Chapter 7- Two Best Friends

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Very Short(Less than 1000 words) 

Enjoy >///< 

• - | | - • 

Sean and Daisy were friends eversince they met in middle school 

They were both lonely before they met 

The both of them were made fun of because they liked music 

They'd both sing in the corridors and get bullied because of it 

But, when they met, things went upside down for them 

They weren't bullied anymore since Daisy had become very very strong and defended Sean 

Sean did the same to her by defending her against other people like perverts and pedos 

They were inseparable from eachother 

You could've mistaken them as siblings or a couple! 

But, one, or both of them, want to be something much more than friends 

But, mainly, its Daisy 

She felt feelings for him in their freshman year, when he kissed her cheek because it was a dare from Millicent  Brooklyn, aka Milly 

So, she gets all flustered around him, stuttering and all that 

But, after they graduated highschool, she started to control her flusteredness and her stutters, and started to act normal around Sean 

But, deep down, she loves him, more than a friend, more than a best friend 

Sean, on the other hand, likes her, too, but not as much as she does 

He doesn't get flustered, or stutter when she's around 

But his heartbeat goes 2x faster 

He can't even control it himself 

He sometimes flirts and teases her when he's in the mood to do so 

And he laughs when she gets flustered or stutters, which annoys her 

But, he's too blind to realize that Daisy likes him too 

And is too scared to confess because ge might be rejected and end their friendship 

And so does Daisy 

The group sometimes shipps them, but they deny these claims by saying that they're just friends  

But the gang knew they were lying 

• - | | - • 

Flower and Seanie were the nicknames they gave eachother when they became friends, which is a loooong time ago 

Flower because Daisy is a flower, and Seanie because Daisy found it cute 

But Sean didn't mind it 

He also find it cute, and accepted the nickname 

"Flower! There you are!" Said Sean as he walked towards Daisy's hiding spot 

"Darn it! You found me!" Daisy complained 

"Told you I'm good at hide - and - seek!" Sean boasted "Now, admit that I'm good!" 

Daisy sighed 

"Fine, I admit it, Seanie, you are good!" Said Daisy 

"Thanks for the compliment!" Sean replied cheerfully "I should give you a new nickname..." 

"What is it gonna be, Seanie?" Asked Daisy curiously 

"I've been thinking Dai or Daisie" recommended Sean 

"I'll be sticking with Flower..." said Daisy 

"Awh cmon!" Whined Sean 

The duo laughed at the joke 

"Fine, Flower it is then!" Said Sean 

Daisy tries to change the subject 

"Say, I'm planning on moving soon, you wanna come?" Daisy asked 

Sean looks shocked 

He never expected her to ask so suddenly 

He thinks about this and just said yes 

"Of course! I'll just ask my dad about it, 'kay?" Said Sean 

"Mhm! Got it!" Said Daisy before they parted ways 

She was very exited 

She was going to move with her crush best-friend 

They were about to move to Rosemary, their future home 

• - | | - • 

"And that's how we got here in the first place" said Sean 

"Let me tell you, Sianvill was beautiful! You guys should visit next time!" Added Daisy 

"What was the outside world even like?" Asked Hailey admiringly 

"Amazing" Daisy admitted dreamily 

"Yeah! Me and the gang actually went to middle school together!" Said Jake 

"You should've seen Jake's scene phase!" Teased Milly "I can tell you about it!" 

The group laughed while Jake was left embarrassed 

"I- HEY! IT WAS A TEMPORARY THING!" Said Jake embarrassed 

Hailey tries to change the subject 

"So, the choosing, they call it, is coming up. I would love if you guys were there" said Hailey 

"Of course! We'll just wear disguises when we get there, we're still wanted" said Jake 

"Anything for a friend!" Said Elliot 

Hailey smiled 

"Thank you, guys. I hope to see you there" said Hailey before she went through the tall grass happily 

She really wanted her friends to be there 


Sorry for the shortness! I promise the next chap will be longer! 

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