Chapter 4- Her New Girl-Crush

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Lia wasn't the softie type of person 

She was brutal, like really brutal 

She caused most suicides in just one day, with her record being 19 

Of course, the king, Drew, didn't know about his daughter's bad behavior since nobody told him about it 

Let's just assume that they were scared of being punished by Lia herself 

But ever since she saw Jake on that parchment, her heart softened for him 

Out of every handsome guy in the world 

She chose a rebel boy who likes to steal things from the palace 

There was one time when she caught him stealing a family jewel, but she let him go on with it anyway since she liked him 

She was also incredibly stupid 

A child asked her what 1+1 is and she replied with 20 

Because of her dumbness, the child failed her homework(The kid was a straight A student) 

Which kinda explains why she isn't the crown princess 

But, there was something unknown about this brutal and stupid girl 

And even she herself doesn't know about it 

Until she meets someone that might aswell replace Jake's role as her crush 

And that someone is a girl 

• - | | - • 

Lia was just walking through the village with pride as they all bowed to her and gave her gifts 

She assumed that it was because they were terrified of her, which made her build up more pride 

But that feeling of pride suddenly got replaced by a feeling that only Jake can make her do 

On a bench, she saw a blonde haired girl and lime green eyes reading a book, not paying attention to the crowd and the noise it was making 

Lia felt her heart skip a beat and excused herself to talk to her 

The blondie also noticed this. She closed her book, stood up, and bowed

"Good Morning, your majesty" the girl spoke in the most angelic voice that Lia has never heard of before "My name is Zoey, Zoey Tiare" 

"Delighted to meet you, Zoey. I'm assuming you already know me as Lia Austin" said Lia 

"Yes, yes, I know about the Austins" Zoey replied "I also heard about one of the servants liking you?" 

"Oh, Henry? Nah, he's just one of my friends" Lia spoke almost immediately "And Liam has a thing for older women...I know, weird" 

"I see...I do agree on Liam being weird, but is it true that princess Hailey likes a commoner?" Zoey asked 

"Yes, I suppose the rumors are true. Although, promise not to tease her for it?" Said Lia 

Yes, she despised her, but she doesn't want her to get hurt in any way, mentally or physically 

For only she, Lia, could do that to her 

"Of couse, your majesty, the truth is safe with me" Zoey responded

"How do I know I could trust you?" Lia joked


She joked

This was very unusual for a serious person like her 

"Well, I could lend you a book, if it's quite less I could-" she got cut off my Lia smiling at her 

She couldn't help but blush at the sight 

"It's fine, I'll take the offer! Say, what books do you even have? I'm down for anything!" Said Lia exitedly, not even noticing that Zoey was incredibly red 

"I have tons! I sort of have a library in my hut! If you don't mind a bit of dusting..." said Zoey awkwardly, still red out of embarrassment 

Or was it embarasment? What if it was something more? 

Zoey decided not to think of it

She didn't expect the most cold-hearted princess to actually help her with a bit of mess

"Of course! I don't clean, but it sounds fun!" Said Lia trying to lighten up the mood

"W-wait, really?" Stuttered Zoey

"Mhm! Cmon, I don't mind a bit of dirt on my front!" Said Lia as she grabbed Zoey's arm "Say, where IS your hut?" 

• - | | - • 

"Y-you saw me?! Oh geez that's so embarrassing!" Whined Lia 

"It's fine! Besides, I would love to be an aunt!" Hailey teased 

"HAILEY!!" Lia whined even louder 

"Don't be so embarrassed! You do remember that I'm gay, right?" Said Zander 

"Mhmph...don't tell..." said Lia 

"We won't!" Said Hailey 

"Well, now that I don't like Jake anymore, I suppose you and him can hit it off~?" Teased Lia 

"I- HEY!" Yelled Hailey "NO WAY IN HECK LIA!" 

"Awh cmon? There's always a chance!" Said Lia 

"A chance that Jake will be beat up by me..." muttered Zander 

"What was that?" 

"Nothing!" He added quickly 

"Mkay?" Said Hailey suspiciously 

They both knew that he was incredibly overprotective of the two of his sisters 

Once a guy or a perv touches em, he breaks their bones almost immediately 

Hailey hasn't told them about what's behing the tall grass, for they never asked

But, if they did, she still won't tell

Even if it means that she'd give up royalty for it

She'd rather do that than have a father who doesn't care about their child's physical or mental health

"Well, I'm going to bed" said Zander as he stood up and left

• - | | - •

"AAAAA!!!" Screamed Zoey 

"Shhhh!" Said Sadie Fiasco "You're going to wake up the whole village!" 

"I can't help it!" Whined Zoey "She was just so adorable!" 

"Her persona-" Sadie got cut off 

"Her personality is amazing! She helped me with my books!" Zoey scolded her "She was also very polite I'll let you know!" 

"Huh...guess the rumors about her are false!" Sadie said exitedly "They probably suicided because of something else!" 

"Nope, those rumors are true. But, she changed!" Said Zoey 

"Whatever you say, Zoe" said Sadie 

Sadie was Zoey's bff eversince they met

They both had the same interest in books(Percy Jackson) 

They have the both dislikes(Perfectionists) 

They were like siblings, they were inseparable 

Although, Sadie doesn't have any interest in anyone 

But, she knows that Zoey likes Lia, alot 

But, out of all the boyfriends Zoey had, Lia had to be the best one since she was just like her, too 

Sade considered that when they date, she might aswell be the best man in their wedding 

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