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This story starts with a girl named Hailey Austin, the crown princess of Rosemary 

She was the smartest and brightest of her age 

She was the sibling of Zander Wickham Austin and Lia Austin 

The citizens simply loved her, almost everyone wanted to marry her, even to be friends with her would be enough 

But, they never knew about what was happening between her and the king  

They usually argue about the good of the kingdom, on which she ends up losing on because he has a higher rank 

But the kingdom was a whole new story 

Rosemary was a very beautiful on the outside, but the inside is terrible  

Inside was a village, a very ugly one, but the people were wise and talented 

One of the people of the village, Jake Sterling, was a rebel, and was frowned upon by the royals, for he always stole what was theirs 

But the citizens admired him for his bravery, for he was the only one who would stand up to the king and his knights and guards 

His mother, Stacy, was adopted when he was a child, and supported in his actions, but was also disappointed that he decides that the only way to do so was steal  

She would scold him, but give him a treat after the scolding 

She knew it was all for the best 

The king, Drew, also disliked his actions, and almost ordered him to be executed  

But decided not to, for he thought it was too harsh to kill

He was a really brutal person, but he wouldn't go that far if you know what I'm saying 

He had changed eversince his wife, Zoey, was killed in some freak accident 

Well, they had to cover it up since they would be disappointing to know that the princess Hailey had caused her death 

She went somewhere she wasn't and it resulted her death 

Her father would abuse her mentally eversince then 

But one opinion that all the citizens agreed on about the most about her was that she was a gold digging son of a bitch and deserved what was coming for her 

The castle was filled with brutal people. Torturers, executioners, beaters, usually for the workers who did one tiny mistake 

It was horrible, horrible I tell you 

You wouldn't even want to go in that wretched castle and it's kingdom 

Once you get inside the castle and see them, you're gonna wish you were already dead 

• - | | - •

The king announced that his daughter, Hailey, as crown princess, will be married to a suitor 

He didn't care if they mistreated her, he only cared about their reputation  

And this made the princess upset, like REALLY upset 

She was only 16! Why should she get married?! 

Why can't her sibling, Lia, be the crown princess instead of her? 

She's prettier, more popular... 

Or maybe her brother, Zander, who had been crown prince before? 

He was smarter than she was...more talented... 


She was furious, raging mad 

She wanted to confront her father, but she couldn't  

So she just stayed quiet as he abused the village and his power 

She couldn't stand it, but she couldn't do anything about it 

She had no choice 

• - | | - •

The only person she could talk to was her older brother, Zander 

He had a boyfriend named Luke, and she supported him, no matter what his sexuality was ( #Lander ) 

From then on, she, Zander, and Luke, have been great friends to cope with before she had to choose who she had to marry 

And also about her daddy issues 

Her and Lia on the other hand have a love-hate relationship 

Lia cares for her, but also despises her for some stupid reasons 

Hailey admires her, but just can't handle being jealous all the time 

And Zander, Zander just interrupts all their heartwarming conversations 

Which is why he's considered very annoying by the two of them

• - | | - •

Hailey always wanted to go to the village 

But, she also had a passion for singing 

When she's alone in the castle, she usually sings tons of love songs she heard from the village below 

But, she also sings other genres of songs, just anything she hears from the talented musicians in that wonderful village 

She never thought she would be able to see it again, but guess what? 

She did 

The Royal and The Rebel | Jailey Royalty AU 👑Where stories live. Discover now