Chapter 9- Confessions: 2

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Second Part to the last chap! 





Kissing scenes 

Enjoy >'< 

• - | | - • 

"Him" she finally decided, pointing at Jake

The crowd turned to the peach haired boy

And Jake looked at her, stunned

Zander and Lia were pretending to be shocked to not give away that they had planned this

Milly looked at Jake mischievously, teasing him about it, but he stayed silent

Elliot looked exited, and asked if he could be the best man

Sean, too, wanted to be the best man, but Jake said nothing and stood there, frozen in shock

Daisy looked proud of her two friends being together, and pinched herself to see if she was dreaming

The crowd talked silently, whispering on what had happened, as Jake stood there, wondering why she chose him out of all the princes

Why him, a commoner and a theif, and not a prince?

His mind was filled with questions as the crowd talked about it 

• - | | - • 

Hailey rushed towards the crowd, looking for him 

Jake was suddenly grabbed by Hailey to the Castle fountain 

"Jake..I don't know how to admit this but..." spoke Hailey before her lips touched Jake's 

The kiss was temporary, but Hailey wishes it was longer 

As they parted, Jake grinned at her 

"Love you too, princess" admitted Jake 

"That may have not been what I was a-asking for but...I love you too, Jake" said Hailey as Jake hugged her 

"What were you gonna ask?" Asked Jake 

"Well, I thought you WOULD mind if I married you..." answered Hailey

"I don't! Promise! Just say you love me one more time" teased Jake 

"Fine, I love you, dork!" Said Hailey before they kissed once more in the moonlight 

They didn't know that someone was watching them, grinning happily as their ship sailed at last 

• - | | - • 

"Told you they'd hit it off, Flower! You owe me 10 coins!" Said Sean proudly 

"Ugh! Fine, you win, Seanie!" Whined Daisy as she pulled out 10 gold coins from her pocket 

She put it in her soon - to - be - boyfriend's hands as she crossed her arms 

"Hah! Say, it is pretty romantic tonight" said Sean, changing the subject 

Daisy decided to ignore his giggles and looked to the stars 

It was beautiful 

"Yeah...who wouldn't confess in a night like this? It's perfect!" Said Daisy admiringly as she looked to the sky 

"Dummies, that's who" joked Sean 

Daisy looked at Sean and laughed before she looked to the sky once more 

They both admired the stars in the sky, not knowing that Sean held Daisy's hand on accident 

When they both noticed this, they flinched and apologized to eachother 

"Hey, remember what I ssaid about Dummies not confessing their love in a night like this?" Said Sean 

"Mhm! What about it?" Said Daisy curiously 

"Well, I'm not going to be a dummy and admit it!" Said Sean before he took a deep breath 

"Admit...what?" Asked Daisy, with a tone of sadness and concern in her voice 

She was scared because it might not be her, but another girl in the crowd 

She was shocked when he finally told her who it was 


Daisy blushed 

Her best friend likes...her? 

She couldn't process this 

She began to cry tears of joy 

"It's okay if-" Sean got cut off 

"Are you kidding me?! Yes! I love you, too! I always have!" Scolded Daisy while still crying 

Sean took the opportunity and kissed her 

Daisy gave in and kissed him back 

It was a wonderful moment for those two 

Not including Jake and Hailey, who have now parted from their kiss 

• - | | - • 

"That was my first kiss, dork..." scolded Hailey 

"Well, atleast your future husband got it!" Teased Jake 

Hailey laughed it off, but only before she saw something in the distance 

"Is that...Sean and Daisy?" She said, pointing to the nearby bush on where Jake noticed a black and white hair duo 

"Wait a is! Come on!" Jake whispered as they tip toed to the bush 

They peeked to see Sean and Daisy kissing 

"Friends to Lovers...a classic" whispered Hailey before she pulled Jake back to the castle 


Hello Music Freaks! Sadly, this will be the last chapter, for the next one will be an epilogue 

I hope you enjoyed this fanfic, this kept on growing every single day and I dunno why- 

Thank you for the support on this fanfiction, stay safe >w< 

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