay down in bed. Going to get up, I then proceeded to reach for my sweats under my pillow. Getting them dressed, I smiled as I looked at my beautiful wife because she is so damn sexy in bed.

 Getting them dressed, I smiled as I looked at my beautiful wife because she is so damn sexy in bed

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Once I finished getting dressed this morning, I looked at Gabby and smiled at her. "I think you need to stay like day all day okay? We need to calm down." I nodded and just smiled at Gabby when she told me that. Proceeding to lean over Gabby, I smiled as I went to kiss her softly. Taking it slow with her, I smiled because I am really happy right now. "I love you." Gabby nodded and smiled when I told her that. "I love you too. Sorry about how I changed my mind about how sexy I want to be with you on your birthday." I shook my head when Gabby told me that. "Hey, don't even think that way. Gabby, you need to rest since you are pregnant." Gabby nodded.

"Thanks baby." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she told me that. "No problem. Listen, I am going to get the kids...and then I am going to make us some breakfast. Now, what are we feeding them today? Bananas or Apples?" Gabby smiled when I asked her that. "Let's give them bananas." I nodded and smiled at Gabby when she told me that. I then proceeded to go get up and just went to walk over to my side table. Going to grab my phone, I went to put it in my pocket and smiled. "I'll get the kids first. Then I'll get breakfast okay?" Gabby nodded and smiled when I told her that. "Sounds good. Now, see you soon." I nodded and smiled at Gabby. Flashing her one last smile, I went to walk away so that I could go get the kids for Gabby.

Once I finished getting the kids for Gabby this morning, I smiled when I walked in with them both in my arms. Carrying them into our room, I smiled as I looked at Gabby. "Here we go, two babies who are ready to cuddle up to their mommy and daddy today." Looking up at me, Gabby laughed and shook her head. "I swear, you are so adorable when you say that." I nodded and agreed with Gabby when she told me that, walking over to Gabby's side of her bed. Going to set Sofia and Marcus down on the bed next to Gabby, I smirked as I looked down at my girl. Bending down, I went to put my hand on the bed and then proceeded to kiss her softly.

Taking it slow with Gabby, I smiled because I was really happy right now. "I'll be back with breakfast soon." Gabby nodded and smiled when I told her that. Going to get up, I then proceeded to walk away so that I could go make us breakfast this morning.

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