Chapter 1-The Village

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"No, father! I will not-!" Said Hailey

"YOU WILL FIND A SUITOR! NO EXEPTIONS!" King Drew shouted as a sort of final tone

The crown princess stayed silent. "Yes father" she muttered 

"Good. Now, go to that...that village...see if you can find some suitors for you" said Drew, who looked disgusted when he said village

Her face lightened up. She hadn't been outside since forever. This was the first time she could see the village again. The last time she went there she saw Zander making out with a commoner. That commoner was Luke, his boyfriend, who was now a prince in the palace because of Zander's orders

"Of course, father" she replied, trying not to show the happiness in her voice as she walked out of the room

• - | | - • 

As always, a knight or guard accompanied her to the village because, of course, she was the crown princess, and thus needed protection

When they looked away, she secretly ran to the nearest hut. She didn't succeed, but she saw someone that caught her eye

The boy had peach hair, brown eyes, and had a darkish blue jacket with a periwinkle haired girl, who looked older than him. She assumed she was his mother, but, why don't they look alike at all? Was he adopted or were they dating?

"Well, dear, stay safe!" Yelled the periwinkle girl

"Yes, mom!" The boy answered

"Oh" she thought "So she was his mother"

She almost jumped when she heard someone behind her

"Hem, hem? Hailey?" Spoke a voice

She turned to see her brother, Zander

"Gah! Zanderr! You startled me!" Scolded Hailey

"Sorry bout it. Anyway, why were you staring at that commoner?" Teased Zander

Hailey knew what he was talking about

"I-I was? I w-wasn't paying a-attention!" She replied flustered

Zander wanted to tease his sister even more

"OI! PEACH BOY!" Yelled Zander 

"Zander please-" begged Hailey, but it was too late

The boy looked at them. He looked shocked. He bowed, almost falling down. It was quite obvious that they were acting

"So sorry, your highness and your royal majesty!" Said the boy

"It's alright! You didn't do anything wrong in particular, but my sister wishes to talk with you" said Zander

"I do not! It's all a big misunderstanding...I promise!" Hailey added, elbowing Zander in the stomach

"Oh! Okay!" Said the boy

"Before you go, what's your name?" Asked Zander

"Jake, you majesty, Jake Sterling" Jake replied "Why?"

"Well, Jake, it's nothing. You may go now" said Zander

The boy looked at them suspiciously before he left, Hailey glared at her brother, who was laughing silently. She was annoyed by his behavior 

"Zander you bastard! Why would you do that?!" Scolded Hailey "That's not very prince-like!"

"What? All I did was give you your crush's name" he responded "And language for the swear word you just said"

"HE ISNT MY-" Hailey got cut off by the boy from before

"Your majesty! I really do apologize, but, me, mostly, and my friends made a little gift for you!" Said Jake 

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