Chapter 8- The Choosing: 1

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Fucking. Tyler. The villan in every Tmf fanfic. Send Help 


Little bit of Zia 

Enjoy  =] 

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Crown Princess Hailey's birthday is almost near, so, her father decided that the choosing ceremony will be held a few months before her birthday, before she turns 18 

Hailey decided to invite her friends, Jake, Milly, Elliot, Sean, and Daisy, to come 

They promised that they would be in disguise, but it seems as though the king wanted to invite everyone, from the village to the castle guards, he wanted them to see if his daughter will get married or not, so they decided to ditch that idea and go themselves 

Hailey, of course, was pleased because of that 

She wanted to see them and the reactions of the people there to see that she, Hailey, is friends with commoners 

But, of course, she wanted to give them a little suprise 

She decided to choose one in the crowd, other than her suitors 

She had accepted her feelings for Jake, and went for him 

People from other kingdoms were coming, so she was going to suprise the princes by rejecting them and going to a commoner instead 

She imagined their shocked faces once they realized that miss crown princess likes a commoner 

Zander, on the other hand, had already chosen before (Currently 19 years old), and did the same thing, only with Luke 

Hailey decided to follow her brother's steps and do the exact thing 

Nothing but a little inspiration couldn't hurt, right? 

Zander, unexpectedly, agreed to this idea, thinking that it would put on a show 

Luke, too, agreed, and thought that it would be very hilarious, not knowing that Hailey was serious 

But, she brushed it off 

Lia also agreed, and told her that it would be best with Jake, knowing how much Hailey likes him 

Of course, Hailey didn't take the tease too well and forced her to apologize 

Lia didn't know that Zoey was coming 

When she heard about this, she freaked out 

Because her crush was there, she had to look good to impress her 

Hailey made fun of her for it and ran out of the room before Lia can come and chase her 

• - | | - • 

It was time for the ceremony 

Loads of princes and commoners were in the palace 

And some of those commoners are Jake and his pals 

Hailey and Jake were friends for a few months, and she was about to turn that friendship into something else 

Something more than friends 

Something that might change their lives forever 

But the show was for later, she had to meet her suitors first, and they were very annoying 

One of which was Damien from kingdom Rosmerta, and he was the brattiest of the lot 

He couldn't stop talking about his fame and popularity, and she was really annoyed of him 

When she rejected him, he didn't take it very lightly 

He almost attempted to strangle her, but the guards kicked him out just in time 

Second one was Justin, and was very prideful of himself 

He kept on talking about his achievements and his kingdom, Clozia, and got rejected by her, which made him furious 

Next was Damien from kingdom Frost, who swore alot, then Kiro from Landwork, who only ignored her questions, and plenty more suitors 

Finally, Tyler from Gregovich Empire, was the last suitor, and she disliked him the most 

He kept on flirting with her, making her uncomfortable 

Jake was very very pissed of his behavior, and almost got back at him, but he stopped himself just in time 

"Now, Hailey, who is it that you choose?" Asked Drew, her father, the king 

The crowd looked to the princess curiously, and the princes looked upset, knowing that she rejected every single one of them 

But, they never expected her to choose someone from the crowd 

"I...I choose..." spoke Hailey 

She looked to the crowd and saw Lia and Zander giving her the thumbs up 

Jake simply looked confused because of it 

Hailey obviously knew what it meant, and decided to do it 

"Him" she finally decided, pointing at Jake 

The crowd turned to the peach haired boy

And Jake looked at her, stunned 

Zander and Lia were pretending to be shocked to not give away that they had planned this 

Milly looked at Jake mischievously, teasing him about it, but he stayed silent 

Elliot looked exited, and asked if he could be the best man 

Sean, too, wanted to be the best man, but Jake said nothing and stood there, frozen in shock 

Daisy looked proud of her two friends being together, and pinched herself to see if she was dreaming 

The crowd talked silently, whispering on what had happened, as Jake stood there, wondering why she chose him out of all the princes 

Why him, a commoner and a theif, and not a prince? 

His mind was filled with questions as the crowd talked about it 


Decided to make this into 2 parts cuz why not? 

Rosy did it for ep 6- 

So why can't I? 

I mean 

My last tmf ff had 2 parts on a chap so 


Also, sorry for cliffhanger! 

I swear that the next part will be good 

And uh- 

Who wants Tyler to get executed in the next chap? 

Very innocent question, I know 

But seriously though 

Do y'all want that or nah? 

If yes, I'll do it 

If not, I'll still do it 

But if you guys really don't want it, I won't 

But I won't make it interesting lmao  

This is a joke 

I won't kill him off 

I promise 

Ok bye 

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